HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes April 2016ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION             Airport Day Planning Subcommittee                             April 5, 2016   MINUTES         Members Present: David Wolske, Alan DeBoer, Bill Skillman, Lincoln Zeve, Susan Moen, William Butler, Sherm Lucas, George Schoen, Bob Skinner and Mike Morris Staff: Scott Fleury Members Absent: None Guests: Dawn Lamb   CALL TO ORDER: 11:03 AM   2.AGENDA ITEM ADDITIONS:  None   3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES: March 1, 2016, approved by consent.   4.OLD BUSINESS: None   5.NEW BUSINESS:   A.Airport Day Planning: Group continues discussion for Airport Day activities. Staff reiterates there is $1,000 in the airport fund to assist with purchasing or renting items as needed. Staff informs group that if things are purchased for airport day an itemized receipt must be turned in for reimbursement processing. Butler passes out extra copies of the airport day punch list were individuals have been assigned specific tasks.   Group discusses how many people attended last year and how many we should plan for and expect this year. Skinner estimates around 700 people throughout the day last year. The group would like to generate the most interest and attendance possible.   Group discusses how to get media exposure for the event, including tv, radio and print. They would also like to distribute flyers to local schools in order to get notice to parents for the event. Last year Wolske was featured in an article in the paper regarding construction of his aircraft and Skinner was also interviewed regarding airport day. Staff to draft a news release that will be posted on the City’s website. Staff will also find last year’s flyer so it can be updated and distributed this year. Skinner offers an idea of having someone from the media take a plane flight the week of the event in order to publicize it.   Schoen asks about music/performers, such as a chorale group or jugglers, during the event. He has contacted SOU and multiple groups were interested but, timing so far has been bad. The percussion group is available and might be able to attend. Schoen to research some more.   Group would also like to get notice to other airports locally about the event, Grants Pass, Montague, Medford and Roseburg.   Patrick Henry has committed to MC the event again and will bring his equipment. Staff has secured the Main St. banner for the last week in April. Next year the banner time must be reserved the first week in January in order to get the optimum time for placement just prior to airport day. Group asks if there is another location the banner can be displayed until the event. The fence line along Dead Indian is a good location. Zeve mentions the chain link fence for the middle school on E. Main St. Zeve to find out if it is possible to place the banner on the middle school fence.   Butler informs group that Burhman continues to work on drone/radio controlled aircraft for the event. Lamb mentions having a bounce house during the day for more kid friendly activities. Lamb to research and obtain a quote from Big Air Productions. Group agrees a bounce house would be a good idea to include with other kid friend gifts that Moen plans to purchase and hand out. Butler has confirmed the taco truck will be back to provide food for lunch. Lamb to contact Oblie’s about providing another food truck onsite, specifically for breakfast. Schoen mentions he has discussed food with 4 and 20 Blackbirds and they are interested in providing pastries/cookies for sale during the event. Group asks Schoen to follow up with baker.      NEXT MEETING DATE:  May 3, 2016 beginning at 11:00 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 11:42 AM