HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes October 2011ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION November 1st, 2011   MINUTES         MEMBERS PRESENT: ALAN BENDER, ALAN DEBOER, DENNIS SLATTERY LINCOLN ZEVE, BOB SKINNER, DAVID WOLSKE,  JEFF NIELSEN, WILLIAM SKILLMAN, SUSAN MOEN STAFF: SCOTT FLEURY, MIKE FAUGHT MEMBERS ABSENT: LINCOLN ZEVE, RICHARD HENDRICKSON, ELIZABETH TRIPP Visitors:  Nicole Doran (Sky Research)   CALL TO ORDER: 9:30 AM   APPROVAL OF MINUTES: October 4th, 2011, motion by Skillman for approval, second by Moen, unanimous vote, minutes approved.   Additional Items:  None   Public Forum: None   OLD BUSINESS: AIP Project Engineering Design/Connect III: Fleury informs Commission that the City received its first FAA reimbursement for $1.4 million towards the AIP project. Fleury also states that he had a meeting with Randi Kobernick from ODOT, who manages the Connect III program for rural airports, to review and inspect the project. Kobernick stated that he would send Fleury the final inspection closeout report and after he receives the signed paperwork back the City could send in reimbursement requests for the Connect III 5% match monies. The Commission discusses the PAPI lights and whether to have them run 24/7 or switch the system to pilot controlled. Skinner states that the VASI lights ran 24/7 and would like to continue to operate the PAPI’s the same way. Fleury states that the replacement bulbs where around $20 each and rated at 1000 hr. The first bulbs to burn out lasted approximately 3.5 months. Mike Cook from the City Electric Department ordered a stock of replacement bulbs. Commission would like to investigate options for cheaper bulbs and or longer lasting bulbs. Skinner will keep track to time between bulb failures in order to help Commission determine if the switch to pilot controlled is a true cost savings. Fleury to contact Mainline Electric to discuss cost associated with changing over the PAPI’s to pilot controlled. CAP Hangar Lease: Fleury states that he has received information from the Air Force that they are releasing the hangar to the CAP in order for them to donate the hangar to the City. DeBoer states that it would be in the best interest of the City to develop a RFP for the rental and improvement of the hangar. Wolske would like to put together a subcommittee to explore the best options for use and improvement of the hangar if it falls into City ownership. Fleury will contact the Air Force again to get a final determination that the CAP’s only course of action is to donate the hangar to the City and also any limitations of the City if they receive the hangar. DeBoer recommends that Skinner send out feelers to prospective renters to determine their ideas for uses and improvements to the hangar to assist the subcommittee. Fleury states that he can have the building official perform a walkthrough of the facility to determine needed repairs and beneficial repairs to the hangar. Pavement Maintenance Program: Fleury informs Commission that he spoke with James Kirby from WH Pacific regarding the schedule and implementation of the PMP program. The program started late this season due to a few issues and most likely any work at Ashland will not occur until spring of 2012. The schedule shows approximately 5 days worth of crack sealing and trench patching at the airport. Kirby is also trying to have additional trench patching done around the fuel island where the asphalt appears to be raveling out. Fleury to inform Commission and users of final schedule once it has been developed.   NEW BUSINESS:         Good Neighbor Policy: Skinner states that airport operations are running smoothly. Skinner has received very little in the way of complaints and they have been more random in nature as compared to previous times when the complaints focused directly on helicopter operations onsite.  Skinner states that it has been determined that David Vidmar is currently living in his camper inside his hangar rental, which is a violation of lease terms. Skinner asked Fleury to draft letter from City stating that this is a default action and must be remedied per the lease agreement. Fleury states that he will have the letter drafted and reviewed by the Legal Department next week before delivering to Vidmar. Commission also discusses the fact that the lease requires occupants to have an airplane within the hangar and if vacant for more than 6 months they too can be deemed in default. Commission would like Skinner to try and make sure that occupants have airplanes in hangars as there is a waiting list for operators who have planes and would like hangar space. FBO Lease Addendum: Fleury informs Commission that Lohman has all information to process the final draft of the lease addendum, but has yet to have the required time. Once the final draft is complete Fleury to email copies to everyone for review and schedule a final subcommittee meeting. Zoning Ordinance Subcommittee: Development of the subcommittee has been postponed. Sky Research Development: Nicole Doran from Sky Research at meeting to hear comments regarding proposed hangar layout and parking lot construction. Commission in agreement that the proposed parking lot takes up valuable ramp frontage and needs to be moved back to be more in line with approved airport layout plan parking lot. The approved ALP parking lot is shown behind a group of hangars along the ramp. Nicole to pass this information along with the architects for a schematic design change. Fleury informs Commission that Faught, Mayor Stromberg and himself had previously met with Nicole and Alek Miller (grant writer) to discuss a City Council support letter for their grant application. Fleury will take letter of support to the City Council meeting November 15th for approval. Sky would also appreciate a letter of support from the Airport Commission as well. Fleury had forwarded via email the draft letter of support generated by Sky to Commission members for review. Commission discusses letter of support and would like to lend their assistance to Sky as part of the grant application. Wolske to review and make any edits to letter then return signed copy to Fleury to scan and pass along to Sky. The edits will most likely include an additional section stating that the proposed hangar development is in line with the FAA approved ALP.   AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports:Skinner states that the weeds have been mowed down by the Parks Department and County Work crews. Skinner states that the north windsock frame needs to be replaced due to degradation.   Maintenance Updates: Commission would like to see onsite business operators get together and purchase/build a new front sign as the existing one is in disrepair and does not have all operators listed on it.   Brown Bag: Skillman unable to attend brown bag meeting.      Transportation Commission: Faught is working towards a mid December wrap up for the TSP. Wolske has no update for the previous meeting.   Medford Airport Update: Bender states that Medford has a new cargo facility, a new rental car facility and the new Mercy Flights hangar is complete. Bender also states that the airport will have a advertisement sponsorship on the new tower that will be aviation related.   OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.   NEXT MEETING DATE:  December 6th, 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 11:26