HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes March 2013ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION April 9, 2013   MINUTES         MEMBERS PRESENT: DAVID WOLSKE, BOB SKINNER, JEFF NIELSEN, SUSAN MOEN, LINCOLN ZEVE, ELIZABETH TRIPP, RICHARD HENDRICKSON, WILLIAM SKILLMAN, ALAN DEBOER STAFF: SCOTT FLEURY & BRENDA BARKER MEMBERS ABSENT: NICOLE DORAN Visitors: Alan Bender, Monica Godwleski, Michelle Scarlatta   CALL TO ORDER: 9:30 AM   APPROVAL OF MINUTES: March 5, 2013, motion by Hendrickson for approval, second by Trip, minutes approved as written.   Public Forum: No public discussion.   OLD BUSINESS: Tree Trimming: Staff informs Commission that three piles on Mrs. Saunders property still need to be chipped up. Brad Barber is working with Upper Limb It and Mrs. Saunders to set up an appropriate time to complete the work. Skinner mentions that the blackberry bushes are starting to grow up again and were previously identified in the FAA inspection report to be cut back or mowed. The overgrowth areas are refuge for wildlife including deer and should be contained to minimize the potential incursions between animals and planes on the runway. The area adjacent to Sky Research was also discussed due to the large rocks littering the area that make it impossible to mow and keep the weeds down. Staff to discuss mowing and trimming with the Street Department as this will need to be done before fire season starts leaving until the end of May to perform this type of cleanup. Commission asks about trees at north end of runway that possibly encroach into the approach slope? Fleury states that he has not done the research into the old PAPI survey and has not made a determination if the trees are on city property or vineyard property. FBO RFP/Lease: Staff states they are still waiting for legal approval of the RFP before releasing it. Commission asks if they can do anything to speed up the process. Fleury states he will discuss with Faught and see if he can ask Legal to finish up the RFP. Wolske would like to be informed in the RFP is not finished by the end of the week. If the RFP is not finished Wolske will discuss with the new Council Liaison about finishing this project.  AIP Projects: Staff informs Commission the FAA has approved the taxilane extension and security fencing project and that the City should proceed forward with engineering of the project. Staff states that during AIP discussion with the FAA, it was determined the FAA would award a grant for the engineering in Spring of 2014, but the City could proceed forward with the engineering now as long as they can fund the project until the grant came through. Staff states that through the budget process all the money for this type of project is allotted and finance takes into account the ten percent match requirements with regards to FAA payback. Staff is looking at putting together a qualifications based selection (QBS) to select an engineer to perform the required design and construction engineering for the new AIP project. Staff expects to put out the QBS in June and select an engineer to start work in July. Staff was informed by the FAA that design needs to be complete and ready to bid by June 2014. Airport Budget: Staff informs Commission the budget add packages for the maintenance hangar door and T-hangar enclosure projects were approved by the City Administrator at a recent budget meeting. The add packages still need to go before the Budget Committee and the City Council for final approval in May and June. If the add packages receive final approval the monies will be available July 1, 2013 for the projects. Staff would like to have the projects ready to go when the new monies become available. The 20k for the maintenance hangar door will be appropriated from the existing 99k in unappropriated funds within the airport budget. The 45k for the enclosure project will be borrowed from the equipment fund and paid back over a five year period.   5.                  NEW BUSINESS: Airport: Good Neighbor Items: Michelle and Monica in attendance from Brim Aviation. Commission asks about Burls plans this spring/summer season. Michelle states they will be conducting a new training this spring with eight students along with a sheriff’s course in summer. Michelle asks Commission about vehicles not associated with Brim Aviation parking in their leased area. Brim is concerned with liability issues if their vehicle is struck while parking in his leased area. Skinner will investigate and Kathy or himself will talk to any individuals parking in that area.  