HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes December 2017Ashland Airport Commission Minutes January 9, 2018  CALL TO ORDER Zeve called meeting to order at 9:30 AM   Members Present: Lincoln Zeve, George Schoen, Susan Moen, Daniel Palomino, Bernard Spera, Bill Skillman, William Butler, Bob Skinner, Mike Morris (Council Liaison), and Dana Greaves Members Absent: David Wolske (Chair) and Scott Fleury Staff:  Kaylea Kathol, and Tara Kiewel Guests: Preston McGill True South Solar, Andrew Brandenburg, Julie Brim, and Burl Brim   APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of December 5, 2017 minutes Commissioners Zeve/Palomino m/s to approve minutes. All ayes. Minutes approved.   Public Forum Burl Brim Brim wanted to discuss mowing at the Airport and that it wasn’t happening enough. Skinner mentioned this is listed under system services in the budget and he would like to see a specific breakdown. Skinner said there could be improvement with the frequency of the mowing and that it appears Parks comes when they have time. Kathol told the Commission that the mowing for the Airport is contracted with the Parks Department for the biennium, and they mow four times a year with other maintenance items. It is not possible to change this until the next biennium. The Commission was in agreement that the mowing was not frequent enough. Brim said the spraying that happened last season created dust and debris for the helicopters. Kathol explained the reason for the spraying was to protect the pavement and to improve the life of the pavement. Zeve asked when the contract comes due is it possible to send out to a private contractor. Kathol said it could be looked into in the next biennium and sent out for competitive bid. Skinner wanted to know the cost for the mowing and Kathol estimated $6,000.00 per year for mowing and maintenance. Zeve asked Kathol to update the Commission at the next meeting on the mowing schedule and add this item to the action item list.     Solar Panel Feasibility Presentation- True South Solar See attached presentation Zeve questioned if the airport has the funds to install solar panels and McGill said there are funding options available including grants and a power purchase agreement. Kathol said there is not money in the current Airport budget for this project.   Zeve asked if it would make sense to install more panels than just what would offset the Airport energy consumption. McGill said this can get complicated with the upfront costs and that the City can’t take tax credits. Greaves mentioned if we get a grant then it could make sense. Zeve asked if it would be a better benefit if a private business were to do this project. McGill explained that a private business can take a 30% tax credit plus depreciation. Zeve said the Airport using $300.00 of energy a month and questioned doing the project for this small of savings. Greaves felt that trying to get a grant for this project was a good idea and Moen agreed.   Morris asked what the energy potential is if solar panels were installed on the entire hangar roof because the City has an ordinance to create 10% renewable energy by 2020 and may be interested in using the Airport to achieve these goals. Morris explained the City’s Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) agreement states that if we create over a megawatt of energy we pay a penalty. Morris asked if the panels would create issues for pilots. McGill explained a reflection study could be done to avoid any glare issues. Zeve asked if this could become a city project utilizing the Airport infrastructure. Skinner said if the City uses the Airport for this project it would be great for the Airports image. Skinner asked if the Commission was interested how they would proceed with the City. Morris told the Commission that the City created a Climate Energy Action Plan (CEAP) and came up with a plan on how to cut the carbon footprint by 8% a year and now there is a pilot group that has just started meeting. Morris said he would get more information from the City Administrator and update the commission.   OLD BUSINESS Action Item List   Riparian Restoration – none   Paving dirt areas around the hangars – no action until Spring   Hangar enclosure project - next biennium   Tree topping project – Kathol said there is a preconstruction meeting on January 10, 2018.   Entry Road Landscaping- Zeve asked the status of this. Kathol mentioned we have to prioritize which projects to use the remaining budget on. Entryway Landscaping, Bathroom remodel, or running conduit down the hangars.   Skinner updated the Commission that the electrical bids for running conduit to the hangars were much higher than he expected at $10,000 per hanger. Kathol mentioned that we would use a union contractor for projects so the bids may not be accurate. Skinner mentioned we were going discuss this project with the Electrical Department to see if they would want to contribute to this project.             The Commission continued to discuss project priorities. Skinner said the restroom remodel is long overdue and the entry landscape is what visitors see when they come to the Airport and he would prioritize those projects. Zeve asked when the bathroom remodel could start if the Commission decided it was a priority. Kathol said the bathroom remodel would be added to her list of projects and it would take an estimate of 1 ½ years to complete. Skinner questioned why the bathroom remodel wasn’t a priority when it was put into the budget and has been discussed during the budget process. Greaves said it didn’t sound like there had been a decision to press “go” on this project. Spera asked if there had been any bids on the restroom project and Kathol said we have not received bids because we need to have the scope and specifications of the project before getting bids.   Zeve expressed his frustration about the cost and length of time projects take with the City. He thought it would be easier to operate as a private business and have more control over projects. Butler explained that the City gets federal money for the Airport that would have to be paid back if the Airport was private. Kathol mentioned we do not have a City staff member that only manages the Airport. Staff manage many departments and projects. Skinner asked if he could help get bids to expedite this job. Kathol said we need the specifications for the bathroom remodel. Zeve asked if Skinner could manage this project.               Spera motioned to have Skinner seek bids for improvements for the bathrooms at the Airport.   The Commission discussed the motion. Greaves said that we would need to know how the City manages these projects and what parameters and guidelines are required. Getting bids may not reduce staff workload if they are not done properly. Kathol said it would be helpful to have specifications of what fixtures are wanted for the project because contractors need to bid on the same items.   Spera amended the motion to have Skinner help create specifications for the bathroom remodel at the Airport. Seconded Butler               Vote: All approved.   Zeve clarified that the Commission is setting priorities as the restroom remodel, entryway landscaping then the electrical hangar conduit.   Restroom Improvements – Kathol updated the Commission that we were not awarded a COAR grant for this project.   Web Cam Adjustment – Kathol had contacted SOS and thought that the cameras had been adjusted. Palomino said it looks like the same image as before and he would like to see the sky.  Kathol mentioned if the camera is facing south we may get glare and sun. Skinner said he would work with SOS to get the cameras adjusted.               Blockade to Taxying through Parking Lot- Project is completed and working well.            NEW BUSINESS: Airport: Good Neighbor Items- none Herbicide Application, February 2018 Rogue Bike Share Electrical upgrade in City hangar - discussed   FBO REPORT(S): Skinner gave the Commission an updated hanger waiting list policy to review. The Commission agreed that it reflects what was discussed at the last meeting.   The Commission requested the FBO reports be sent with meeting packets.   Greaves asked the status of empty hangers and Skinner mentioned that there are currently 3 open hangars. Palomino asked for an update about letters being sent to hangar renters that are not being used for Airport use. Butler will send a list of non-compliance hangars to Kathol and the Commission will be updated at the next meeting. Zeve asked for this to be added to the action item list.    NEXT MEETING DATE: February 6, 2018 9:30 AM        ADJOURNMENT:  11:37 AM            Respectfully submitted, Tara Kiewel Public Works Administrative Assistant