HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes July 2016ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION AUGUST 2, 2016   MINUTES     Members Present: David Wolske, Susan Moen, William Butler, Sherm Lucas, George Schoen, Alan DeBoer, Alex Censor, Bill Skillman Bob Skinner and Michael Morris Staff: Scott Fleury & Kaylea Kathol Members Absent: Lincoln Zeve Guests: Alan Bender, Dave Ridsdale and Daniel from JLC Avionics 1. CALL TO ORDER: 9:31 AM 2. AGENDA ITEM ADDITIONS: Butler adds update for Ageless Aviation event under D: Old Business and JLC Hangar Maintenance under F: new business.   3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion by Skillman, 2nd by Moen, minutes approved as written.   4. OLD BUSINESS   A. FBO Lease: Staff informs Commission the main point for discussion now is for a potential subsidy of pollution insurance for the operation and delivery of fuel via Skinners fuel trucks. The discussion is a holdover from the previous meeting as Skinner was not in attendance. Skinner states the premium cost is 5k per year for the 2 million dollars in pollution insurance. His general liability does not cover spills. Staff states the flowage fee generally recoups around $1,500 a year which covers the QT technologies platinum level service agreement for the fuel island. Skinner states the fuel truck delivery system is a benefit for his operations but also for the airport in general. The $5k yearly premium does not make business sense for Skinner and if he is required to pay the whole amount he would choose to discontinue the fuel truck operation. Skillman states the fuel truck service provided by Skinner Aviation is a benefit to the airport and a subsidy should be supported. Skinner states he does not have to offer the fuel delivery service as part of the lease as he manages the self-service fuel island. The Commission questions is the subsidy of up to $5k worth having the fuel trucks operate onsite. A majority of the group believes so. Staff believes the fund can sustain a subsidy for operation of the fuel trucks. Staff states a subsidy if recommended could be included in the FBO lease. DeBoer questions if the subsidy should be in a separate document. Skinner prefers the subsidy to be listed in the FBO lease document. Commission would like Skinner and staff to work together and formalize a solution and bring back for review and a formal recommendation.   B. Webcams: Staff has passed on all information regarding the webcams to Steve Burkhalter in the Street Department. Burkhalter is going to try and re-install the links to the City’s site so the webcams can be viewed again (reference new business item B: website development)   C. Action Item List:   Riparian Restoration: No change.  Paving of dirt areas around the hangers: No change.  Hangar Enclosure Project: Staff in final edit stages of design build RFP. ODA inspection improvements and Tie Down Chain Repairs: Tie down chains have been repaired/installed thanks to Skillman. Staff found location to order new tie down chains and will order replacement chains shortly.  Striping still needs to occur on ramp at JLC hangar and the segmented circle needs painting. Security Camera System Improvements: No Updates. Fly Friendly Pamphlet: Staff has made edits to pamphlet and document will be sent to printer for processing once the new website is live and running. Storage box: Wooden storage box at end of conventional hangars needs to be dealt with. Skinner and Wolske to work on the issue.  Crack seal and weed spraying project: Staff has obtained quote from Jackson County Public Works and is now working on the agreement portion that must be approved by Council.  The intergovernmental agreement (IGA) will go before Council prior to the next Commission meeting. Tree topping project: Staff working with surveyor to create grid system for identifying encroaching trees. Once grid system is in place, staff to bid project in fall. Webcams: Install outside (Skinner) and relink to city’s site and Burkhalter to work on relinking to the City’s own site. Staff currently working on development of outside “AshlandAirport.com” site to include all relevant site and weather data. Entry Road: Develop entry road landscape plan (xeriscaping). Staff working with KenCairn Lansdcape Architects on Project. Proposed fee is $2,800 including construction inspection. Runway safety area-perform site survey and determine areas to re-grade in order to remove gopher holes and other issues (Skinner and Butler to access site and forward information to staff). Ageless Aviation: Butler has been in contact with the individual who is putting together the ageless aviation event at the Airport. The event revolves around providing flights to veterans in three restored Stearman aircraft. Ageless Aviation has tentatively schedule October for the event. The ageless aviation group will handle all publicity, they just need hangar space for tables and seating. Skinner offers access to the maintenance hangar for the group. Butler to continue working with group and update Commission as needed. 5. NEW BUSINESS:   A. Airport Good Neighbor Items: Skinner reports no major issues over the past month with operations onsite.   B. Airport Website Development: Kathol is working on development of the website. She sent out a prior email to group asking the Commission for critical information that should be included on the new website including photos. Kathol to update Commission on progress at next meeting.   C. Hangar Use Policies FAA: Censor forwarded staff information regarding the hangar use policy developed by the FAA. The policy information is in the packet. In general hangars should be used to store operating aircraft. Group discusses hangars they believe do not fall within policy limits. Commission would like to send out the policy via email to users and follow up with a letter to users who are not following the policy. Butler to draft a letter with Censor, including #8, 9 of the FAQ’s to send out.     #8. What aeronautical uses of a hangar are permissible?   #9. What uses are not permissible under the policy?   D. September Council Report (9/20): Staff informs Commission the chair is scheduled to provide an update to the Council at the September 20, 2016 meeting. Staff can work with the chair on the five minute presentation discussing the past/present/future of airport operations.   E. 2017 Airport Day Timeline: The group previously selected the date for next year and Butler still needs to send out thank you notes along with a save the date notice for participants regarding the May 20, 2017 date.   F. JLC Avionics Hangar: Ridsdale speaks about maintenance issues for the hangar. The roof still has a leak in it that has not been repaired along with the flue from the heater not being installed correctly. The hangar contains electrical equipment that is sensitive and can become damaged to water exposure. The leaks has also gotten into the insulation in the walls and will need to be fixed. The JLC team has had to spend extra time protecting their equipment and Ridsdale asks the Commission if they would approve compensation for all the issues they have dealt with over the past year. Kathol informs Commission she is in the process of finalizing contract documents with Hogue Roofing to fix the leaks and the flue has been repaired. The insulation will be handled as a separate project. Butler states that Ridsdale should develop and outline of information for just compensation that outlines diverted man hours due to maintenance issues and bring forward as a claim. Staff will continue to work on appropriate maintenance repairs for the hangars.   6. FBO REPORT(S):   A. Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports: B. Maintenance Updates: Skinner informs group the noise abatement sign is down again and needs to be repaired. Skinner requests sweeper on site to manage FOD. 7.INFORMATIONAL ITEMS:  A. Brown Bag: No attendance at meeting.   B. Transportation Commission:  Skinner states that Ashland Springs Hotel is running a shuttle and will speak to them about pickups at the airport.     C. Medford Airport: Bender informs group the snow removal and operations staff building is almost finished. Commercial operations for Medford are going extremely well. Klamath Falls will be getting commercial service back in fall. In addition Medford will soon be categorized as a small hub which will improve funding opportunities in the future.  OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.    NEXT MEETING DATE:  September 6, 2016 beginning at 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 11:02AM   Respectfully submitted by Scott A. Fleury