HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes November 2012ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION December 4, 2012   MINUTES         MEMBERS PRESENT: DAVID WOLSKE, BOB SKINNER, JEFF NIELSEN, ALAN DEBOER, SUSAN MOEN, LINCOLN ZEVE, ELIZABETH TRIPP, RICHARD HENDRICKSON STAFF: SCOTT FLEURY, MIKE FAUGHT MEMBERS ABSENT: NICOLE DORAN, DENNIS SLATTERY, WILLIAM SKILLMAN Visitors: None   CALL TO ORDER: 9:31 AM   APPROVAL OF MINUTES: November 6, 2012, motion by Moen for approval, second by Tripp, minutes approved as written.   Additional Items:  None   Public Forum: No public discussion.   OLD BUSINESS: Power Pole Storage: Staff informs Commission the area was approved by the Planning Department for construction of the storage area. Staff needs to generate final lease documents for Electric Department review. The lease will be approved at a future City Council meeting. Staff will inquire when the Electric Department plans to start construction of the power pole storage area. Tree Trimming: Staff informs Commission that all contract paperwork has been completed and a notice to proceed has been sent to Upper Limb it. Staff expects work to start at some point in December/January and finish by February. Staff explains that this was the same time frame used for the previous topping project. The Commission would like to see the project completed as soon as possible. The NOTAM regarding tree heights along the approach centerline is still valid and will stay in place until the trees are topped. Commission does not want to see the trees go this long again without topping. Staff explains this is why an approach survey will be conducted on a yearly basis to monitor the situation and plan for winter toppings if necessary. Staff will also work on increasing the budget line item for landscaping to cover topping projects in the future as maintenance items like this are not covered by FAA grants. FBO RFP/Lease: Staff informs the Commission that the Legal Department is still working on the draft lease. The main issue now is resolving the requirement for FBO insurance. Staff researched the Oregon Department of Aviations (ODA) requirements for FBO insurance and it is provided in the packet. The ODA requires 2 million general liability for FBO’s. The Commission would like to stay with its motion from the previous meeting of requiring the 2 million as it matches what ODA requires and can actually be obtained by an FBO in the aviation industry. The Commission would also like to speed the process up in order to release the RFP. Faught will speak with Legal and see if the lease can be finalized as staff has compiled the necessary information already to form a draft insurance section that is similar to ODA’s requirements. Faught informs Commission the City Attorney receives his direction from the Council and has to juggle numerous priorities for City business and that is why some of these issues take longer.   NEW BUSINESS:           Good Neighbor Policy: Commission discusses helicopter crash involving Brim Aviation in Childress County Texas. A Brim Aviation helicopter was working on power lines when it lost power and fell dropping the individual suspended beneath the helicopter. The crash resulted in one fatality. Skinner stated that he has discussed long line and short haul training with the Flight Standards District Office (FSDO). FSDO stated that Brim Aviation operates under a public use clause that allows him to perform certain types of vertical reference training with human cargo suspended underneath a single engine helicopter. The public use clause only allows for public employees to train under a single engine helicopter and that any other training of private individuals under a single engine helicopter is not permitted. Commission would like to research any liability issues regarding training onsite. Brim has performed all of the training offsite except for the short haul recertification that is done for local law enforcement on a yearly basis. Commission would like to see the results of the investigation from the FAA/NTSB and research any liability issues regarding training onsite. No other onsite issues noted for November. AIP Projects: Staff informs Commission of AIP discussion with the FAA. The City has entitlement monies, of which a portion needs to be spent next year for an approved project. Staff discussed the taxilane extension with the FAA and they would be agreeable to funding the project if the City can truly prove a need for new hangars at the Airport. The FAA would like a copy of the current hangar waiting list and any additional letters from parties interested in constructing hangars would go a long way towards the FAA approving this type of project. Staff also discussed the security fencing with the FAA and it is always eligible for grant funding. Staff envisions the taxilane and safety fencing engineering to be done at the same time. In addition the runway return taxiway needs improvement as its condition is starting to deteriorate. Staff informs Commission that the intent is to engineer and construct the projects over multiple years as all the infrastructure for the taxilane extension needs to be installed by the City and is not covered by any FAA grants. The infrastructure includes, water, sewer, storm drain, electric, gas and phone. In addition the grant match has been increased from 5% to 10% and this needs to be accounted for in the budget process. Staff hopes that there will be funding sources like Connect Oregon that can assist with the required match for future projects. Staff will obtain the hangar waiting list for Skinner and develop the AIP project spreadsheet for the FAA that contains the taxilane extension and security fencing breakdown. The Commission would like to see the airport budget as a discussion item on a future agenda. Staff states the City is entering budget season right now and it would be a good time to discuss the airport budget in detail. Calendar Task List: As requested by the Commission staff created a yearly calendar that details certain tasks and events. Staff would like Commission to comment on calendar and add anything appropriate, as they see fit. Staff will send out electronic version of Calendar to Commission for editing. Staff will include the monthly calendar with each packet in order to keep a running track of events and items that the Commission deals with. January Meeting Date: Staff informs Commission that the first Tuesday of 2013 falls on new year’s day and the City will be closed for the Holiday. Commission is agreeable to changing the meeting date to January 8, 2013. Staff will make the changes on the City calendar.   AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION:   Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports: Skinner states that activity has been pretty light due to the weather. There was no flooding or water issues onsite from the significant storm events over the past few weeks. Staff informs Commission the ODA is working on a new economic impact report for Oregon airports. Staff provided ODA with information on the Airport including onsite businesses and overall operation statistics. Maintenance Updates: Staff still needs to schedule onsite meeting with Skinner and Street Department for installation of required object free area signs and security camera signs. Brown Bag: Moen states that they recently discussed the Council Goal setting meeting that will occur in January. The Council would like the Council Liaisons to discuss Council Goals with Commissions directly.  Commission would like to see Slattery attend the January meeting to discuss the Council goals. Staff to ask specifically if Slattery could attend January meeting for this purpose. Transportation Commission: The Transportation System Plan will be discussed at this month’s Planning Commission meeting in order to obtain a recommendation of approval prior to the City Council adopting the new plan.   Medford Airport Update: No update.    Action Item List: Staff to attach new monthly calendar to packet.   OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.   NEXT MEETING DATE:  January 8, 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 11:01