HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes October 2010ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION November 2nd, 2010   MINUTES       MEMBERS PRESENT: LINCOLN ZEVE, ALAN BENDER, LARRY GRAVES, BOB SKINNER, ALAN DEBOER, RICHARD HENDRICKSON, BILL SKILLMAN, DAVID WOLSKE, ALAN BENDER, RUSS SILBIGER STAFF: SCOTT FLEURY, MIKE FAUGHT MEMBERS ABSENT: SUSAN MOEN, TREG SCOTT Visitors:  Burl Brim, Joseph Rice, Glen Ward CALL TO ORDER:                  9:30 AM   APPROVAL OF MINUTES: October 5th 2010, motion by Skillman for approval, second by Bender, unanimous vote, minutes approved as written.     Additional Items:  Airport Manager Clarification   Public Forum: Glen Ward informs Commission that he will be pursuing the development of a heliport in the Valley that will establish a center for rotorcraft operations. Ward will be discussing this item with Local, County and State Officials.   OLD BUSINESS: A.       AIP Project Engineering Design/Connect III: Fleury informs Commission that the Connect Oregon III construction grant was approved by the City Council at the October 19th meeting. The project will most likely start construction in April of 2011. Fleury is waiting for final contract documents from Knife River Materials in order to process them through the City Procurement Department and finalize the construction contract. Fleury will update Commission with any new items at future meetings. B.         QT Technologies: Fleury informs Commission that he has requested an invoice for the platinum level renewal for 1-year, but has not heard back from QT yet. Fleury to contact again and request invoice.   NEW BUSINESS:          A.    Good Neighbor Policy: The Commission reviews Skinners letter regarding Airport operations. The letter discusses the fact that all operators should conduct operations in accordance with the current Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR’s) and all non-typical operations should require an approved safety plan. Commission questions how to define what a non-typical operation would be? Commission believes that most operations on site could fall under typical airport operations, but there are certain safety issues presented by some operators that need to be addressed. Zeve states that any document created should be a risk management document for the Airport and City. Faught addresses the Commission regarding creation of a safety policy and how it will require legal review and Council approval before it can be adopted and used at the Airport. Zeve would like the City and Commission to define certain areas on site that are safe for the training that Brim Aviation performs. Zeve also states that as per FAR’s the operators are responsible for safety at all times. Rice states that safety is regulated via FAR 91 & 61 and that Brim Aviation follows all regulations.  Zeve states that it is the responsibility of other pilots to report unsafe activities on site as well. Brim informs Commission that long-line training is a typical airport operation around the US and that Erickson performs the same types of operations at Medford. Skinner brings up training at the end of runway 12 and also adjacent to Sky’s hangar are potential safety issues, especially with an engine failure near Sky’s hangar. Brim states that in case of an engine failure it is the pilot’s responsibility to navigate the helicopter away from people and structures to decrease the chance of injuring someone or damaging a building. Brim also informs Commission that when training occurs at the end of runway 12 that the rule is see and avoid for all pilots. Commission would like Brim Aviation to use the radio as much as possible while on site to inform other pilots in the area of operations. Brim states they do use the radio to inform pilots and will continue to do so. Hendrickson asks Brim for suggestions regarding creating a safe training environment. Brim states that he is open to having approved locations on site for his training exercises and in the past they have moved about the Airport with their training do to other issues including noise. Hendrickson states that safety for on-site, offsite structures and people is more important than noise. Brim states that all of his operations are safe and follow the current FAR’s. Commission asks Brim Aviation to develop a site plan that outlines locations on site that are best suited for the training that he performs and bring back to the Commission for discussion and review. Brim agrees to bring back required documentation to the Commission. B.      ODA Visit:  Bender discusses the ODA Aviation report and the general aviation operations annually for Ashland Municipal Airport. It appears that the there is an error for the 1995 data row because is shows 1,900 commercial operations and 36 military operations. Bender states Ashland currently acts as a defacto reliever for Medford on fog days, but does not meet all requirements to be designated a true reliever. If ODA has a better understanding on Ashland’s place in the system and the special circumstances that occur here maybe we would receive more consideration for funding. Fleury states that he will look into the annual operations that are defined and projected in the current Ashland Airport Master Plan and discuss the differences, if any, with the ODA regarding their report. Fleury will also discuss the reliever information with ODA. C.    CAP Lease: Fleury informs Commission that the CAP lease is set to expire next spring and that a new lease with certain in-kind service benefits should be applied to a new lease. Skinner states there is a benefit to having a active CAP on site at the Ashland Airport, but it appears that Ashland’s CAP is a fairly inactive senior group. Fleury asks Commission to review Medford CAP lease that has in-kind service applied to a reduced monthly rent. Zeve agrees that there should be a lease charge associated with a new lease and that it can be reduced with in-kind service similar to Medford. The City and Airport Commission will have to come up with in-kind service items that will benefit the Airport and its users. Zeve would like to continue discussion at the next meeting. A Skillman state that just recently the hangar was offered as shelter for those effected by the Oak Knoll fire, but was not used. D.     Airport Manager: Wolske would like clarifications on who the airport manager is? Faught explains that Skinner is the on site acting manager/FBO and that Fleury is the offsite manager for budget and maintenance items. Faught states that at the next meeting we can have more in-depth discussion regarding management responsibilities and how Skinners lease defines them. Skinner would also like clarification regarding expectations from the City on how to operate and manage the Airport. Wolske would like to know who has the authority to stop unsafe operations. Skinner states that he does not want to be the on-site sheriff and stop people from doing certain things, but would like to mitigate and find a solution to problems. City and Commission agree that Skinner can at any time use his best judgment when it comes to the safety of the Airport and its users. In addition, Zeve states that any pilot/user can talk with another pilot regarding unsafe operations and that if the problem is severe enough they can be reported directly to the FAA. Discussion to continue at next meeting.   AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A.                Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports: Skinner states that it was a good transient tie-down month. No other airport issues.   B.                  Maintenance Updates – Tree Trimming. Fleury informs Commission of tree removal approval from the City Administrator for the trees that encroach into the 20:1 approach slope zone. Fleury will work towards having a contractor cut down the trees on site and the Street Department will move and dispose of the trees. Fleury also states that they will now work towards a permit in perpetuity for tree trimming/removal at the airport and hopefully at a riparian restoration plan can be developed by SOU as a senior project to mitigate the tree removal and restore natural creek habitat.      C.                Brown Bag: No one attended latest brown bag meeting. Commission members think it is important to have an attendee at the meetings to discuss current Commission items with the Mayor.   D.                 Transportation Commission: Wolske states that no pertinent information regarding the Airport or its function in the Ashland transportation system has been discussed to this point. Faught states that currently as part of the Transportation System Plan update the consultant is reviewing the current inventory and working on pedestrian travel and eventually will review the aviation mode in Ashland.   OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.   NEXT MEETING DATE:  December 7th, 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 11:25