HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes January 2018Ashland Airport Commission Minutes  February 6, 2018  CALL TO ORDER Wolske called meeting to order at 9:30 AM   Members Present: David Wolske (Chair), Lincoln Zeve, George Schoen, Susan Moen, Daniel Palomino, Bernard Spera, and William Butler Members Absent: Bill Skillman, Dana Greeves, and Mike Morris (Council Liaison) FBO: Bob Skinner Staff: Scott Fleury, Kaylea Kathol, and Tara Kiewel Guests: Preston McGill True South Solar, Andrew Vandenberg, and Dawn Lamb (11:00 AM by phone)   Public Forum McGill asked if there were any updates about the Solar panels at the Airport. Skinner said that Morris was going to be researching what the City was doing with the solar panels. Kathol mentioned that the Airport does not have a project in the budget to install solar panels at the Airport. McGill mentioned that is a private citizen is interested in funding and donating the solar to the Airport he could do research.   APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of January 9, 2018 minutes. Commissioners Spera/Moen m/s to approve minutes. All ayes. Minutes approved.   OLD BUSINESS A. Action Item List 1. Paving dirt areas around the hangars – Kathol has talked with the Streets Department, and they can do the job in the spring if we can get another department to do the excavation.    2. Hangar enclosure project - none   3. Tree topping project – Kathol explained the survey has been done and the contractor who was awarded the bid has not provided the required insurance documentation to the City. Fleury explained that the bid insurance requirement is 2 million per-occurrence said Prism Tree Service is working on providing the required documentation. Polaris Surveying will be verifying the trimming is done to the heights requested. Zeve asked if a contractor couldn’t meet the requirements. Fleury said we would re-bid the project and that the insurance requirements come from the City’s legal department. Zeve asked where the RFP was advertised, and Fleury explained that it was a direct solicitation mailed to local licensed landscape arborists. Spera asked how many trees involved. Fleury explained it was 30 to 40 trees of verifying diameter.     5. Entry Road Landscaping- Kathol has hired a landscaper to spray and put bark down. Wolske asked about the irrigation and Parks responsibility. Kathol explained that Parks does not have the resources to help with the irrigation project.   6. Restroom Improvements – Skinner gave Kathol restroom specifications and said we should make the bathrooms as maintenance free as possible. Skinner suggested that floor and walls be tiled. Fleury mentioned the concern is to check the current ADA compliance. Moen asked that there be a gender neutral signage for the restrooms. Fleury mentioned that we need to see where the budget stands after the tree topping, spraying and pavement projects. There may be other maintenance obligations, and we are only seven months into the biennium. Zeve asked if this is a project that Skinner could manage and put out to bid. Fleury explained that this project needs to go through the City.   8. Letters to non-compliant tenants- Kathol had sent Butler a copy of the letter that the City has sent in the past. Wolske asked how many tenants are non-compliant. Skinner mentioned two have been identified and Fleury will send out letters when he has be notified who they are.  Palomino asked if it would be possible to check on all the hangars for compliance and Skinner agreed to check the hangars.   9. Web camera adjustment- Skinner updated the Commission that the cameras are fixed for 180 degree view, but the view the Commission discussed is not possible with the current cameras. SOS is going to update Skinner with options, but had not heard back yet.   10. Riparian Restoration- Skinner told the Commission that Fresh Water Trust has funds to restore waterways and are targeting Neil Creek and the project would include removing vegetation from the Riparian areas. This is still preliminary, but they will come and make a presentation to the Commission. All the land owners on other side of Creek have agreed to the restoration.   B. COAR Grant Update – Fleury updated the Commission that we did not receive a grant for the Airport restroom remodel.  He mentioned that they COAR Grants with a 10% match are ranked in the top tier and that grants for safety improvements and asphalt preservation are prioritized. Wolske asked why we didn’t submit a match for restroom project and Fleury explained this is not an FAA approved a matching funds project.   