HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes June 3 2014ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION August 5, 2014   MINUTES         Members Present: Bob Skinner, David Wolske, Michael Morris, Lincoln Zeve, Nicole Doran, Alan DeBoer, and Susan Moen Staff: Scott Fleury Members Absent: Elizabeth Tripp and Bill Skillman Visitors: None   CALL TO ORDER: 9:55AM   1.APPROVAL OF MINUTES: June 3, 2014 motion by Doran for approval, second by DeBoer, minutes approved as written.     2.Agenda Item Addition: None   3.Public Forum: No public discussion.   4.OLD BUSINESS:   A.FBO Lease: Staff informs Commission that due to other priority projects concurrently happening a meeting with Legal has yet to take place. Staff hopes to meet with Legal prior to the next Commission meeting in order to discuss proposed language changes to the lease document and clarify questions developed by Skinner.   B.AIP Project: Staff informs Commission the project was bid and Knife River Materials provided the one responsive bid. The bid was within the engineers estimate at $397,793. The contract award will go before the City Council at tonight's meeting for approval. If approved staff will issue notice of award to Knife River and work towards developing a construction schedule to share with effected parties. In addition the City has received the grant award offer from the FAA to cover 90% of engineering, construction and construction administration. The total grant amount is for $576, 690 and will also go before City Council tonight for acceptance. Once the construction contract and grant award are approved staff can move forward with construction scheduling with Knife River. Proper notice will be provided to airport users on construction activities and respective taxilane closures.   C.Airport Zoning: Staff informs Commission there is no change as to the current project status. Staff still needs to schedule a follow up meeting with Severson in planning to discuss. Severson was going to speak with Molnar regarding code update and determine the appropriate course of action prior to a follow up meeting. Both Fleury and Severson have had other priority items come up in between and have not been able to touch base. Fleury would like to establish the second meeting later in August.     5.NEW BUSINESS:   A.Airport Good Neighbor Items: Skinner states no new issues or concerns with operations have been raised over the past month even with all the helicopters in the area flying around for the local fires. National Guard helicopters have been on site flying missions to multiple fires in the area. B.ODA Pavement Maintenance Program: Staff informs Commission that the PMP program grant was approved by the City Council in July and there is no match required from non-entitlement monies in this round of the program. Staff was notified yesterday the runway was to be closed for the maintenance activities this morning and reopened this afternoon. There was a communication error between the WHPacific, the City and FBO regarding PMP work. WHPacific sent the construction information and schedule to the incorrect email address for staff, so staff found out through a discussion with JLC Avionics regarding the closure. The FBO was notified late last week and a notice of the closure was posted at the FBO office. Skinner also produced the NOTAM regarding the closure. During the runway rehab project a notification procedure was discussed that allowed for everyone to be noticed of closure dates and construction schedules, specifically businesses that could be effected in order for them to properly allocate their schedule and resources. Staff discussed the City's current user notification process with a representative of ODA in order to fix miscommunications in future PMP cycles. The PMP project itself involves crack sealing and asphalt patching of specific areas on site. Staff did notice they planned to patch an area of asphalt where the new construction would occur and asked WHPacific to remove that quantity from construction as it will just get removed for the new taxilane construction project. C.Autos on Taxilanes: Staff stated this was in reference to a comment made at the June meeting regarding cars traveling and parking on taxilanes or to close the taxilane centerlines creating a potential incursion hazard with aircraft. Commission agrees that autos should limit time on taxilanes and that aircraft have the right of way, which not all drivers understand. Staff asks about installation of a sign at the entrance to taxilanes. Commission thinks a sign stating "Caution Aircraft on Taxilane, Airplanes Have Right of Way and Authorized Vehicles Only" would work to alert drivers. Staff to work on having appropriate signs manufactured and installed.     6.AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION:   A.Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports: Skinner states the National Guard has been on site staging and flying its Chinook helicopter on fire fighting missions. Staff stated he offered a portion of the airport as a camping base for fire fighters of the Gulch fire if needed. They are currently camping at Howard Prairie and additional space will most likely not be needed. Skinner states the self serve fuel tank will be getting repaired. Pump Pipe and Tank will be replacing the floating suction with a rigid suction and installing a new turbine. Skinner has been very busy this fire season and has been going nonstop for over a month. Skinner is still available by cell phone for issues that come up on site.   B.Maintenance Updates: The PMP is currently under way and the contractor is expected to finish up by Friday August 8. The runway closure is occurring today, all day, and will be the only closure during construction.   C.Brown Bag: No update.     D.Transportation Commission: No update.     E.Medford Airport: No update.   F.Action Item List:   G.Airport Day/Marketing:   H.Airport Users Group: No update.   OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.    NEXT MEETING DATE:  September 9, beginning at 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 11:10AM