HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes September 2010ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION October 5th, 2010   MINUTES       MEMBERS PRESENT: LINCOLN ZEVE, SUSAN MOEN ALAN BENDER, LARRY GRAVES, BOB SKINNER TREG SCOTT, RICHARD HENDRICKSON, BILL SKILLMAN, DAVID WOLSKE, ALAN BENDER, STAFF: SCOTT FLEURY, MIKE FAUGHT, MEGAN THORNTON MEMBERS ABSENT: ALAN DEBOER, RUSS SILBIGER Visitors:  David Ridsdale, Jeff Neilson, Glen Ward CALL TO ORDER:                   9:30 AM   APPROVAL OF MINUTES: September 7th 2010, motion by Moen for approval, second by Hendrickson, unanimous vote, minutes approved as written.     Additional Items:  Riparian Restoration Plan   Public Forum: None   OLD BUSINESS: A.        AIP Project Engineering Design/Connect III: Fleury goes over status of AIP project with commission. The City of Ashland is waiting on contract documents from Knife River Materials for the construction phase of the AIP. The FAA grant offer has been signed and approved by the City. The grant offer is good for a period of four years. The construction is slated to begin in spring of 2011, with the exact date to be determined between the contractor, the City and the consultant engineer. Fleury also informs the Commission that the City has received the Connect III grant offer for a maximum amount of $92,900 to cover the FAA required 5% match for the project. The grant offer will go before the City Council at the October 19th meeting for approval. Fleury to keep the Commission abreast of any changes regarding the AIP project. B.         Future FBO Hangar Open Space: No new information regarding open space use. The area is reserved for Skinner Aviation and currently used as overflow parking until the next public parking lot can be developed per the Airport Layout Plan. The issue was raised initially by Brim Aviation and how that area is used without planning approval as parking. After a discussion with the planning department it was agreed upon to not require any planning approvals for parking/storage of equipment until such time that the airport is developed per the master plan. Brim Aviations storage area lease was changed to reflect that planning approval was not required until such time that the storage area use changes or future airport development takes place. Brim Aviation has since signed and returned the lease to the City. Staff will present the lease before the Council for approval at the October 19th meeting. The lease is valid for a term of two years and can be terminated at any time by either party with 30 days notice.   NEW BUSINESS:         A.     Good Neighbor Policy: Megan Thornton from the City’s Legal Department is on hand to discuss findings regarding limitations of aviation operations based on noise at the Ashland Municipal Airpor t. Thornton also informs Commission that the 2nd reading of the new noise ordinance will take place at the City Council tonight and that it exempts the Airport and Rail from the defined noise parameters in the code. She explains that rail and air are exempt do to numerous federal regulations. Thornton also informs Commission about the process the City of Ashland would need to follow in order to try and regulate noise on site. The City would need to conduct a FAR part 150 study to determine the extent of aircraft related noise at the Airport. This is an extensive study that is voluntary. The FAR 150 study is the first step towards approval of grant applications for noise abatement and provides the required analysis for evaluating the impacts of any proposed constraints upon airports operations. Thornton spoke with a FAA engineer who believes that if the City of Ashland where to proceed with a FAR 150 study; they would be the smallest airport to do so. If the FAA does not approve noise restrictions based on a FAR 150 study then the only other possibility would be to perform a FAR 161 study in order to regulate air traffic via noise contours. A critical item regarding noise contours is they are developed using a 24 hour analysis and point source noise during daytime hours does not create a dramatic impact to the overall noise contour of the Airport. Thornton states that he City of Ashland can not unilaterally regulate noise at the Airport based on the current conditions. The City can regulate and restrict uses for safety at the airport. Fleury states he has yet to hear back from the Flight District Standards Office regarding attending a meeting to discuss safe vs. non-safe operations on site. Skinner states that the airport should follow the existing safety rules as defined in the Federal Aviation Regulations. One such operation is in the case of an engine failure the operator needs to be able to land in an area while not causing damage to persons or property. Skinner believes that since Brim Aviation operates single engine helicopters that it would be very difficult to comply with this regulation and by bringing in an FAA representative it would help the City determine what operations are