HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes July 2012ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION August 14th, 2012   MINUTES         MEMBERS PRESENT: DAVID WOLSKE, BOB SKINNER, RICHARD HENDRICKSON, JEFF NIELSEN, WILLIAM SKILLMAN, ALAN DEBOER, ELIZABETH TRIPP, DENNIS SLATTERY STAFF: SCOTT FLEURY, BARBARA CHRISTENSEN, DAVID LOHMAN, MIKE FAUGHT MEMBERS ABSENT: NICOLE DORAN, SUSAN MOEN, LINCOLN ZEVE Visitors:  Burl Brim   CALL TO ORDER: 9:33 AM   APPROVAL OF MINUTES: July 3th, 2012, motion by Nielsen for approval, second by DeBoer, minutes approved as written.   Additional Items:  None   Public Forum: No public discussion.   OLD BUSINESS: AIP Project Engineering Design/Connect III: Staff informs Commission that the final FAA grant reimbursement request has been processed. Once the final grant reimbursement is authorized staff will create the final reimbursement request for the Connect Oregon III 5% match grant. Staff will bring future AIP project information to the Commission in fall as the FAA will be looking to update the 5 year AIP project list. Power Pole Storage: Staff does not have an update as to where the Electric Department is in the planning process with regards to site development for power pole storage. Staff will contact the Electric Department prior to the next meeting and provide an update to the Commission. Tree Trimming: Staff creating the request for quote for the tree trimming project. Staff will work with Terra Surveying to develop the topping plan to be used in the RFQ to be sent out in September. Staff expects work to start in October.  Staff states they will contact the property owner where one tree encroaches into the 20:1 slope and the City has no access. All other trees for trimming fall into the existing easements along Neil Creek. In addition, the two trees at the north end will be completely removed.   NEW BUSINESS:           Good Neighbor Policy: Commission reviews previous meetings discussion regarding Brim Aviations approach and departure procedures and the related video showing the outcome of both patterns. The Commission also discusses the Voget complaint regarding the airport zoning overlay map and how it extends onto her property within the County. Staff informs the Commission that Bill Molnar from planning was going to respond to the Voget’s regarding the overlay zoning map. Staff informs Commission that the map itself only relates to section 18 of the Ashland Municipal Code and planning requirements for development. This code section only applies to properties within the City limits and does not apply to properties outside of the City limits, Jackson County planning code would apply to development at the Voget’s property. Staff states that the actual airspace above the acceptable building envelope is covered by FAA rules and regulations as they apply to fixed wing and rotary wing aircraft. Brim Aviation as well as fixed wing operators out of Ashland Municipal Airport are required to follow the FAA’s rules and regulations as they relate to approach, departure and flying height restrictions. Brim Aviation has protocols to follow for their patterns in order to maintain their existing flight status and the City has asked Brim to use the runway approach and departure procedure as long as safety of airport operations is not impacted. Brim has asked for a letter to the City from the flight standards district office (FSDO) stating that he does not have to comply with the existing advisory circulars and rules regarding separation of fixed wing and rotary wing aircraft in order to comply with the request of the City.  Commission believes that Brim should utilize the flight pattern that best minimizes exposure and disturbances to the majority of property owners around the airport. In any of its actions or policy recommendations the Commission does not want to create safety issues onsite. Commission would like staff to touch base again with the FAA and FSDO regarding approach and departure procedures for rotary wing aircraft. Commission asks Brim about short haul training near Sky Research’s hangar. Brim responds that he is in contact with Sky letting them know when the training takes place and they try to finish in less than 1 hour during short haul training session. Commission believes that Brim has made a good faith effort to minimize the impact of his operations by performing a majority of his training offsite and minimizing his training onsite, all the while this has cost his operational additional expenses as it relates to fuel and time. FBO-RFP/Lease: Staff informs Commission that the FBO lease subcommittee went through the legal developed lease page by page at the previous meeting. They subcommittee made various comments and language changes to the lease. The main issues revolved about the living wage requirement in the lease. Committee did not believe that the City’s living wage requirement should be applied to the FBO lease and requested that Legal do more research into the topic. Staff states that the lease edits and comments have been sent on to Legal for a final working before bundling with the RFP and sending out for public response. Commission would like to see this done as soon as possible. Public Parking Lot: Skinner would like to have signs developed requesting that long term parkers, more than 48 hours, check in with the FBO so he can track time associated with the vehicle parking in the public lot and determine if it would be better suited to be parked at another location onsite. Staff would like to investigate the ORS as it relates to tow away zones and parking lots. Once the appropriate ORS is found, staff will work with Skinner to develop final signage. Staff will also update website to include parking section that outlines parking policy. Insurance Requirements: Nielsen wanted to discuss this topic from last month’s meeting, but his questions have since been answered. No discussion. Storage Area: Staff informs Commission that the storage area lease has expired for Brim Aviation and would like to know if Commission has any comments about renewing the lease with Brim Aviation. Commission has no issues with renewing the lease and believes it should be issued as a month to month lease with the continued use of a 30 day termination clause by either party in case future development needs access to the storage area. Brim would like to continue using the area for his mobile equipment. Staff to prepare an updated agreement for the City’s and Brim’s review.   AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports: Skinner informs Commission that his current maintenance operations are swamped with work and that activity keeps improving with the weather. Skinner has also come to terms with a new fuel supplier, Philips 66. Staff informs Commission that the Fire Department has asked to store their confined space trailer onsite. Skinner and staff have determined the best out of the way location would be next to the retaining wall near the newly constructed hangars. This would be the trailer out of site and away from operations.   Maintenance Updates: Skinner informs Commission that the security cameras are now completely installed and working properly. Staff informs Commission that the windsock frame has arrived and Peters will install as time allows. Staff reviews recent FAA inspection notes with Commission. Main area of concern is the fill placed within the runway over run area. The fill appears to be in the area and placed there by the adjacent winery owner. Staff states that will contact Jackson County code compliance and see if they have contacted the owner in an attempt to resolve the issue. Motion by Hendrickson to have fill dirt removed within 30 days, 2nd by Skillman, all approved. Staff will also draft a letter to be sent out to the property owner requiring the fill material to be removed. The beacon tree has been trimmed and approved for removal. Parks to have the tree removed and purchase and plant a mitigation tree in its place. The green areas have been mowed to meet fire regulations. The area adjacent to Sky research’s hangar still needs a little TLC with rock removal and grading. Brim has been unable to use this training area due to the rocks and dust. No other maintenance updates.     Brown Bag: No update.   Transportation Commission: Staff to send out email tickler to Commission members regarding Transportation System Plan public forum meeting.   Medford Airport Update: No update.   Action Item List: Updated.   CAP Hangar Improvement: Nielsen states that they have cut the embankment back and installed a gravel connection to the rear of the CAP hangar. The final building inspection of the improvement should take place shortly. Fleury states that he was onsite recently and the improvement looked good and did not see any issues with the access to the back of the hangar. Nielsen and Freeborn will continue to work on and improve the hangar.   OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.   NEXT MEETING DATE:  September 4th, 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 11:33