HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes July 2013ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION August 6, 2013   MINUTES         Members Present: David Wolske, Bob Skinner, Lincoln Zeve, Nicole Doran, Jeff Nielsen, Bill Skillman, Elizabeth Tripp, Richard Hendrickson, and Alan DeBoer Staff: Scott Fleury Members Absent: Susan Moen, Greg Lemhouse Visitors: Alan Bender   CALL TO ORDER: 9:30 AM     APPROVAL OF MINUTES: July 2nd, 2013 motion by Skillman for approval, second by DeBoer, minutes approved as written.     Public Forum: No public discussion.     OLD BUSINESS: FBR RFP/Lease: Staff informs Commission that a notification letter has been sent to Skinner Aviation informing them they have been selected through the RFP process as the future Fixed Base Operator (FBO). Staff needs to schedule a meeting with Skinner to finalize lease components and terms. Staff and Skinner to schedule meeting after fire season is over as Skinner busy with fire spotting and other activities. Once lease is finalized it will be presented before the Council for final approval. Staff will bring the final lease before the Commission for any final comments before approval. AIP/Hangar Door/Hanger Enclosure Projects: The qualifications based selection proposal is out for public response for the taxilane and security fencing project. Proposals are due by August 8th. Proposals will be graded by in house team and staff would like one Commissioner to be involved in the process as well. Treg Scott assisted on the last AIP project. Wolske will assist staff in scoring proposals. Staff expects to take 2-3 weeks for grading the proposals and selecting a consultant engineer. Once the consultant engineer is selected staff will start scope and contract negotiations. Per the QBS selection process if the City and consultant cannot come to contract terms staff will move on to the second ranked proposer and so on. The request for quote for the FBO hangar door project will be issued on Thursday August 8th and be due back on August 29th. Staff asks Commissioners if they have any recommendations for use of the old door and if they see any additions that need to be made to the RFQ. Staff believes the door should be scraped and the recovered monies be used as revenue to offset the cost of the new door construction project. Commission discusses and agrees door should be used for scrap. Old door will be left onsite and city staff will breakdown and turn into scrap. Once quotes are received for the hangar door project, staff will generate required contracts and purchasing documents to start project. Based on the request for quote all work needs to be completed by October 31, 2013. Staff would like to work on the hangar enclosure project after the AIP engineering and hangar door project are done or significantly complete. Staff will meet with local architect regarding a simple plan and specification bidding document that complies with all building codes. Airport Zoning: No update on zoning process for meeting. Staff still needs to go through E1 requirements and remove impediments to airport development for planning staff to review.     NEW BUSINESS: Airport Good Neighbor Items: Skinner reports that they have received a couple complaints regarding the repetition of events at the airport from both helicopter and planes, but nothing that presented a major issue for discussion. Commissioners bring up aircraft parked on the taxilane near Burl’s hangar and in the open area adjacent to the new T-hangars. Any parking on the taxilane or adjacent to the T-hangars can create traffic issues with aircraft headed to the runway. Skinner to mention to Burl that if he has additional aircraft onsite they should park on the ramp and not block any of the taxilanes.     Matzger First Right of Refusal: Staff discusses 1st right of refusal letter from Jim Matzger regarding purchasing the remaining lease rights. If the City Council accepts its first right and purchases the remaining rights for $14,500 it can rent the hangar out on a monthly basis for $455 per month. Staff would like to take the Airport Commissions recommendation to the Council as part of the process.   The lease rights expire on 6/30/2024 which leaves over eleven years worth of rental monies if the City purchases and rents the hangar. The basic comparison of lease monies vs. rentals monies yields an additional $45,000 in gross rental money over eleven years if the City purchases the hangar. Staff checked with the Finance Department regarding borrowing the money via an interfund loan and paying it back starting the next budget biennium. Finance approved this funding mechanism if the Council chooses to exercise its first right. An interfund loan must be paid back within five years based on Oregon budget law and the payback period based on the rental income would be about four years. Motion by Hendrickson to pursue first right of refusal for purchasing the remaining lease rights, 2nd by Skillman, all approved. Staff to present the Commission’s recommendation before the City Council at the August 20th meeting.     SASO/Self Fueling: Commission brings up fact that a citation was recently filled by Brims fuel truck on the taxilane. The Commission has safety and revenue concerns regarding any fueling operation onsite. Staff discusses self-fueling permit that was drafted a couple years ago and was under review in the Legal Department by Megan, but she left and the item was forgotten for the time being. The self fueling permit sets revenue and safety standards for compliance. During the previous discussion on the self fueling permit the Commission also recommended charging Burl a flat fuel flowage charge for all fuel dispensed on the airport grounds as he did not want to maintain the records associated with the permit requirements. The Commission estimated around $1,000 to $1,500 would be appropriate. Commission also believes that Brim paid for one year of fees after the discussion, but is not sure that any fees have been collected since. Staff is sure that no additional flowage fees have been collected as this would have to have been billed for internally.  Staff needs to bring the self fueling permit to Legal now for review and approval so that it can be incorporated for all individuals onsite who wish to self fuel their equipment. Commission would also like to verify that Brim only fuels his own aircraft because SASO requirements are in place that would require Brim to be an FBO to fuel other aircraft and to charge for said fuel. Commission would like to see Skinner Aviation manage the self fueling permit and associated billings. Staff brings up a previous discussion with regards to private hangar owners renting out hangar space and how many aircraft rentals are required to fall under the SASO hangar keeper designation. This discussion was started previously by Nielsen when purchasing the CAP hangar. Staff could not find the rental number in the adopted minimum standards for SASO’s. After searching for self fueling information staff found the adopted minimum standards with the additional information with regards to the hangar keeper designation. An individual shall be subject to a SASO hangar keeper designation if they rent hangar space to two or more non-owned aircraft. Nielsen states that the CAP hangar would fall under this designation. Staff to draft SASO lease for Nielsen and Freeborn review. Staff estimates the SASO designation for the CAP hangar would bring in $792 in additional revenue per year.     AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports: Skinner thanks Hendrickson for all the effort put into organizing the fly in of the Puget Sound Antique Aircraft Club and believes the event was a success. Skinner states that he believes activity on site this summer is up compared to recent years. Skinner has been busy with fire spotting and has asked ODFW to post temporary flight restriction (TFR) maps in FBO buildings so pilots know the fire complex zones.     Maintenance Updates: Staff reports the a/c unit in the avionics hangar has gone down and Peter’s from facilities is working on repair or replacing the unit.     Brown Bag: No update.     Transportation Commission: No update     Medford Airport: Bender at meeting to provide Medford update. Bender states that Medford will be close to a record year with regards air service. General aviation operations and fuel sales are up approximately 10% thru June of this year. Horizon has added a flight to Portland and Allegiant is stopping their LA flight until later this year.     Action Item List: Action item list updated to include Matzger hangar 1st right of refusal process and self fueling permit status.     Airport Day/Marketing: Hendrickson states he is working on increasing the airport users group numbers to assist in airport day 2014 and he will be looking for help from Commissioners as well to assist in the process of planning the event. OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.   NEXT MEETING DATE:  September 3, 2013 beginning at 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 10:51 AM