C. Discussion of Parks Maintenance Schedule - Wolske asked if it was possible to bid out the mowing of the Airport privately. Zeve mentioned that the Airport has a current contract with Parks for mowing and landscape maintenance. The meeting packet included the Parks maintenance schedule. Wolske asked what the cost was for mowing and Fleury said it was in the budget for $5,500.00 per year. The contract with Parks ends in 2018. Wolske asked if they are meeting the obligation in the contract. Zeve wanted to know if Parks is checking in with anyone at the Airport and feels there is not accountability. Skinner would like to see a schedule with actual dates when the mowing and maintenance is being performed. Fleury told the Commission there have been other conversations about City maintenance and mentioned that he will meet with Parks to discuss the issues. Moen asked if it would be helpful to do a walk through and have a bullet list of what is required. Fleury said it would be best to geo locate the areas on a map. Skinner mentioned that in the past he would be notified of mowing so he could send out a notum. Fleury said he would find out who the Parks contact is, and an itemized schedule with dates. Then the Commission could look at the list and create the map with the work needed versus the work being done. Wolske would like this added to the Action Item list under landscaping.   D. Finalized Hangar Waiting List Policy – Kathol asked Skinner for a copy of the waiting list policy.   NEW BUSINESS: Airport: Good Neighbor Items - none Electrical upgrade in City hangars – Fleury said the Electric Dept. only has two staffed Electricians and would not be able to assist with this project. Skinner said the bids came back at approximately $10,000 per hangar. The Commission agreed this is a low priority project. Weed Abatement- Skinner felt the spraying from last year was successful and recommended that we do the same thing this year. Kathol explained that the City has contracted to have weed spraying done the same as last year and it was scheduled for Feb., 7, 2018. The Commission discussed the issue of the dust being stirring up by the helicopters. Fleury mentioned that the spraying helps with the pavement protection adjacent to the runway. Palomino questioned if the width of the spraying was necessary. Skinner said this was to get the taxi reflectors and runway lights. Kathol mentioned that this was discussed last year and that the Commission had decided to do this approach.  Fleury mentioned that dust suppressant could be used if we need dust control over the summer. Airport Minutes on Website- Palomino told the Commission he found inconsistencies on the website and that the June 2017 and August 2017 minutes are the same. He also mentioned that minutes were not posted from July 11, 2017. Zeve suggested that Palomino send Kathol this information so the website can be corrected.   Palomino also mentioned there is an error in minutes from May 2, 2017 that reflected the vote of Chair Wolske and Vice Chair Zeve. The minutes showed the motion was seconded by Skinner. Kiewel told the commission that the past minutes were approved and could not be amended. Fleury said the best thing to do is to have a motion in this meeting to clarify the error.   Butler motioned to affirm that Wolske was elected Commission Chair and Zeve was Commission Co-Chair. Spera seconded.                                                 Vote: All Approved   Skinner mentioned that he is listed as member in the minutes and the Commission asked to create a separate line for Skinner as FBO.         Butler would like to resign his Commission position effective at the end of this meeting. The Commission thanked Butler for his years of service.   Vacant Commission seat - Andrew Vandenberg has applied for the Commission and met with the Mayor. Wolske asked about the next steps to fill a vacancy and Fleury explained that Council approves and Commission appointments and Vandenburg will need to meet with Morris. Palomino told the Commission that if Vandenberg is approved then there would be three Commission members that are working with one business. When Palomino applied to be on the Commission, he had to go through legal to determine if it was appropriate to have an employee of an Airport Business on the Commission. Wolske and Schoen stated they are independent contractors. Wolske said this is an issue that has come up in the past with the Legal Department and there was a determination that it would be difficult to fill the Commission with people who don’t have a business interest with the Airport. Butler said there is precedence with the Tree Commission being made up of tree trimmers. Moen mentioned that we need be aware when voting of any conflict of interest. Fleury said that legal will come in every biennium and discuss with the Commission conflicts of interest. Wolske said we need to not only be aware of conflicts of interest but the appearance of conflicts of interest.   FBO REPORT(S): Attached – Palomino asked about the power poles in the fenced in area. Skinner said it was a ground lease with the Electric Department and the City. Palomino questioned if it should be on the FBO report. Maintenance Updates     INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: A.         Brown Bag Lunch – Canceled for Jan. B.         TC Meeting Update - C.         Medford Update -   Airport Day Fleury told the Commission that there was a $1,500 budget for Airport Day. The Commission talked by phone to with Dawn Lamb regarding the Airport Day Flyer. Wolske asked Dawn to come to the next meeting to discuss Airport Day assignments and punch list.   NEXT MEETING DATE: March 6, 2018 9:30 AM        ADJOURNMENT:  11:13 AM            Respectfully submitted, Tara Kiewel Public Works Administrative Assistant