HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes July 2017ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION                             August 1, 2017   MINUTES         Members Present: Lincoln Zeve, David Wolske, Susan Moen, Bob Skinner, Daniel Palomino, Bernard Spera and Bill Skillman Members Absent: George Schoen, Mike Morris (Council Liaison), William Butler, and Scott Fleury (staff) Staff: Kaylea Kathol Guests: none   CALL TO ORDER: 9:35 AM   2.AGENDA ITEM ADDITIONS: None   A.Public Forum: None   3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion to approve minutes as submitted by Moen, 2nd by Skillman, all approved.   4.OLD BUSINESS: A.Action Item List: 1.Riparian Restoration: No update 2.Paving dirt areas around the hangars: No update 3.Hangar enclosure project: No update. 4.Segmented circle painting: Complete.  This will be removed from future agenda. 5.Tree topping project: No update 6.Airport website/webcams: Installation complete. Cams are functional and can be viewed from website.  Zeve felt directional indication could easily be placed on image to show North/South.  Image is saved to City’s FTP site and overwritten every minute.  Directional indication cannot easily be placed on an image that is continuously overwritten.  Zeve suggested camera angle can easily be adjusted to better show Siskiyou pass and cloud canopy.  Skinner remarked that camera angle is fixed and cannot be adjusted.  7.Entry Road Landscaping: Zeve requested staff pressure parks to quickly evaluate existing irrigation.  Kathol explained Parks is unable to provide a time estimate currently due to other priorities.  Staff anticipates Parks being able to evaluate irrigation in late fall. 8.Trip hazard: no update (walking surface around JLC hangar door changes grade abruptly, presents tripping hazard. Staff has scheduled site visit with Street Department Supervisor to discuss and initiate improvement.)   B.ODA Grant Application/Master Plan Update: Kathol to ask Fleury status of these items.    C.FBO Bathroom Update: Kathol requested commission write specifications for desired updates to bathroom, as Kathol does not feel comfortable making airport’s design decisions.  Spero indicated bathroom should mimic public restroom design in Community Development building.  Kathol repeated request for list of specifications.    D.FBO Lease Update: Lease has been finalized.      5.NEW BUSINESS: A.Airport Good Neighbor Items: Skinner received complaint from neighbor about a plain doing touch and goes for about 1 hour last month.  Commission wondered if Planning Department still requires parties buying homes near airport to sign a statement acknowledging proximity to airport and forfeiting any expectation of City’s reaction to a noise complaint.    B.Airport Day Wrap Up: Commission to invite Dawn to next meeting to plan Airport Day 2018.  Moen requested additional money for children’s’ entertainment   C.Skylark Assisted Living requested use of airport for Ageless Aviation event.  Second week in September, dates TBD.  They wish to begin process of securing airport now.  Skinner is coordinating.  Commission supports this activity.   6.FBO REPORT(S):   Attached: None.   Maintenance Updates: Noise abatement sign down at south end of runway. A member asked when posts from old sign will be removed.  Skinner stated he believes posts may be placed in concrete and not easily removed.   7.INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: A.Brown Bag: Wolskey unsure of whether this is still happening.  Moen to find out.   B.Transportation Commission: None.   C.Medford Update: None.   NEXT MEETING DATE:  September 5, 2017 beginning at 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned, time not recorded   Respectfully submitted,   Kaylea Kathol Project Manager Public Works Department