HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes April 2017ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION                             May 2, 2017   MINUTES         Members Present: Lincoln Zeve, George Schoen, William Butler, David Wolske and Susan Moen, Bob Skinner Members Absent: Mike Morris, Bill Skillman Staff: Kaylea Kathol and Scott Fleury Guests: Daniel Palomino (JLC), Barney Spera (possible commission candidate)   CALL TO ORDER: 9:30 AM   2.AGENDA ITEM ADDITIONS: None.   3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion to approve minutes as submitted by Wolske, 2nd by Shoen, all approved.   4.OLD BUSINESS: A.Entry Road Landscape: Fleury and Butler met with Parks to discuss use of Park’s labor for planting.  To control costs, landscape project will be phased over several years.  First, irrigation system would be repaired by Parks.  This phase may be completed as early as summer 2017, but schedule will ultimately be driven by Parks’ availability.  Bark mulch would be brought in following completion of repairs.  Ground cover would then be planted in the fall.  Plum trees would be replaced around 2020.  A four-year build out is anticipated.   B.FBO Lease: New lease is expected to be approved by council and singed by Mayor during the first June council meeting.   C.Action Item List: 1.Riparian Restoration: No update.  USBR has provided no indication of impending decisions or actions 2.Paving dirt areas around the hangars: No update. City is considering performing paving internally in fall 2017 3.Hangar enclosure project: No update. 4.Segmented circle painting: Kathol obtained bid for segmented circle painting.  Painting will commence once the ground in/around circle has completely dried. Bid is valid for six months.  5.Tree topping project: RFP is complete, but not released. 6.Airport website: City has an executed contract with SOS Alarm for the installation of an airport webcam, viewable on the public internet.  7.Trip hazard: walking surface around JLC hangar door changes grade abruptly, presents tripping hazard.  Needs to be leveled. 8.Fire Re-inspection: Hangars were due for reinspection in March, but inspections were not completed due to retirement of Hickman. Hickman is still working part time, on contract for City, and has stated her intent to complete reinspeciton.  Skinner to follow through with Hickman. 9.Taxiway signage: conception   D.ODA Grant Application: City issued Notice of Intent to Award to Century West for airport master plan update.  They are presently developing formal scope of services.  City aims to have formal scope developed by June 2017, and to begin work in July.  Fleury is completing FAA paperwork for grants to cover some costs of the master plan update.  City desires Commission’s participation in the crafting of the public input section of scope.   5.NEW BUSINESS: A.Airport Good Neighbor Items: None.   B.Election of Officers:  Motion to elect Wolske as chair, Zeve as vice chair.  2nd by Skinner, all approved   C.Directional signage: Palomino (JLC) reports observing pilots using parking lot behind Skinner’s hangar as a taxiway to access JLC hangar.  Suggests that pilots are making this mistake due to lack of directional signage.  Butter recommends placing signs along taxiway to direct pilots to businesses to eliminate confusion.   6.FBO REPORT(S):   Attached: None.   Maintenance Updates: None   Fuel system stopped working twice in past week.  Skinner called technician to change filter and perform other minor maintenance.  Fuel system seems to be working again.   Brim has 3- 5000 gallon fuel trailers in storage area.  Skinner to follow through with Brim regarding schedule for deploying fuel.   7.INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: A.Brown Bag: Butler reports on status of other commissions, including Parks, Arts, and Transportation   B.Transportation Commission: a.Vetting plan to designate of one lane on Main Street as a “super sharo” (i.e. bikes have right ot way) b.Launched pilot project exploring the effectiveness of reserved parking spaces c.Determined Nevada Street Bridge concept does not meet City’s needs at this time   C.Medford Update: None.   NEXT MEETING DATE:  June 6, 2017 beginning at 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 10:55 AM   Respectfully submitted,   Kaylea Kathol Project Manager Public Works Department