HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes August 2017CALL TO ORDER Wolske called meeting to order at 9:30 AM   Members Present: David Wolske (Chair) Lincoln Zeve, George Schoen, Susan Moen, Daniel Palomino, Bernard Spera, and Bill Skillman Members Absent: William Butler, Bob Skinner, Mike Morris (Council Liaison), and Scott Fleury (staff) Staff: Kaylea Kathol, and Tara Kiewel Guests: Preston McGill True South Solar, Dana Greaves, Andrew Vandenberg, Julie Brim, Burl Brim, and   Alex Censor   APPROVAL OF MINUTES August 1, 2017 minutes approved as presented.   Public Forum Burl Brim Discussed the weed abatement which created a dust issue for aircraft filters and maintenance. Suggested that that it would be better to mow more often and not spray the weeds. Questioned if the landscape maintenance should be bid out.   Wolske mentioned that the response to the weeding around the taxi way had been positive, and this is new feedback. The Commission has discussed having a consultant do a landscaping plan and the Parks Department was supposed to do an assessment of the irrigation system. Kathol to the Commission that Parks said the irrigation system needs to be fully replaced. This project would be put out to bid and will be financed by the Airport.   Zeve asked where the budget was, and what has already been allocated. Kathol mentioned that about half way through budget and the tree toping project is going out to bid. Moen mentioned that the Commission needs to see the budget and prioritize projects. Wolske recommended creating a working committee to discuss the budget with Public Works staff and Wolske, Zeve, and Moen.   Alex Censor Wanted the Commission to reexamine the hanger waiting list policy and to revisit the issue of hangars being used for non-airport use.   OLD BUSINESS A. Action Item List 1. Riparian Restoration – Wolske talked with Mayor Stromberg at the brown bag lunch and there needs to be a plan for creeks that surround Airport.             2. Paving dirt areas around the hangars - none              3. Hangar enclosure project - next biennium              4. Tree topping project - Kathol updated the Commission this will go out to bid                              11/8/17 and will be out for thirty days. 5. Entry Road Landscaping- none 6. Trip hazard at JLC – completed   7. ODA Grant Application/Master Plan Update- Kathol said the consultants will update the Commission in December. The project is currently in the data collecting phase. 8. Council Presentation- Zeve said the presentation went very well. Wolske mentioned that the Airport is important resource in case of an earthquake or other emergencies. Skillman added that the commerce that comes thought the Airport is an economic contributor to the area.   NEW BUSINESS: Airport: Good Neighbor Items- none FBO Restroom Restoration Specification Development- Kathol would like input from the Commission. Spera will work with Kathol on a design plan to present at the next Commission meeting. Solar Panel Installation Kathol told the Commission there is interest to install solar panels at the Airport on both roof tops and in open field areas and there will be further discussions with the Climate Energy Action Plan (CEAP) Coordinator. The project could be grant funded if the panels offset energy costs for the Airport. McGill with True South Solar was involved with the Medford Airport solar panel install and stated that it has to make sense for this project to provide cost savings. Need to start by looking at usage and cost current cost as well as site location.  Kathol said we have a power purchase agreement with Bonneville. McGill said that first step would be to look at the utilities. Wolske would like the project to look at what is possible due to all of the space available for solar power. Skillman said this could be a potential source for income. Wolske would like a presentation to the Commission from True South Solar.   FBO REPORT(S): Attached – none Maintenance Updates- Schoen mentioned a need for wasp control in the warmer months. Palomino mentioned that the pigeon control created more issues because they have moved to other hangars. Wolske wants to add this item to the next meeting with updates regarding who is responsible for pest control and maintenance.   Palomino discussed the airport closure. The closure dates changed and there were communication issues and not all tenants were notified of the closure. The Commission would like to review the Airport Closure Procedure at the next meeting.   INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: A.         Brown Bag Lunch – Wolske said the Mayor mentioned docking electric cars at the Airport. Zeve mentioned getting the Zagster bike racks at the Airport and will research the issue. B.         TC Meeting Update - none C.         Medford Update - none   OPEN DISSCUSSION: The Commission had discussion regarding filling the vacancy on the Commission. Several members expressed frustration regarding this process and the length of time it takes.     Motion to propose that potential applicants for Airport Commission membership attend a regular meeting of the commission to present their interest and qualifications for the commission’s formal approval to be sent to the Mayor and Council for approval. Zeve motioned, Spera seconded, all agreed and motion passed.   Greaves and Vandenberg introduced themselves to the Commission and both are interested in filling a vacancy on the Commission. Commission approved both candidates for Mayor and Council approval as vacancies occur.   Palomino mentioned Airport parking where people are parking in front of hangars and too close to the taxi way. He also discussed that Airport Cameras are low and focused on runway and taxiway and if these are for security or weather then they are not angled correctly. Kathol said they are not security cameras.     NEXT MEETING DATE:  December 5, 2017 9:30 AM        ADJOURNMENT:  11:37 AM            Respectfully submitted, Tara Kiewel Public Works Administrative Assistant