appropriate for on site training at the airport. Wolske believes that if we bring in an FAA representative that they would not be focused on giving an exact determination of safe vs. unsafe. Wolske would like to see the Commission move forward with a determination of safe vs. unsafe operations as they relate to the FAR’s. Skinner does think the FAA will not give black or white statements to the Commission if they where to attend a meeting, just an opinion of what the FAR’s mean. Skinner thinks the Commission should develop a basic set of guidelines for all users to follow. Thornton states that it would be good to develop these guidelines and bring them along with all findings to the City Council for adoption. Zeve thinks that Skinner can put together document that outlines locations at the Airport that are safe for helicopter operations. Wolske motions: The Airport Commission should instruct FBO-Bob Skinner put together specific operational locations based on safe operation guidelines, then bring back to Commission for review and endorsement and finally to the City Council for approval; 2nd by Hendrickson, all approved. Skinner to draft operation guidelines and bring to future Commission meeting. Scott states that it might turn out there are no locations on site that are safe enough for helicopter operations. Skinner will also perform more specific helicopter research to see what Brim Aviations helicopters are actually capable of when creating guidelines. B.      Commission Goals: No discussion regarding long term Commission goals. C.    QT Technologies: Commission reviews maintenance agreement options for the self-service fueling station. Commission has recommended renewal each of the previous years at the platinum level due to chip and screen failures of the system. Commission agrees that having the self-service terminal up and running without problems is beneficial for all airport users. Commission asks if the maintenance renewal is in the budget and Fleury informs them that it is. Wolske-motion to authorize platinum level service package, 2nd by Skillman, all approved. Fleury to contact QT Technologies and renew platinum level service. D.     Riparian Restoration: Wolske informs Commission that he has been in touch with the Dean of Environmental Studies at SOU to discuss the riparian restoration project along Neil Creek at the Ashland Municipal Airport.  Wolske states the Dean was very interested in the project development. Wolske will work with SOU and continued development of a restoration plan for Neil Creek. Wolske will update Commission at next meeting.     AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A.                 Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports: Skinner reviews recent complaints regarding aircraft and noise with the Commission. Skinner stated that a few of the complaints where for the DC-3 Aircraft flying. Skinner also received many calls about the DC-3 from people who were interested in viewing it.   B.                  Maintenance Updates – Tree Trimming. Fleury informs Commission that Terra Survey went out to shoot the 20/1 approach slope and found that the trees along Neil Creek to the south of 30 are encroaching into the approach slope. Skinner states that their have been two runway prop strikes in the past 90 days and he believes them to be caused by the tree height and pilots coming in to high as they approach 30.  Wolske asks what can be done about the trees and how long will it take to get the trees cut down to the appropriate height for the approach slope. Fleury informs Commission about permit process for tree removal in the riparian zone and is not sure a time frame for topping/removal of trees once the process has begun. Commission would like to expedite the process. Fleury to look into an emergency type removal for the trees. The Commission would like to see a long term approach for tree removal and maintenance on the Airport proper without having to wait and go through the existing permit process. Graves motion: create a blanket permit in perpetuity that allows regular maintenance of trees via removal or topping of trees that encroach into the defined airport surfaces by the Public Works Department; 2nd by Hendrickson, all approved. Fleury to discuss tree issue with Mike Faught after meeting and Faught will meet with Bill Molnar from planning to discuss tree issues at the Airport. Fleury to inform Commission of outcomes regarding tree removal. Fleury also states that going forward with the riparian restoration plan will help with any tree removal issues at the Airport since their will be a plan in place for re-planting and cleaning up the riparian zone.   C.                Brown Bag: Zeve-no updates from brown bag meeting.   D.                 Transportation Commission: Wolske states the meeting was cancelled because of no quorum.     OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.   NEXT MEETING DATE:  November 2nd, 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 11:24