HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes January 2016ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION February 2, 2016   MINUTES         Members Present: David Wolske, Alan DeBoer, Bill Skillman, Lincoln Zeve, Susan Moen, William Butler, Sherm Lucas, Bob Skinner and Mike Morris Staff: Scott Fleury & Kaylea Kathol Members Absent: Alex Censor Guests: Doug Burman, George Schoen, Matt Rodgers and Tom Jenson   CALL TO ORDER: 9:31AM   2.AGENDA ITEM ADDITIONS:  JLC Parking-old business. Commission also expresses thanks to Council Seffinger for working with and attending Commission meetings over the previous year.   3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES: January 5, 2016 motion by Skillman for approval of minutes as written, 2nd by Moen, minutes approved.     4.OLD BUSINESS:   A.Airport Zoning: Staff informs Commission, planning staff is moving forward with approvals of updated code language. The Planning Commission previously reviewed proposed changes and agrees with the updates. Now planning staf will move forward with formal approval of code language which involves public hearings at the Planning Commission and City Council. Staff expects code to be adopted fully by the Council in April.   B.FBO Lease: No change to status of agreement as Legal is working on other high priority issues. Commission asks staff if anything can be done to speed this along. Morris will contact Kanner and ask this issue be resolved. There are only two remaining unresolved issues, the living wage requirement and pollution insurance requirement.   C.Webcams: The webcams were purchased by staff and delivered to Zeve for installation. Once they are installed a link will be setup on the City’s page for direct access to the webcams. The webcams will need power as they will be installed outdoors. Skinner to contact electrician for running power to webcam locations and take credit on monthly bill for expenditures.   D.Drones and Signage: Butler displays various entrance road signs for the group to discuss. Butler states depending on material and size the signs run from about $300 to $425. Current sign is wood and Butler passes around samples of laminated aluminum that a new sign would be constructed of. Group likes sign with large letters for “Ashland Municipal Airport” and a small City of Ashland logo. The sign will have to comply with the sign ordinance and be placed outside of a vision clearance triangle for the entrance road. Commission would like to see one side on each side of the entrance road with the ability for businesses to attach a small placard underneath main sign. Butler to work with staff on purchasing signs and locating them appropriately.   E.JLC Parking: Commission discusses parked vehicle in front of JLC hangar and its encroachment into the prescribed 39’ clear zone of a taxilane. Commission discusses possible sign or striping installations to show limits of clear zone. The concern is allowing one vehicle to still park in this specific location as it still tends to draw the attention of additional vehicles that due directly block the taxilane. Butler to review actual rules and regulations and bring back to Commission before deciding to proceed forward with a possible signage and striping project.   5.NEW BUSINESS:   A.Airport Good Neighbor Items: Skinner informs Commission that activities have been fairly quiet lately. There has been a logging helicopter and associated rolling stock using tie-downs onsite. They are performing thinning work for the Ashland Forest Resiliency project. Skinner is charging them appropriate tie down fees.   B.Council Liaison and Committee members: Staff informs Commission that George Shoen is on the agenda for tonight’s Council meeting to be approved as a new member. Also Mike Morris is in attendance as the Council Liaison. New Council liaisons are appointed each January. Commission thanks Councilor Seffinger for her work with the Commission and attendance at meetings over the past year.     C.New Year’s Resolutions: Staff asks Commission if there is anything else to add to the list of items they believe require Commission and staff effort to complete this year. Commission believes work already outlined is enough, mainly development and completion of a new airport master plan. Skinner states it is important to put some thought into the process and the master plans development as this will be a planning document used for years to come by both staff and the Commission. Staff is waiting for legal and FAA approval of the selection documents before publicly advertising. Butler mentions his Council update from last year and one of the questions that came up was regarding disaster relief operations based out of the airport and how “resilient” was the airport. Butler said disaster planning can be dealt with in the master plan update. Matt Rodgers from Century West Engineering states that Oregon has created the Oregon Resiliency Plan and it is available for review. The plan includes discussion on aviation resources and operations after a natural disaster. Staff to forward a copy of the plan to Commission.   6.FBO REPORT(S):     Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports:   Maintenance Updates: The FBO roof replacement project is scheduled to start in March. Kaylea will be overseeing improvements. DEQ has approved the remediation for the stormwater1200z zinc exceedance. Surveyors will be on site in March to perform topographic surveying work in order to develop a culvert design to send storm water runoff from the 30 end to the 12 end. The project must be complete by the end of 2017, but staff believes the work can be finished up this winter when operations are slow (reference attached map). This will eliminate the west outfall and all storm drainage will flow through the drainage ditch between the runway and return taxiway and enter Emigrant Creek at the north east end of the airport. The window leaks at the JLC hangar have been repaired. Staff was also informed the Parks Department is interested in removing the juniper bushes down the entrance road. Staff to follow up with Parks on this item and update Commission on progress.     7.INFORMATIONAL ITEMS:   A.Brown Bag: No attendance, Butler to make sure email invite gets sent around if he is unable to attend.   B.Transportation Commission:  No update.     C.Medford Airport: No Update.      D.Action Item List: Airport Zoning/Riparian Restoration: No change.     Paving of dirt areas around the hangers: No change.   Entrance Sign Replacement/Animal Signs/ Highway 66 Sign: Reference D: under old business for update. Security and access signs (Skinner/Brim to review).   Hangar Enclosure Project (Staff to work with Skinner): Staff working with Mockeridge Engineering and believes the City’s new low risk insurance contract could work in this instance. DeBoer mentions going out for a design build RFP and having the total project done at one time. The original intent was to have an approved design and let tenants perform improvements if they so choose to. In order to do a design build the airport fund would need an internal loan from another fund. This would have to be approved by the Finance Director. Staff to see if it possible to do an interfund loan at this time and develop a design build project.   Transportation to & from airport: No change.   Self Fueling Permit: Waiting on signed copy from Brim Aviation.   Fire Extinguisher Installation/ Hangar Numbering: Staff to contact Skinner and discuss installation by his staff.   Roof Action Plan: Roof scheduled for replacement in March.      ODA inspection improvements and Tie Down Chain Repairs: No Updates.   Security System Improvements: No Updates.   Web Cam Improvements: Zeve working with high school on improvements. New webcams purchased and at Airport. Skinner to hire electrical contractor to run service to new outdoor camera locations and take monthly credit on bill.   Update Airport Narrative page and links: Staff/Commission to perform quarterly review of website and update as necessary.     E.Airport Users Group:  No Updates   OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.    NEXT MEETING DATE:  January 5, 2016 beginning at 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 10:48 AM   Notes: After adjournment of regular meeting.   A small group, Butler, Moen, Zeve, Burhman and staff discuss general outline for Airport Day 2016. May 21, 2016 is selected. Butler to speak with science works, skydivers and smoke jumpers museum about attendance. Sue will work on having kids stuff for attendees and also speak with Jackson County Sheriff about having rolling stock onsite. Staff will speak with Ashland Fire about rolling stock as well as have banner date changed and reserve time on Main St. Staff will also work with Parks to have the site mowed before airport day. Burhman to ask Rogue Valley Eagles if they would be willing to be onsite with model aircrafts and potentially fly drones inside the Sky Hangar. Butler believes another food truck onsite would be a benefit and will do more investigation. A new source for breakfast needs to be found as the previous year’s pancake breakfast group has retired.