HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes February 2017ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION            March 7, 2017 MINUTES    Members Present: Lincoln Zeve, George Schoen, William Butler, David Wolske and Susan Moen, Bill Skillman (10:53am) Members Absent: Mike Morris and Bob Skinner Staff: Kaylea Kathol, Kyndra Irigoyen, Julie Smitherman, and Scott Fleury (11:05am) Guests: Daniel Palomino (JLC) and Tim Bewley (Wild Fire Mitigation Commission) CALL TO ORDER: 9:33 AM   2.AGENDA ITEM ADDITIONS: None.   3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion to approve the minutes as submitted, first by Zeve and Seconded by Schoen. All approved.     4.OLD BUSINESS:   A.Entry Road Landscape: Butler will speak with landscaper to voice the Commission’s concerns. Bewley said the Wild Fire Mitigation Commission would like to give feedback on fire wise landscaping. Smitherman and Bewley will work with landscaper to come up with both fire wise and water conservative landscaping and bring back to the Commission next month. Kathol said there will be money in the next budget cycle (July 1) to begin this landscaping project.   B.FBO Lease: Staff met with legal and Skinner. Skinner has approved the insurance requirements. The lease will be signed by the end of March or early April.   C.Action Item List:   1.Riparian Restoration: No update. 2.Paving dirt areas around the hangars: No update. 3.Hangar enclosure project: No update. 4.Miscellaneous painting onsite (segmented circle, compass rose etc.): No update. 5.Tree topping project: RFP is complete, but not released. 6.Airport website: SOS gave an estimate on what it would cost for security cameras. Cameras, transceivers, leasing their equipment - $2,800 to do all installation. $59 subscription per month to monitor equipment. Two cameras with 90 degree lenses. Kathol will bring back to Commission with update next month with comparison of prices. Wolske suggested linking Siskiyou Summit ODOT ca meras to our website. 7.Pest control: No update. 8.Webcams: Previously discussed.   D.ODA Grant Application: We are grading the four RFP’s we received.   E.Entry road landscape project: None.   5.NEW BUSINESS:   A.Airport Good Neighbor Items: None.   B.Airport Biennium Budget: Staff is in the process of development revenues. Staff recommends appropriating $25,000 for projects plus $20,000 contingency.   6.FBO REPORT(S):     Attached: None.   Maintenance Updates: None.   7.INFORMATIONAL ITEMS:   A.Brown Bag: Planning Commission rejected application for Rogue Credit Union by Wendy’s.   B.Transportation Commission: The E Nevada St Bridge is a hot topic right now.   C.Medford Update: None.   NEXT MEETING DATE:  April 4, 2017 beginning at 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at  10:45 AM   Respectfully submitted,   Kyndra Irigoyen Administrative Assistant Public Works Department