HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes February 2018Ashland Airport Commission Minutes  March 6, 2018    CALL TO ORDER Wolske called meeting to order at 9:30 AM Members Present: David Wolske (Chair), Lincoln Zeve, George Schoen, Daniel Palomino, Bernard Spera, Bill Skillman, Dana Greeves, Mike Morris (Council Liaison), and Susan Moen (10:00 am) FBO Present: Bob Skinner Staff: Scott Fleury, Kaylea Kathol, and Tara Kiewel Guests: Mike Dane, Matt Rogers, David Miller by video and Samantha Peterson by video (Century West Engineering), Lance Wyss (Fresh Water Trust), Andrew Vandenberg, Dawn Lamb APPROVAL OF MINUTES January 9, 2018 Minutes approved by consensus. Public Forum None   NEW BUSINESS: A.            Master Plan Update – presentation by Century West Engineering see attached Completed inventory moving on to forecasting the current aviation demand. Send comments and edits to Fleury and they will make required updates. Wolske described an Oregon Department of Aviation economic analysis that was put together a couple years ago. It was useful and wondered if it will be utilized for the Master plan. Rogers explained it is a separate study, but we can review and discuss the economic data. Skinner asked if next step is infrastructure. Rogers confirmed and said that they will look at every facility and compare it to the current FAA standards. There have been some changes to the standards since the last Master Plan was completed. They will look at how the facilities conform to standards and note any deficiencies. For ongoing issues like the fencing it will be identified and addressed during development alternatives. Skinner asked if there is anything preliminary that may be an issue. Rogers said displaced thresholds is an area of focus. The next Master Plan meeting will be held August 7, 2018. The Commission discussed having a regular Commission meeting, an afternoon Master Plan meeting followed by a public open forum. B.           Freshwater Trust Presentation – Lance Wyss see attached Fresh Water Trust is proposing a Neil Creek and Emigrant Creek Habitat restoration project. The Airport would provide critical access for the project which will remove non-natives plants and berries, treat for noxious weeds, replant with native plants, and adding logs to the creek for fish habitat. The project is funded by the Bureau of Reclamation and proposed to begin in 2019 or 2020.   Palomino would like to see a walking trail in the Riparian area. Wolske explained that this has been previously discussed and discouraged because we don’t want to encourage people walking in areas that could interfere with aircraft. Palomino asked about fencing along the Riparian area and joining these projects together. Skinner mentioned the last time we approached the FAA about fencing they wanted it along property lines which meant the fence would crossed the creek in locations. Kathol asked if this restoration works project would be required to go into an easement. Wolske asked where fencing could go and Wyss will provide that information in a few weeks. Moen motioned the Airport Commission supports the proposal of the Fresh Water Trust habitat restoration project at Neil Creek. Second Palomio Vote: all approved Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) Program- Skinner was contacted by Motion Info interested in putting equipment at the Airport. Would consist of two or three antennas, a receiver that would be powered by the Airport and use the internet services. There would be no costs to the Airport. This would increase ADS-B coverage in the area. The commission was in agreement that this is would be a benefit of the airport and that Skinner should continue to research this project. C.            Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) Program- Skinner was contacted by Motion Info interested in putting equipment at the Airport. The equipment would consist of two or three antennas and a receiver that would be powered by the Airport and use the internet services. There would be no costs to the Airport. This would increase ADS-B coverage in the area. The commission was in agreement that this is would be a benefit of the airport and that Skinner should continue to research this project. Greaves motioned The Airport Commission supports the ADS-B program as presented and supports Skinner to continue to work on this project. Second Skillman Vote: all approved D.           Commission Vacancy – Wolske asked Morris about the next steps in the process for filling the vacancy. Andrew Vandenberg has applied and been vetted by the Commission and is waiting for approval from the Mayor and Council. Morris is going to check with the Mayor. Zeve asked what the concern is with a conflict of interest. Morris said the concern is having an employer and employee relationship on the Commission. It is driven by State regulations and legal is reviewing.   E.            Airport: Good Neighbor Items - none F.            Budget Review – Kathol updated the Commission a total of $42,000 of the total Capital Outlay budget has been spent. Expensed include; landscaping and spraying, hangar door repairs, and tree trimming. The Commission discussed the cost of the hangar door repairs and would like to discuss this at the next meeting.   OLD BUSINESS: A.            Action Item List a.       Paving dirt areas around the hangars/ Excavating gravel around the hangars. Kathol is waiting for a response from the Waste Water Collections Department. b.      Hangar enclosure project - none c.       Tree topping project –Kathol updated the Commission that the contractor received a notice to proceed and will begin work soon. d.      Landscaping – bark has been laid and the area sprayed with pre and post emergent herbicide. e.       Restroom Improvements – Kathol is working on a bid proposal. f.        Web Cam adjustment – Skinner spoke with SOS, but is waiting for more information. g.       Letters to non-compliant tenants - Skinner did a hangar walkthrough. City is waiting for a list of the non-compliant tenants before sending letters. h.       Solar Panels- Wolske asked Morris the status of the solar with the City. Morris said that the City has done a survey of all facilities and asked Adam Hanks to give the Commission an update.   B.                  Parks Maintenance Schedule – Kathol updated the Commission that Fleury had met with the Parks Department. They will be setting a maintenance calendar to use going forward and will notify Skinner when they are on site near the runway and the return taxi way. Parks will be given radios to be able to hear flight traffic when around the runway. Fleury will meet with Parks again to go over the aerial to address areas of concerns.   Open Discussion Palomino has seen scat around the hangars and wants it to be addressed.  It may be from dogs. Wolske said the Commission made a recommendation to not allow dogs to be walking at the airport in front of the hangars. Skinner said we may need more signage regarding this issue. Fire Hydrant – Pamloino mentioned a fire hydrant is leaking. Skinner explained this has been an ongoing issue and was told it was not a leak but a ground spring. Kathol will contact Steve Walker regarding this issue.  Door Hangar Repair- Palomino inquired about hangar door work that was supposed to help keep pigeons out of the hangars. Kathol mentioned the City uses American Industrial Door to repair the doors. Skinner questioned why we would bird proof hangars. This has not been done in the past. It can be very expensive to make improvements to the old hangars, and we may be improving them beyond what we should be. The Commission would like to review the door hangar repair process. Greaves mentioned that he has twice found his hangar doors opened. Palomino questioned if it could be the wind because that has opened hangar doors in the past. Skinner suggested that Greaves check the pins for his hangar doors to make sure they fully engage. 6.            FBO REPORT(S): A.                  Attached –  Palomino questioned if the Electrical ground lease should be included on the FBO report. Skinner said that it hasn’t been listed on the report but all other Airport ground leases go through the FBO. Palomino believes it should be on the report because it is income. Kathol will research and update the Commission. B.                  Maintenance Updates - none  7.            INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: A.            Brown Bag Lunch B.            TC Meeting Update C.            Medford Update 8. Airport Day - June, 2, 2018 from 8:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. Zeve thanked Lamb for her assistance with Airport Day. Lamb asked if the electrical updated had been done to the FBO hangar for the food trucks. Kathol will check. Lamb asked for any changes or updates to flyers. 100 will be printed. The Commission went over the task list and assigned duties. Zeve asked for any other suggestions. Graves is on the board at the Rogue Valley Flying Club and will announce it. Wolske mentioned that people come to see airplanes so if we can encourage people to fly in to show off their planes that would be great.   NEXT MEETING DATE:       April 3, 2018 9:30 AM     ADJOURNMENT:  12:00 PM           RRespectfully submitted, Tara Kiewel Public Works Administrative Assistant