HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes April 2017 - Airport Day SubcommitteeASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION                             April 4, 2017   MINUTES         Members Present: Lincoln Zeve, George Schoen, William Butler, David Wolske and Susan Moen, Bill Skillman, Bob Skinner Members Absent: Mike Morris Staff: Kaylea Kathol and Scott Fleury Guests: Daniel Palomino (JLC)   CALL TO ORDER: 9:30 AM   2.AGENDA ITEM ADDITIONS: None.   3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion to approve minutes as submitted by Wolske, 2nd by Shoen, all approved.     4.OLD BUSINESS:   A.Entry Road Landscape: Fleury indicates City is considering phasing the planting commensurate with available funds. Suggests labor cost savings may be realized if Parks staff or inmate crew are able to perform planting. Fleury to schedule meeting with Parks Staff to discuss options.   B.FBO Lease: Final version of lease has been approved by Skinner, staff is awaiting legal approval on two minor language changes. The insurance requirements have been approved by Skinner and staff and incorporated into final document. Staff will work to obtain final signatures and Council approval shortly. Skinner stated he is very satisfied with the terms of the lease.   C.Action Item List:   1.Riparian Restoration: No update.  USBR has provided no indication of impending decisions or actions 2.Paving dirt areas around the hangars: No update. City is considering performing paving internally. 3.Hangar enclosure project: No update. 4.Miscellaneous painting onsite (segmented circle, compass rose etc.): Kathol obtained bid for segmented circle painting.  Painting will commence once the ground in/around circle has completely dried. Bid is valid for six months.  Compass rose may need to be recalibrated prior to painting.  Recalibration/repainting will be addressed during implementation of the Airport Master Plan update. 5.Tree topping project: RFP is complete, but not released. 6.Airport website: City is in the process of executing a contract with SOS Alarm for the installation of an airport webcam, viewable on the public internet.  ODOT webcams have been linked to website. Commission requested ODOT’s online webcam map also be linked to site. Kathol agreed to update website accordingly.   7.Pest control: Complete   D.ODA Grant Application: Grading of the four RFP’s received is complete.  City intends to have issued Notice of Intent to Award by next month’s Commission meeting.  City will initiate scope and fee negations with selected consultant, and expects to have a fully executed contract in place by August 2017.  City desires Commission’s participation in the crafting of the public input section of scope.   E.Entry road landscape project: None.   5.NEW BUSINESS:   A.Airport Good Neighbor Items: None.   B.Airport Biennium Budget: Staff presents Commission with current rental and hangar lease rate sheet. The leases are automatically increased per the January CPI-U. The January 2016-2017 CPI-U increase was 2.5%. Staff recommended increasing lease rates consistent with the current rate increase of the Consumer Price Index (2.5%).  Commission approved rate increase. Staff recommends appropriating $25,000 for projects plus $20,000 contingency.   6.FBO REPORT(S):     Attached: None.   Maintenance Updates:   Herbicide application was completed in late March.  Skinner indicates he is pleased with the results of spraying. Streets department removed failing concrete walkway on east lawn of FBO office and replaced with a functional rock aggregate/decomposed granite walkway.    7.INFORMATIONAL ITEMS:   A.Brown Bag: None.   B.Transportation Commission: None.   C.Medford Update: None.   NEXT MEETING DATE:  April 4, 2017 beginning at 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 10:30 AM   Respectfully submitted,   Kaylea Kathol Project Manager Public Works Department