HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes February 2013ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION March 5, 2013   MINUTES         MEMBERS PRESENT: DAVID WOLSKE, BOB SKINNER, JEFF NIELSEN, SUSAN MOEN, LINCOLN ZEVE, ELIZABETH TRIPP, RICHARD HENDRICKSON, WILLIAM SKILLMAN, NICOLE DORAN STAFF: SCOTT FLEURY & BRENDA BARKER MEMBERS ABSENT: ALAN DEBOER & DENNIS SLATTERY Visitors: None   CALL TO ORDER: 9:31 AM   APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February 5, 2013, motion by Skillman for approval, second by Hendrickson, minutes approved as written.   Additional Items:  Fleury introduces Brenda Barker who will assist in minute preparation and other assorted airport administrative items for the City.   Public Forum: No public discussion.   OLD BUSINESS: Tree Trimming: Staff informs Commission that all trees have been topped and there is a small amount of brush that needs to be removed from site. Commission asks about two trees previously identified by the FAA at the north end of runway 30 that encroach into the approach slope. Staff states that the PAPI survey that was done and approved by the FAA for the runway rehabilitation project showed one branch of one tree encroaching into the approach slope. Staff also believes the tree might not be on City property, but on the property of the vineyard. Staff will need to review PAPI survey and determine exact location of tree. Commission would like staff to determine location of tree and if on vineyard property, contact owner about trimming/removal of tree. FBO RFP/Lease: Staff informs Commission that the final document in whole is being prepared to send to Legal for final review and approval before releasing for public response. The RFP will be posted for one month in order for proposers to have adequate time to respond. Once the RFP closes it will take staff approximately two weeks to grade the responses and select the FBO. The new FBO lease will then go before City Council for final approval. Commission was interested to know if local preference could be given as part of the process. Staff states that the purchasing code does have language in it allowing for local preference. AIP Projects: Staff informs Commission that the City has received tentative approval for the perimeter fencing and taxilane extension project. Based on the engineering that was done for the runway rehabilitation project, the City could directly award Reid Middleton a contract for the engineering design of the taxilane and security fencing, but staff has not decided how to proceed at this point. The engineering will include environmental, engineering and construction documents for the taxilane project. Staff informs Commission that internal monies will be required for the infrastructure improvements, water, sewer, storm drain, electric etc. and is not part of the AIP grant. This money will need to be accounted for in the airport operating budget. Staff informs Commission the maintenance hangar door and hangar enclosure project will go before the City Administrator Thursday for add packages into the budget. If approved the money will be available for the projects beginning July 1, 2013. Commission voices concern over amount of time it could take to complete maintenance hangar door project and possible safety and security issues if the maintenance hangar is without a door for an extended period of time. Commission would like staff to investigate the possibility of having onsite security during the time when the door is down or installation of additional security cameras to monitor the area. Staff to work with Skinner as this project gets closer on security related issues.   NEW BUSINESS:           Good Neighbor Policy: Skinner reports no new issues regarding complaints or onsite operations. Brim Aviation has been using the approach and departure pattern as recommended by the Airport Commission and City. Wolske states the Fire Departments container is still onsite and inquires into when it could be moved. Staff will check with Fire to determine and if it needs to stay longer, maybe it could be moved to the future site of the power pole storage area. Airport Hangar Rates: Staff provides Commission with the FY13 approved rate sheet and asks Commission to discuss rate increases for the fiscal year 2014. The rates that can be recommended for increases to the City Council for approval include hangar rentals and tie down fees. The ground leases are adjusted automatically through the CPI-U. The January 2013 CPI-U was 1.59%. Staff also reminds Commission they have not adjusted the open hangar rental rate in two years due to the issues with renting them consistently. Skinner would like to see the Commission recommend rates that justify the value for renting a hangar in Ashland and not become overly greedy. Neilsen asks staff if more work is required to maintain the hangars as they age? Staff states that over the past couple of years maintenance has increased with work being performed specifically on doors. Skillman is hesitant to adjust the rates upward due to the current economic situation. Staff informs Commission that even with the economic climate as it is, there is still a waiting list, specifically for closed hangars. Skinner also agrees that general aviation in general has been hit hard by the economy along with fuel sales being 50% of what they have been in the past. Skinner still would like to see a nominal increase to the rates. Staff informs Commission the maintenance portion of the airport budget has been increased by 2% to account for additional costs associated with the airport upkeep. Staff also states that the freight tariff is adjusted to match Medford’s on a yearly basis.   Motion by Moen to increase rentals rates for each category by five dollars except contemporary T-hangars would increase from $277 to $280 and the monthly tie downs would increase by one dollar. Commission discusses motion and would like to amend motion that all rental categories increase by five dollars. Amended motion 2nd by Zeve, all approved.   Staff will take recommended rate increases to the Council for approval via resolution at a future meeting. Future Agenda Items: Staff asks Commission about future agenda topics and if there is anything specific they would like to discuss at a future meeting? Commission would like to discuss putting together airport day again. This in the past has been handled by Brim Aviation with the assistance of other airport users and businesses. Commission is concerned with liability to the City if the event is put on by the City itself. Commission in general believes that the users group and onsite businesses should put together the event. Wolske would like to discuss marketing the airport to the community in a positive light. Zeve agrees that we should be proactive when it comes to marketing the airport and we should look at giving tours to people or school classes in order to get people interested in general aviation. Staff to add these items to future agendas. April Meeting Date: Fleury informs Commission that he will be on vacation for the next scheduled meeting date in April and would like to see about moving the meeting one week to the following Tuesday. Commission is agreeable to having the next meeting April 9, 2013. Staff to update City calendar with new meeting time.   AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION:   Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports: Activity is consistent with the weather for this time of year. Skinner also states that the Matzger’s are selling their hangar and the City should have first right of refusal on the purchase. Staff to review original lease documents and determine if the City has first right of refusal. If they City has the funds to purchase the hangar it could be converted from a ground lease to a month to month rental which would create a nice revenue increase. Maintenance Updates: Skinner states that repair of the Nash hangar door is on hold until the weather warms up. Also American Industrial Door will install a new hydraulic dampener at the JLC entrance door.   Brown Bag: Moen has no significant update from the previous meeting. Transportation Commission: No update relevant to airport issues. Medford Airport Update: No update. Action Item List: No change. Commission would like to see the calendar breakdown for a few months in a row in the packet. This will give everyone a future heads up for any significant issues.   OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.   NEXT MEETING DATE:  April 9, 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 11:06