Wolske mentions the Fire Department training container is still onsite and the lighted runway X-closure signs are still in the dirt parking lot. Staff is waiting for the Street Department to pick up the closure X’s. With regards to the training container staff will see if it can get moved to the proposed electric pole storage area after it is constructed. Wolske would like to see the cleanup of the trenching work along Dead Indian improved from its current state after the project is complete. Century Link is installing new fiber in the area and trenching along the airport property. The project is not finished yet and staff will contact Jackson County if the final cleanup is not up to standards. Commission also discusses the new Council Liaison layout and how they will not attend each meeting, but will meet directly with Commission chairs to discuss pertinent business. Commission would like Wolske to work directly through meetings or email communication with pertinent information. Commission would also like to invent Councilor Lemhouse to a future meeting in order to have a question and answer session so both parties can learn about each other. Airport Day: Commission discusses airport day and how valuable it is as a way to interact with the local community. Michelle informs Commission that as of now Brim has no plans to put on airport day this year. Brim Aviation has sponsored and put together the past couple of airport days with the assistance of various other companies and aviation groups. Skinner would like to see the airport users group and onsite business band together in order to put together an airport day, as it becomes a very large endeavor if run by just one entity. Skinner states they have done it in the past before Brim and it requires a large output of time and energy to put everything together. Michelle also states that it does require significant time to put everything together. Commission is concerned about any liability on the City’s behalf if they put together airport day, let alone the staff time requirement. Skinner states that he receives calls fairly often asking about airport day. Staff also receives calls and emails regarding future airport days. Skinner states the community has always supported airport day and enjoyed it when it has occurred. Moen believes that the event needs an overall organizational planner to make sure that all the puzzle pieces are put in the right location; including coordinating airport users, onsite business and vendors in order to put on a successful airport day. Moen asks if any funds are available to pay for an event planner? Staff believes that some of the airport funds could be used for a planner, but regular maintenance items should come first. DeBoer thinks that Science Works would be a beneficial partner in putting on a future airport day.  Hendrickson will speak with the young eagles about assisting in the event. Wolske asks about coordinating a local fly in on airport day for an increase in activity onsite for the community. The Commission believes there are numerous groups in the area that would be willing to assist in airport day, it’s just a matter of putting it all together. Skillman will contact the Medford Civil Air Patrol to gauge their willingness to help via with safety and marshaling the event. Bender adds that it might be a good idea to discuss activities with a local theater troupe that could perform onsite during airport day as well. Commission discusses future dates for airport day. Airport day has usually coincided with the weekend before Memorial Day. Commission would like to develop and plan for airport day the weekend on May 17, 2014. Staff will investigate any liability issues with the City assisting in putting on airport day. Commission would like to keep this item on the agenda in the information section in order to discuss and plan for the future. Airport Marketing/Outreach: Wolske asked this item be placed on the agenda to discuss ways to promote the airport to the community and region as a beneficial resource. Hendrickson would like to see information sent to the community when things take place at the airport including fly-ins and other events. The Commission would like to promote the airport as a connection point to the Rogue Valley and everything it has to offer, including Shakespeare, The Britt and numerous other indoor and outdoor activities within the Southern Oregon. Commission would like to see information published in a periodical like “Pilot Get Aways” that show Ashland as a destination. Commission would like the marketing agenda item added to information items on the agenda for discussion each month.   AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION:   Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports: Skinner states that activity at the airport is increasing as spring weather improves. Skinner informs Commission that something needs to be done about the weeds within the paved areas and outside the paved areas to protect the infrastructure. Maintenance Updates: Skinner states a new hydraulic damper will be installed at the JLC Avionics main entrance door.   Brown Bag: Moen has no significant update from the previous meeting. Transportation Commission: No update Medford Airport Update: Bender updates Commission on items occurring at the Medford airport. Medford is looking into green practices and initiatives including the installation of additional solar arrays. Medford currently has a grant to promote service and assist carriers to expand their current territory. Action Item List: Updated for new AIP project and combined site cleanup projects into one bullet.   OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.   NEXT MEETING DATE:  May 7, 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 11:15