HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes October 2012ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION November 6, 2012   MINUTES         MEMBERS PRESENT: DAVID WOLSKE, BOB SKINNER, JEFF NIELSEN, WILLIAM SKILLMAN, ALAN DEBOER, SUSAN MOEN, LINCOLN ZEVE, ELIZABETH TRIPP, RICHARD HENDRICKSON STAFF: SCOTT FLEURY, MIKE FAUGHT MEMBERS ABSENT: NICOLE DORAN, DENNIS SLATTERY Visitors: None   CALL TO ORDER: 9:31 AM   APPROVAL OF MINUTES: October 2, 2012, motion by Skillman for approval, second by Nielsen, minutes approved as written.   Additional Items:  None   Public Forum: No public discussion.   OLD BUSINESS: Power Pole Storage: Staff informs Commission that the power pole storage onsite was approved by the Planning Department. The public comment period came and past without any issues raised regarding the storage areas. The Electric Department can begin construction at any point now. Staff will work with the Electric Department and develop a lease for the storage area that will go to the City Council for final approval. The lease will have a maximum five year term with a 30 day notice of termination by either party as required by the FAA. Tree Trimming: Staff informs Commission that bids for the topping project will open today at 2 pm. Once bids are opened staff will select the lowest responsive bidder and develop a contract for the topping services. This contract approval process usually takes 1-2 weeks to complete and then notice to proceed for the project can be sent out. Staff to draft another round of letters to the property owners informing them of the contractor selection and providing them with the appropriate contact information. FBO RFP/Lease: Staff states the issue now is with requiring the appropriate amount of insurance. County Insurances Services (CIS) reviewed the insurance requirements in the lease documents and made suggestions for additional insurance. Staff relayed this information to Skinner in order for him and his insurance provider to review. Skinners insurance provider made an additional set of recommendations based on the ability to obtain insurance as requested by CIS. Skinners insurance agent provided information on what is more realistic to obtain in the aviation industry. Staff then forwarded that information back to the Legal Department and Risk Management for review and incorporation into the lease document. The Commission would like staff to research what the Oregon Department of Aviation (ODA) requires of their FBO’s at state run airports. Staff to obtain insurance requirements and forward to both the Commission and Legal Department for review. Staff informs Commission that whatever route we take, we need to be fair to all users of the airport and cannot require unrealistic standards for all users. Motion by Skillman, the general liability should be $2 million, 2nd by Hendrickson, all approved. Skinner states that he has recently sent in his request to extend his lease for the last five year term. Skinner was hoping to have the RFP complete by now as he needs to make a decision on whether or not to sell what remains of his business as he only has five years left on the current lease. Commission asks staff if there is any way to speed up the process. Staff states that with Legal bogged down with numerous issues that it is sometimes hard to expedite these things, but staff will discuss with Legal and see if the lease can be completed with the appropriate insurance requirements shortly. Noise Sensitive Brochure: Staff informs Commission that updates to the brochure have been received by Kathy at Skinner Aviation and all changes are being incorporated into a new brochure. Once the changes and updates are made staff will send the brochure out for printing. Commission Policies: Commission reviews the three draft forms of Ashland Municipal Code 2.10, Uniform Policies and Operating Procedures for Advisory Commissions and Boards. Commission generally agrees that option one represents a more minimalist code. The Commission would like to handle its attendance issues internally between staff and the Commission Chair if possible. The Commission would also like to elect a new chair and vice chair at the first meeting of a the new fiscal year instead of the first meeting of the year as new appointments take place closer to June and this would allow new appointments to be involved in the election process. Staff to forward the recommendations to the City Recorder.   NEW BUSINESS:           Good Neighbor Policy: Skinner informs Commission that it has been very quiet with regards to complaints about operations from the Airport. Brim has primarily continued to use the runway approach and departure pattern. Commission will continue to monitor situation each month and discuss.   AIP Projects: Staff reviews developed spreadsheet of future AIP projects. A majority of the AIP projects listed in the Master Plan are for pavement maintenance and improvement. Staff states that the last time a six year AIP project list was sent to the FAA it included security fencing, and the final main taxiway extension. Commission reviews list and believes that expansions that allow for an increase in revenue streams via hangar rentals is very important. The taxiway extension would allow for possible hangar development and also allow for a second connection between the new T-hangars and the runway. This would also be a safety improvement to reduce plane incursions using the same taxiway as they head to and from the runway. Staff informs Commission the FAA will only pay for the asphalt improvements and that the City will need to internally fund the infrastructure improvements which include, water, sewer, storm drain and electric services. These items will need to be accounted for internally and maybe able to be constructed using in house employees and equipment with the airport fund paying for the materials. Commission discusses the ramp extension project but believes that since that frontage area is set aside for larger scale commercial hangars the taxiway extension would be of more value in revenue generation.  In addition, the FAA will require an update to the existing master plan in the next two years as the existing master plan was developed in 2005. Another proposed project is installation of perimeter security fence which would provide insurance against animal incursions on the runway and taxiways along with limiting access points for individuals who in the past have used the runway as a drag strip. Commission is concerned that the FAA would require security gates at access points to the taxiways if the security fencing goes forward as a project. Staff to discuss requirements of security fencing with FAA. Staff would also like to get more repair work out of ODA’s pavement maintenance program and will work toward that on the next go round. Staff also believes that the runway return taxiway will need significant repairs in the next few years as cracks are starting to propagate even more now due to traffic and weed growth  Commission would like to move forward with recommending the taxiway extension and security fencing projects. Staff to update the AIP spreadsheet with these projects and bring back to the December meeting.   AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION:   Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports: Skinner informs Commission that airport activity is well and that the FBO continues to be busy with work. Skinner also informs Commission that it over the past month a couple of trailers have shown up on site and it appears that people are living in the trailers. Commission’s policy is that camping on site is prohibited. Commission would like Skinner to contact Brim regarding trailers and make sure that no one is living in them on site. In addition there is an ultralight trailer that needs to pay tie down fees and be parked in an appropriate area. Skinner received an invoice for QT technologies for the self serve fuel island computer maintenance. Staff will pay the invoice for the platinum level service agreement as the system continues to age and will require more upkeep. Maintenance Updates: Skinner states that the signs need to be replaced in the object free area, that two reflectors have been damaged and need to be replaced, two runway lights are out and that mowing needs to occur around the runway lights. Staff has been unable to meet with the City’s sign installer as he has been working on road diet items, but will schedule on onsite meeting to discuss sign installation at the airport. Skinner to contact Mike Cook regarding lights that are out. Brown Bag: No update from Moen.    Transportation Commission: No update. Medford Airport Update: No update.    Action Item List: Staff to generate monthly action item calendar.      OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.   NEXT MEETING DATE:  November 6, 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 11:30