HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes November 2010ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION December 7th, 2010   MINUTES       MEMBERS PRESENT: LINCOLN ZEVE, SUSAN MOEN, TREG SCOTT, LARRY GRAVES, BOB SKINNER, ALAN DEBOER, RICHARD HENDRICKSON, BILL SKILLMAN, DAVID WOLSKE, ALAN BENDER, RUSS SILBIGER STAFF: SCOTT FLEURY, MIKE FAUGHT MEMBERS ABSENT: ALAN BENDER Visitors:  Joseph Rice, Jeff Neilsen CALL TO ORDER:                  9:30 AM   APPROVAL OF MINUTES: November 2nd 2010, motion by Hendrickson for approval, second by DeBoer, unanimous vote, minutes approved as written.     Additional Items:  Silbiger-Commission yearly goals.   Public Forum: No comment   OLD BUSINESS: A.       AIP Project Engineering Design/Connect III: No new information regarding current Airport Improvement Project or Connect Oregon III grant items. B.         ODA Visit: Bender requested clarification from ODA regarding aviation operations at Ashland Airport. The numbers in the Oregon Aviation Plan for certain years seem off. Fleury to check current Master Plan operational numbers and compare to OAP plan and send clarification email to ODA. Bender would also like to discuss reliever status with ODA since Ashland does not meet all the definitions of an FAA reliever even though we act as one for Medford during certain fog events. C.       Safety Plan: Skinner states that he and Brim walked the site to discuss locations for training. Brim was agreeable to certain locations on the Airport where his training could be conducted away from fixed wing operators and buildings. They also discussed issuing NOTAMS so fixed wing aircraft would know there would be certain helicopter operations occurring on site during the day. Skinner states they are also able to post advisories using the SuperUnicom. Brim informed Skinner that they still plan to fly offsite for training whenever possible and when they are on site they will work within specified locations to minimize the impact to buildings and fixed wing aircraft. Skinner would like to switch the SuperUnicom over to 122.8 so everyone hears the information. Previously it was placed on 122.7 as to not interfere with Grants Pass, but Skinner thinks that the distance between us and GP will negate the interference. Wolske agrees that the Unicom should be moved to 122.8 on a trial basis to see how it works and if there is interference with Grants Pass. Zeve suggest that a Brim representative should be the one to post the messages on the SuperUnicom when required due to onsite training. Skinner and Brim to continue to work together to develop a proper course of action for onsite training.   NEW BUSINESS:          A.    Good Neighbor Policy: No new issues. Skinner informs Commission that he has had no new complaints. Skinner also looking into helicopter training himself and will keep Commission informed. Skinner also asks Commission about shortening of weekend hours during bad weather events through winter. The original lease term calls for the FBO office to be manned 7 days a week because there was no self fueling terminal at the airport when the lease originated. Skinner states that during bad weather on the weekends the FBO office sees no activity and minimal phone calls. Zeve thinks that it is not necessary to have a person on site during the weekend as long as users are able to contact a FBO representative. Skinner states that he can forward the FBO phone direct to his cell phone so all calls can be responded to even with no-one on site at the facility. Moen would like to see information signs posted so users would know what is going on and how to contact a FBO representative. Scott agrees that a hospitality sheet should be posted. Skinner also states that access to the bathroom will be available through secure keypad. Wolske would like access to the computer and vending machine area after surveillance cameras are up and running as to add another level of security when no one is on site. Skinner to make formal request to City for weekend closures. City to review letter with Faught and the Legal Department to determine a course of action. B.      CAP Lease: Fleury asks Commission for a list of in-kind service items to add into the CAP lease agreement. Commission would like there to be a fixed rate attached to the lease with the reductions coming from in-kind service.  Fleury states the rate would be the current approved Council rate of .454 cents-sq-ft/year. The Commission would also like to see an accountability piece tied into the lease, for example a log of activities that show in-kind service, attending meetings quarterly to inform Commission of CAP business and checking in with the FBO when on site or having meetings in the hangar. Fleury to work on a lease recital section that includes specifics about in-kind service work and accountability of the CAP and attach it to the standard lease template. Fleury to send out to Commission for review once complete and invite a CAP representative to the next meeting for discussion. C.    Budget Review: DeBoer reviews the budget information that Fleury had in packet. Budget information contains both expenditure status and revenue status for the Airport account. DeBoer informs Commission what various categories cover for Airport spending. Commission would like to see more budget details regarding the above ground fuel tanks and new T-hangars that the City is paying off. Fleury to request more information from the finance department on current debt status.   D.     FBO Management: Discuss item as next meeting that Faught attends. Commission would like to discuss Skinner lease extension options and FBO hangar door replacement. E.      Yearly Goals: Silbiger would like Commission to think about yearly goals for discussion at the next meeting.   AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A.                Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports:   B.                  Maintenance Updates – Fleury informs Commission that he has a contractor that can perform the tree cutting along Neil Creek and is just waiting for the final insurance documents and a schedule. Once that is complete work can begin. The contractor will fall the trees and the City of Ashland Street Department will pile them and chip them.   C.                Brown Bag: Zeve states there was no new information presented at the brown bag meeting.   D.                 Transportation Commission: Wolske did not attend.     OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.   NEXT MEETING DATE:  January 4th, 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 11:31