HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes November 2013ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION December 3, 2013   MINUTES         Members Present: Bob Skinner, David Wolske, Lincoln Zeve, Elizabeth Tripp, Richard Hendrickson, Susan Moen, Jeff Nielsen, Nicole Doran and Alan DeBoer Staff: Scott Fleury Members Absent: Bill Skillman, Greg Lemhouse Visitors: None   CALL TO ORDER: 9:30 AM   1.APPROVAL OF MINUTES: November 5, 2013 motion by Nielsen for approval, second by Hendrickson, minutes approved as written.   2.Public Forum: No public discussion.   3.OLD BUSINESS:     A.FBR RFP/Lease: No update. Staff still needs to schedule meeting with Skinner regarding proposed language additions to lease document. B.AIP/Hangar Door/Hangar Enclosure Projects: Skinner updates Commission on construction progress for the FBO door. The footings have been poured for the new exterior frame supports. They still need to construct the structural roof anchors, skin and prep the new door before hanging in place. Skinner expects American Industrial Door to finish within a couple weeks.   Staff updates Commission on status of AIP project. Staff is waiting for the final fee and scope from Precision Approach Engineering. Staff and PAE held pre-design meeting with FAA and PAE developed a draft scope from meeting FAA and staff made comments on draft scope that PAE is incorporating into a final document. Staff mentioned the fencing design in the overrun area to PAE and how the Commission was interested in frangible fence posts in this area. Staff states if the proposed fee is over $100,000 an independent fee analysis must be performed by an aviation engineering consultant. Staff would like to take the contract to the City Council for approval by the first meeting in January in order to issue notice to proceed shortly thereafter.   Staff states the proposed fee from the architect and structural engineer for the hangar enclosure project is $33,000. This includes structural analysis of the system to verify it can support the loading of a door, the detailed drawings for construction and support from the engineer and architect during the project. Staff states they have only budgeted approximately $45k for the whole project. This would make the project unreasonable to complete based on a fiscal payback for increased rental rates. Staff informs Commission of intentions to work with architect in order to make fee more reasonable in order to move forward. Commission inquires into bidding the project as a design build and allow local construction companies to use staff engineers to prepare drawings and details. Staff states this is possible but would need to put together a design build RFP before proceeding. Staff also states it could be possible to use in house structural engineer to assist in putting together proper details for project. Staff will first work with architect and move on from there if necessary.    C.Airport Zoning: Staff is still waiting for Molnar to schedule a meeting to start code adjustment language. Staff also stated a possibility would be to speak with Mark Knox and planning consultant and hire him directly to write up code language for airport appropriate development. Commission mentions that goal setting at the Council level occurs early in 2014 and this could be brought before them as a possible goal to accomplish. Commission stresses this is becoming increasingly important to finish in order to promote economic development onsite specifically with regards to hangar construction and rentals along with the possibility to obtain more onsite aviation related businesses. Once the taxilane project is complete it will open the door for development and having planning codes in place to facilitate this would be highly beneficial. Staff will contact Knox for a discussion regarding the project and see what he believes it would take to complete in an appropriate time frame.     D.Self Fueling Permit: Staff informs Commission that Brim has been notified of fees associated with self fueling. Skinner states that Brim has paid the $2400.00 for the previous two years and this year’s fee. The fee cycle runs from June to June. Staff needs to finalize the permit itself and have Brim Aviation sign the final permit. Staff expects to have the permit complete in January. The Fire Marshall has forwarded comments to staff and staff needs to compile a final permit.   4.NEW BUSINESS:   A.Airport Good Neighbor Items: Skinner reports no new items. All operations appear to be following proper airport procedures, including helicopter operations. Wolske mentions that Brim Aviation has been parking in the apron area adjacent to the new t-hangars and this creates an issue for aircraft using the taxilanes to access the runway. There have been times when a pilot has had to track down someone from Brim Aviation to move equipment in order for the pilot to get through on the taxilane. Wolske would like to see that if equipment/helicopters encroach into the taxilane that someone be available to move them quickly. There should be no unattended aircraft on taxilanes. Commission would also like to see the ramp used by individuals who plan on parking for more than a few minutes along taxilane routes. Commission could develop a policy regarding this if needed in the future in order to strengthen Skinners hand when dealing with these situations. B.Election of Chair and Vice Chair: Staff informs Commission it is time to elect a chair and vice chair for the next year. Wolske can continue on for one more term if the Commission so chooses. Moen motion to continue with the status quo with Wolske being the chair and Neilsen acting as vice chair, 2nd by Tripp, all approved.   5.AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION:   A.Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports: No update.   B.Maintenance Updates: No updates.   C.Brown Bag: No update. Moen states they discussed the Normal Ave. neighborhood plan. This plan outlines development potential and road layouts in the developable sections of property between Walker Ave. and Clay St. No other information to report.   D.Transportation Commission: Staff states the road diet pilot striping project will go before City Council tonight for a final vote on whether to keep the current configuration or return back to the four lane configuration. Staff states the engineering analysis of the project shows the configuration works better with three lanes than four.   E.Medford Airport: Bender provides Commission with Medford Airport update. Medford is scheduled for a runway rehabilitation project next year and more details will be forthcoming. Allegiant will be adding a 3rd flight to LA at some point next year. Erickson Air Crane has moved some of its operations into the old Medford Air FBO building. Bender states that commercial activity in 2013 was down a little and general aviation activity was down about 2% in total.   F.Action Item List: Action item list updated to include Fire Department training enclosure.   G.Airport Day/Marketing: Hendrickson confirms the Airport is now a member of the Chamber of Commerce and Skinner is on the membership form as the sites point of contact. Hendrickson will be working with the Chamber to market Airport Day in May of 2014. Hendrickson informs that he and Lou Nash will be working with Science Works to hold a summer camp onsite for students. The camp will be a hands on aviation camp most likely to occur in June of 2014.   H.Airport Users Group: Hendrickson informs Commission the redbird simulator is in place, but needs a wireless networking card to work properly. Once the card is installed the simulator should work properly. The simulator is free to user group members and is $50.00 an hour for non-members.     OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.   NEXT MEETING DATE:  January 7, beginning at 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 10:44 AM