HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes June 2013ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION July 2, 2013   MINUTES         Members Present: David Wolske, Nicole Doran, Jeff Nielsen, Susan Moen, Elizabeth Tripp, Richard Hendrickson, and Alan DeBoer Staff: Scott Fleury & Jodi Vizzini Members Absent: Bob Skinner, Lincoln Zeve, Greg Lemhouse Visitors: None   CALL TO ORDER: 9:30 AM     APPROVAL OF MINUTES: June 4, 2013, motion by Skillman for approval, second by DeBoer, minutes approved as amended.     Public Forum: No public discussion.     OLD BUSINESS: FBR RFP/Lease: Scott Fleury reported the grading of the RFP submitted by the only proposer, Skinner Aviation, was complete and met all conditions.  He added it was now up to the City to either select Skinner Aviation or reissue the RFP at a later date.  He stated if the Commission had no objections he would proceed with the process of awarding Skinner Aviation the new FBO lease. Staff will need to schedule a meeting with Skinner to finalize the lease documents and take them before City Council for approval. There are a few clarifications that will need to be resolved in the final lease document. The clarifications are in reference to a letter submitted by Skinner detailing specific questions.   Wolske asked for an update of the changes.Staff replied one of the major changes was the self-serve fuel station and the above ground storage tanks were not included as part of the maintenance matrix as being City owned and maintained.The other clarification Skinner asked for was additional verbiage with regards to liability for errors, omissions and negligence of issues outside of his control.   Mr. Fleury clarified the City owns the fuel island.He added the self-service station is Skinner’s until the lease is no longer in effect, but the City does pay for the maintenance and upkeep of the self service station through a yearly agreement with QT Technologies.   Mr. Fleury and Commissioners discussed Mr. Skinner’s options which include accepting or denying the new FBO lease or finishing the current 5 year lease term and then accepting the 25 year lease.Staff will contact Skinner and schedule a meeting to finalize lease items and then meet with Legal for their input. Staff stated the intent of the lease is to be a living document renewed every five (5) years and clarifications can be addressed on the 5 year time frame.Commissioners and staff discussed the existing lease, the future lease and issues that need to be clarified.A suggestion was made to include Commissioners in the negotiation with Mr. Skinner and City staff.     AIP Projects: Mr. Fleury gave a brief update on the status of the request for proposal for AIP project for the taxilane extension and security fencing. He stated the internal edits have been made; it was sent to the FAA and legal for review and approval. Once approved staff will advertise the RFP for public response. The FAA has issued an AIP project number for the taxilane extension.  The project will need to be engineered and ready to bid in June of 2014 in order to secure the rest of the discretionary funds for construction.     NEW BUSINESS: Airport: Good Neighbor Items: Commissioner Wolske reported that Brim Aviation conducted a long line training onsite for local law enforcement which lasted a couple of days. He felt the training went well and added he was not aware of any complaints. Mr. Fleury briefly discussed a call he received from the County Council at Siskiyou County asking how Ashland deals with onsite helicopter operations. He explained Ashland’s process and advised them to contact the FAA with any concerns.     Airport Zoning: Mr. Fleury shared that he talked to Community Development Director Bill Molnar about a couple of issues he brought up regarding municipal code changes to parking and landscaping. He directed attention to municipal codes provided in the Commission packet from the City of Medford and Bend for review. Commissioners looked at Chapter 18.116.30 “Off-street Parking and Loading” of the Bend Municipal Code and discussed if the verbiage would be feasible for the Ashland Airport.  He added that he was still researching what needs to be done to satisfy the landscape code and hoped to hear back from Medford and Bend on their landscaping requirements.  Commissioners shared it was their preference to not have any landscaping requirements at the Ashland Airport.  Mr. Fleury acknowledged this and felt it would be easier to sell if he could validate their request through other airport examples.     Lease Agreement Review: Mr. Fleury directed attention to Ashland Municipal Airport Master Hangar Lease Agreement section 5.5.4 “When vacant hangar not permitted.”  Commission and staff reviewed the terms of the agreement as it related to vacant hangars and discussed whether this pertained to only month-to-month tenants or if it violated the long term ground lease agreements as well. Mr. Fleury departed from the meeting to locate a current long term ground lease agreement.   Commissioners returned to the lease discussion.Commissioner DeBoer read p. 2 Item 4 “Use of Premises” which states “premise shall be used only for the storage of aircraft owned by the lessee.Other items of personal property may be stored temporarily when such storage in no way interferes with the normal storage area of the aircraft and the hangar and does no otherwise violate this lease…”The Commission discussed methods of notifying violators.A suggestion was made for the Fire Department to do there site inspection in order to determine if hangars are being occupied with aircraft or being used as storage. A request was made for the fuel island fire extinguisher to be recertified.     Airport Projects/Hangar Enclosure/FBO Door: Mr. Fleury gave an update on the hangar door.  He added that a City engineer will look at ways to maximize the door height per Mr. Skinner’s request.  Mr. Fleury shared the add packages in the budget were approved and explained how he felt the door project should be completed first, followed by the hangar enclosure in the fall/winter.  He explained an architect will be hired to assist with creating the bid documents for the hangar enclosure in order to make sure the project meets all building code requirements. Commissioners discussed the timeframe involved in getting both projects done in a timely manner.  Commissioners expressed their desire to see the projects completed as soon as possible.     AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports: Skinner absent, no discussion.     Maintenance Updates: Mr. Fleury reported the asphalt gouges from the prop strike were repaired.  He gave a brief summary of the planned weed abatement process.  Once the Street Department finishes spraying onsite they will begin crack sealing the appropriate areas of asphalt. Staff stated that proper notification will take place prior to the maintenance activities taking place onsite.      Brown Bag: No update.     Transportation Commission: Mr. Fleury reported the Road Diet continues to be analyzed by a local professional traffic engineer.  He added the data will be posted on the City’s website along with an Open City Hall survey in August.  An additional survey will be mailed to residents randomly, followed by the City Council’s decision to keep the road diet in place or restripe the road back to its previous configuration.     Medford Airport: No update     Action Item List: Commissioners discussed the status of items included on the Action Item List.   A discussion took place on the need for an entrance sign.  Commissioners requested this project proceed now that new funds are available. Action list updated to show completion of mowing and phone booth cleaning.     Airport Day/Marketing: Richard Hendrickson took a moment to share information about the upcoming Northwest Air Show on July 17, 2013. Mr. Fleury stated he will post the flyer on the airport area of the City’s website. OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.   NEXT MEETING DATE:  August 6, 2013 beginning at 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 10:50 AM