HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes June 2 2014ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION June 3, 2014   MINUTES         Members Present: Bob Skinner, David Wolske, Richard Hendrickson, Bill Skillman, Michael Morris, Lincoln Zeve, Nicole Doran, Alan DeBoer, and Elizabeth Tripp Staff: Scott Fleury Members Absent: Susan Moen Visitors: None   CALL TO ORDER: 9:34AM   1.APPROVAL OF MINUTES: May 6, 2014 motion by Skillman for approval, second by Tripp, minutes approved as written.     2.Agenda Item Addition: None   3.Public Forum: No public discussion.   4.OLD BUSINESS:   A.FBO Lease: Staff informs Commission he has received Skinners comments on the lease document. The final comment document includes staff and Skinner edits that have been created through a couple of discussions and meetings. The next step is to met with Legal and discuss the proposed changes and to verify the living wage requirement and who it applies to with respect to the lease document.   B.AIP Project: Staff informs Commission the project is going out for public bid today and the bid opening is scheduled for June 26 at 2 pm. There is a non-mandatory pre-bid meeting scheduled on June 17. This meeting if for contractors who are interested in asking questions about the project. Construction will most likely start in September after grant award and the contractor supplies the engineer of record with all required submittals. Commission would like to see the rock road from Brim's storage area pad to the end of the next taxilane extended as high as possible. Staff to discuss this alignment with the contractor on site to see how this can be accomplished within the scope of the project. Commission also voices concern over direct access from taxilane to the storage area. Staff to discuss with Brim when they meet to discuss AIP project and how it will affect Brim's current parking and storage areas. Staff also discusses the connection that currently exits to the taxilane behind Sky's hangar and  how that connection needs to be removed in order for the new pavement to meet FAA grade requirements.   C.Airport Zoning: Staff  had a preliminary meeting with Severson who has been assigned to assist in development of the updated code. The meeting included discussion of code objectives and timelines. Severson was going to discuss issues with Molnar that included parking/landscaping/building height etc. One of the items discussed was updating the current airport master plan to include riparian restoration, low impact development and landscaping in future parking areas along with re-landscaping the entry road to cover any landscaping requirements. The master plan is scheduled for an update in the next AIP. Staff to meet again with Severson and continue forward with the code update.   D.Airport Policies: Staff updated the policy document to include the addition of one tie down spot, per month, for the customers of a commercial operator with a SASO. This was in response to the request by JLC Avionics for additional customer parking on the ramp in a safe area as prescribed by the FBO.     5.NEW BUSINESS:   A.Airport Good Neighbor Items: Commission discussed the email sent from Judy Blue regarding operations at the Airport, specifically helicopter operations. Hendrickson replied to Judy via and email letter and specifically stated he was a Commission member, but not speaking for the Commission. Hendrickson stated the airport is a general aviation airport that is subject to FAA rules and regulations and that they Airport Commission works hard with operators to be good neighbors, but sometimes there isn't anything the Commission can do. Commission discusses protocol for responses from members. Commission agrees that Hendrickson's email response was appropriate, but would like a formal follow up from Skinner representing the entire Commission as well. Skinners response should include more discussion of operations at the airport and the approach and departure pattern. Skinner to respond to Judy appropriately and copy the Commission.   Commission feels in general that if an email comes to all members that individuals can respond in a similar fashion as Hendrickson. Commission agrees the protocol for responses should clearly delineate yourself responding as an individual and not speaking for the whole Commission and a follow up response should come from the FBO after a Commission meeting and discussion on the issue.   B.Airport Day Follow Up: Staff asks Hendrickson to provide Commission with follow up on Airport Day. Hendrickson stated that airport day went off without incident. Everything worked as planned and the volunteers on site did a great job. He believes this go round they did not publicize enough on the internet as more was done with flyers and notices. He would like to see more internet chatter/advertisements next time. Staff stated they did not put an article on the City's homepage which would have drawn more attention. The antique biplane rides were a big hit and the owner expects to return next year. Hendrickson will not be putting airport day together next year and hopes someone will step in to fill the void. Hendrickson also stated the Chamber Board Meeting the week prior was a success as well and included airplane flights for raffle winners.   Staff states the Main St. banner has probably had its final run this year and should be replaced with a new updated banner. A general quote for a banner of that size and type would be approximately $800.   C.Vice Chair: Staff informs Commission they should elect a new vice chair to replace Nielsen who recently resigned. The post would be effective until new elections occur in December. Even though Moen not in attendance to discuss the Commission believes she would make an excellent vice chair.   Skillman motions to nominate Moen, 2nd by Hendrickson, all approved. Staff to email Moen and inform her of the Commission motion. She can turn down the position formally at the next meeting if she so chooses.   6.AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION:   A.Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports: Skinner states he is waiting for an invoice to forward on to the pilot who struck a runway light. Mike Cook replaced the light and staff will contact him to obtain an invoice. Commission states that sometimes Brims Citation jet is parked on the taxilane adjacent to his hangar and blocks other plane traffic. Tripp stated a windshield was broken from rock debris at the avionics hangar after a helicopter took off from his hangar and Brim was responsive and had the windshield repaired. Doran stated that occasionally helicopter operators have gotten fairly close to the Sky hangar on departure. Commission would like to continuing to monitoring situations like this and respond appropriately. Commission would like Skinner to draft letter to Brim and discuss these matters. Skinner will draft letter and staff will review prior to sending.   B.Maintenance Updates: The airport was recently mowed by the Parks Department. Commission would like to see the area adjacent to the power pole storage area mowed as well. Staff to look into having that area taken care of. The airport weeds were also recently sprayed by the Street Department. Skinner would like to see the parking T's repainted as they are fading away. Staff also working with Facilities to get necessary hangar numbering and fire extinguishers installed per Fire Department requirements. Staff still needs to send out notice to specific tenants regarding inspection findings and required fixes before a follow up inspection can be scheduled.   C.Brown Bag: No update.     D.Transportation Commission: No update.     E.Medford Airport: No update. Bender to possibly attend July meeting.   F.Action Item List: Trailer chassis has been removed.   G.Airport Day/Marketing: Hendrickson informs Commission the Science Works Aviation Week is taking place June 16-20 at the airport. Himself and Lew Nash will be working with a group of 15 middle school and high school students giving them and intro to aviation. They will do some lots of hands on activities including flight simulations, learning how to fill out a flight plan and all student will actually get to fly in and aircraft the last day.   H.Airport Users Group: No update.   OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.    NEXT MEETING DATE:  August 5, beginning at 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 11:12AM