HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes March 2011ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION April 5th, 2010   MINUTES       MEMBERS PRESENT: LINCOLN ZEVE, SUSAN MOEN, LARRY GRAVES, BOB SKINNER, DAVID WOLSKE, ALAN BENDER, ALAN DEBOER, RICHARD HENDRICKSON, DENNIS SLATTERY STAFF: SCOTT FLEURY, MIKE FAUGHT MEMBERS ABSENT: TREG SCOTT, BILL SKILLMAN Visitors:  Michelle Scarlatta, Dave Ridsdale, Liz Tripp, Jeff Neilsen   1.                  CALL TO ORDER: 9:31AM   2.                  APPROVAL OF MINUTES: March 1st, 2011, motion by Moen for approval, second by Graves, unanimous vote, minutes approved.     Additional Items:     3.                  Public Forum: Dave and Liz from JLC Avionics discuss the impacts a full runway closure during June will have on their business. The nature of their avionics business requires a constant flow of traffic to and from the site. They have projects that range from a few hours to multiple weeks, but do to the current state of the economy most of their work is of a shorter duration. Dave and Liz believe there has been a lack of communication between the City and users of the airport, especially on site businesses with regards to the construction closure. Hendrickson states that he was under the impression the closure would occur in May, not June and would like the City to advocate for a better schedule. Skinner states that maybe the City could discuss going to a 24 hour schedule, a two shift schedule or even a 6 to 7 day a week schedule to minimize the impact. DeBoer would like to see Knife River work to provide runway access with advance notice during the closure period to accommodate business activity. Wolske states that there is the continuing issue with communication between the City and airport users and maybe it is too soon to start construction. Fleury states that since the City does not bill the lessee’s that they do not have a contact data base to use for notification. All notifications go out through the FBO. Skinner will supply Fleury with what contact information including email address they have. Skinner states that the highest amount of traffic occur in June, July and August do to school being out and summer weather. Fleury to discuss potential options with Knife River to reduce schedule impact: (1) 24 hour work schedule (2) multiple shift work schedule (3) moving schedule to August and September (4) Allowing landings with 24 hour notice on portion of runway that is not affected by construction (5) moving schedule up in May to reduce impact in June. Fleury to keep Commission and users in loop with regards to possible outcomes. Any monetary changes to the contract or changes to the approved safety plan will require FAA approval.   4.      OLD BUSINESS: A.                AIP Project Engineering Design/Connect III: The city is still determining final project schedule for construction. Once a schedule is finalized it will be forwarded to as many users as possible along with additional postings at the FBO office. B.                 FBO Management –Skinner Lease: As time allows Fleury to draft Skinner lease addendum for review and approval.   C.                 CAP Hangar lease: CAP is in the process of vacating hangar and discussing sale of structure to Brim Aviation. DeBoer states that the hangar was donated to the CAP by the Air Force and does not believe they can sell the hangar outright. Commission would like Fleury to draft letter to CAP to discuss possibility of donating the hangar to the City in lieu of removing it from site. Fleury to draft letter and send it to Sonny Adcock who is the person in charge of negotiations for the CAP. Fleury has also requested what the CAP believes to be the fair market value price associated with the hangar and removal cost. Fleury did speak with the Legal Department and the City can draft a lease amendment that allows for transfer of ownership of the hangar, first to the City via first right of refusal or to another party. Once the City knows the price of the hangar and cost of removal it can make a determination on how to proceed with regards to the CAP hangar.   5.      NEW BUSINESS:           A.                Good Neighbor Policy: Skinner states that he has not received any complaints recently regarding the day to day operations out at the Airport. Commission asks Scarlatta from Brim Aviation if they have received complaints and she states they have not, although the training has been going on for a few weeks already. Brim Aviation has had the ability to fly offsite so far for the majority of the training. B.                 Airport Day: Commission asks Scarlatta about Airport Day still occurring in May. She states that due to Brim Aviations current schedule and workload that having Airport Day in May would present problems. In addition with the AIP work schedule tentative start date in May, construction could hamper the event. Skinner believes that Fall, maybe mid September, would present another good opportunity to have Airport Day. Wolske believes that Airport Day should still happen this year as it shows the positive side of the Airport to the community. Commission is in agreement to postpone Airport Day until a better date can be set. Fleury to contact Diana in administration to release the banner over E. Main for the week prior to Airport Day. C.                 Rate Analysis: Fleury to update the rate sheet with a 2% increase and send out to Commission for review prior to the May meeting. Commission at the May meeting shall motion for a recommendation to Council on the rate structure for fiscal year 2012. D.                Hangar Lease Enforcement: Zeve would like to know the enforcement policy in place for lessees that do not follow prescribed lease terms, specifically when someone does not have a plan in a hangar. The lease states for month-to-month rentals, any hangar that remains vacant of any aircraft for more than five months shall be a violation of the lease. Skinner believes that a letter from the City to the tenant requiring a response back with intent of renter would be the first step. Fleury to draft letter to Mr. Jacobson regarding the apparent lack of an aircraft in his hangar for numerous months.   6.      AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A.                Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports: Skinner states that there has been limited activity at the airport mainly due to the poor weather in the month of March. B.                 Maintenance Updates: Skinner informs Commission that Dale Peters from Facilities Maintenance will be on site within the month to help install the security camera system. Skinner also informs Commission about the drainage problem surrounding Stan Bartell’s hangar. Mr. Bartell has ground water infiltrating his hangar floor during rain events creating puddles throughout the hangar. Fleury and Skinner where on site one day to investigate the situation and propose a solution. Fleury and Skinner believe that construction of a French drain system around the hangar and tying into the existing storm drain piping at the airport will eliminate most of the problem. Skinner informs Commission that Industrial Door came out to the site to provide an estimate for enclosure of the existing open T-hangars. The approximate cost to fully enclose the hangars, provide a door and track system is 7k. Commission would like to know if the City could provide a package deal for tenants to make the improvement, where the building permits would be taken care of for the whole set of hangars prior to construction. Fleury to discuss possible permit scenarios with the Planning Department. DeBoer states that there is precedence in allowing the improvement with a fix at the open rate until ½ of the improvement is reimbursed to tenant before the rate increases to a closed rate for any parties interested in the improvement.   C.                 Brown Bag: Moen attended the meeting and just gave an update of the current AIP project to group. No other information to discuss with the Commission.   D.                Transportation Commission: Faught explains to the Commission that the consultant for the TSP update is releasing a set of “white papers” to the public for comment regarding transportation system update. Comments will be reviewed and incorporated as necessary into the plan update. The consultant created a white page regarding the airport with all of the information that Wolske provided regarding the impact the airport has on the regional community and specifically the economic impact it provides. As it relates to the TSP update the Commission would like to see the City consider transportation access to the airport from the City and also develop safe walking and bike access to the airport. Faught thanks Wolske for his contribution to the TSP and think the master plan will be more effective with the addition of airport data. Faught also explains that a bus route to the Airport is not cost effective, but other access ideas will be reviewed. Zeve would like to revisit the transportation tie in at a future meeting.   E.                 Medford Airport Update: Bender informs Commission that the Medford Master Plan update is proceeding along and the website has a calendar for upcoming meeting schedule. Bender also states that air service for Medford is steady.   7.      OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.   8.      NEXT MEETING DATE:  May 3rd, 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 11:24