HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes July 2011ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION July 28th, 2011   MINUTES         MEMBERS PRESENT: BOB SKINNER, JEFF NIELSEN STAFF: SCOTT FLEURY, MEMBERS ABSENT: LINCOLN ZEVE, SUSAN MOEN Visitors:  None   1.                  CALL TO ORDER: 9:35 AM   2.                  APPROVAL OF MINUTES: none to approve     Additional Items:  none   3.                  Public Forum: No public comments   4.      NEW BUSINESS:           A.                FBO Lease: Fleury hands out basic lease addendum template that has been started for the FBO lease. The goal of the subcommittee is to generate a FBO lease addendum that is agreeable to all parties and then have the addendum approved by the City Council. The lease addendum should help clarify FBO job duties, monetary collection items and also certain maintenance requirements by both the City and Skinner aviation with regards to the existing buildings. Skinner currently has 2 years left on extension with an additional 5 years available if he so chooses to extend again. Skinner hands out letter he drafted that details requests for clarifications and monetary issues that have developed since the initial lease was created in 1992. The PFBO duties have evolved since the inception of the current lease and Skinner Aviation has been requesting clarifications and updates to the original lease since 2003. The City has been unable to process his requests do to employee changeover and new staff learning the operations of the airport and associated history. Skinner states that new staff members are unaware of the intent of the previous staff with regards to the FBO lease, lease history and also interpret the lease differently.  The main changes to the lease Skinner would like to see is the addition language for fee collection of ground leases, maintenance to the PFBO building and maintenance to the hangar doors should be clarified along with defining the PFBO’s managerial duties.   After reviewing all the data Fleury would like to see each committee member develop verbiage regarding the additional sections for the FBO lease addendum and then at a subsequent meeting the subcommittee can sit down again and review and develop a master draft lease that Mike Faught and the Legal Department can review and comment on before it is reviewed by the full Airport Commission and then sent to City Council for final approval.   Nielsen and Skinner both comment that the City seems to be unaware of the true value that Skinner provides as an airport manager relative to what he collects for monthly fees and if the City where to hire an airport manager directly now they would be upwards of 60k along with a benefits package.   5.      NEXT MEETING DATE:  September 29th, 2011 @9:30 am in Siskiyou Room   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 11:30