HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes January 2014ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION February 4, 2014   MINUTES         Members Present: Bob Skinner, David Wolske, Richard Hendrickson, Jeff Nielsen, Bill Skillman, Elizabeth Tripp, Alan DeBoer, Susan Moen and Lincoln Zeve, Staff: Scott Fleury, Mike Faught Members Absent: Nicole Doran Visitors: None   CALL TO ORDER: 9:34AM   1.APPROVAL OF MINUTES: January 7, 2014 motion by DeBoer for approval, second by Hendrickson, Neilsen and Moen abstain, minutes approved as amended.   2.Public Forum: No public discussion.   3.OLD BUSINESS:   A.FBO Lease: Staff to schedule meeting with Skinner.     B.AIP/Hangar Door/Hangar Enclosure Projects: Skinner states the door is in and working properly. American Industrial Door (AID) just has a couple pickup items to attend to that include removing some equipment, fixing a couple leaks and also retying some installation to the rafters. Everyone who as seen the door agrees it is a dramatic improvement for safety and a visual enhancement to the airport itself. In addition, it allows direct access to more of the maintenance hangar as the opening width has been improved. Staff informs Commission the Council approved the change order with respect to the increase in costs associated with the modified opening. This will reduce the allowable funding for the enclosure project.   Staff informs Commission the FAA is making a final determination on the recommendation from the City and Precision Approach Engineering regarding the fence not following the specific property line, but be placed inside that line in appropriate locations. The recommended fence location was developed to minimize the impact to riparian corridors and limit creek crossings. The FAA believes the fence should follow the property line, but this will create an abundance of work clearing and grubbing within the riparian zone around the airport. If the FAA does not allow the City to proceed with fence installation, the fence location will be analyzed during the master plan/ALP update that is scheduled to occur next year. The Commission believes if the fence is to be installed it should only follow the original recommended alignment and that no electronic controlled access gates be installed. Staff will inform Commission of FAA’s decision once their review is complete. In addition, surveying of the site is currently occurring in order to develop the taxilane extension design.   The hangar enclosure project is on hold until new monies are budgeted for the project. Staff states the engineering can still be completed and that information can be given to tenants and used by them in enclosing the hangars. They would receive a fixed rental for up to five years for their investment in enclosing the hangar. After the five year period the rent would increase to the normal approved enclosed rate. Skinner mentions he would like to speak with American Industrial Door about the enclosure project as they were the ones who first scoped and priced the project for the City. He would like to get their opinion again on this project and if they could handle design build duties. If American Industrial Door has the design build ability, this information can be passed along to the current tenants to see if they have interest in enclosing the hangars themselves for the approved rate reduction. Commission would like Skinner to contact AID and discuss.   C.Airport Zoning: Staff is setting up a meeting with Mark Knox to discuss assisting with the code update for airport appropriate development. Faught states the Commission should invite Morris and Molnar to the next meeting to discuss updates to the code language and how best to proceed. Faught also thinks the discussion with Knox will be important as a parallel in case planning does not have the appropriate staff to work on the code changes. Staff to invite Morris and Molnar to next meeting to discuss. Commission would also like to offer additional time frames to meet with both if they are not available at the next meeting.   D.Hangar Inspections: Staff informs Commission the onsite inspection was completed by the Fire Marshal, building inspector, Skinner and Fleury. The Fire Marshal will write up reports to be distributed directly to tenants. The main items discovered during the inspection were extension cords used for permanent wiring of lights and storage blocking access to electrical panels and areas of hangars. Once the reports are distributed the Fire Marshal would like to schedule a re-inspection to determine if the problems were rectified in an appropriate manner. The re-inspection will be scheduled for late spring/early summer.   4.NEW BUSINESS:   A.Airport Good Neighbor Items: Skinner states there are no new updates regarding any issues at the Airport. Skinner contacted Mrs. Woods last month regarding the low flying aircraft in the vicinity of Abbott Ave. and she was thank full and will contact Skinner directly with any issues in the future.   B.Airport Policies: Staff references policy page in packet that was started a couple years back. Staff would like to know if there are any additional policies the Commission would like to include that have been discussed over the past couple years. This document should be a living document that can be referenced at any point in order to assist others in the proper operating policies and procedures for the airport. A couple items staff would like to add include, surveying the approach slope each spring for tree encroachments, hangar inspections every two years and the long term parking check in requirement. Wolske mentions an appropriate camping policy for pilots flying into Ashland. Commission would like to include parking of aircraft in appropriate areas along with the parking of cars a minimum of 39’ from centerline of taxilanes around hangars. Commission would also like to clarify how the current hangar waiting list operates. Staff to draft up additions to bring forward to the next meeting for review.     C.Meeting Schedule: Neilsen mentioned this at the last meeting and wanted to discuss the necessity of meeting every month. He stated there are a couple times a year when people are off on vacations or have things scheduled and this could create a quorum issue. Commission would like to continue to operate as they normally due in order to make sure that airport business is handled appropriately. Commissioners do a good job of checking in and letting the chair and staff know if they will be absent. Staff can send out a quorum check email with the packet the week before the meeting to verify attendance.   5.AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION:   A.Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports: The recent FBO report had an error in the computation that calculates final payment to the City. Skinner has remedied the issue and paid the City the additional funds required.     B.Maintenance Updates: Commission mentions the paint should be refreshed onsite including the taxilanes centerline and tie down T’s. Some of the tie down chains were damaged during snow removal operations in December and they should be inspected and replaced as necessary. Vegetation spraying will occur when the weather permits this spring and proper notice will be supplied to airport users. Once the vegetation is sprayed the Street Department will need to crack seal pavement sections.   C.Brown Bag: Hendrickson discussed the zoning issues at the airport with the Mayor and attendees. Hendrickson also discussed the financial importance of the airport to the region based on the newest release of ODA’s economic impact report. Commission would like staff to draft a memo to the Mayor and Council that details important parts of the report as it relates to the Ashland Municipal Airport.   D.Transportation Commission: No update.     E.Medford Airport: No update.   F.Action Item List: Action item list updated.      G.Airport Day/Marketing: No update.   H.Airport Users Group: No update.   OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.    NEXT MEETING DATE:  March 4, beginning at 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 11:26AM