HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes July 2015ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION August 4, 2015   MINUTES         Members Present: Bob Skinner, David Wolske, Alan DeBoer, Lincoln Zeve, William Butler, Bill Skillman, Susan Moen and Stefani Seffinger Staff: Scott Fleury and Whitney Dennis Members Absent: Guests: Doug Burman, Sherm Lucas, Burl Brim   CALL TO ORDER: 9:30AM   2.AGENDA ITEM ADDITIONS:    a.Airport Narrative Page Update b.ODA Inspection Repair (add to Action List) c.Driveway Chain Replacement for Restricted Access Area (add to Action List)   Public Forum: Butler introduced guests Burman and Lucas. Lucas describes himself as having lived 10 years in Ashland and has been flying since 1965. Lucas added that he works as a consultant for the food industry and is interested in getting more involved in local community activities as he will be traveling less for work now. His wife is a current Budget Committee member.   3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES: July 7, 2015 motion by Skillman for approval, second by Moen minutes approved as written.     4.OLD BUSINESS:   A.Airport Zoning: Staff explained the formal presentation regarding the draft version of the code is expected to occur during the September meeting. Staff expected to have a draft copy for Commission at meeting, but planning staff is running behind dealing with other pressing issues.  Staff added  a copy of the draft code will be forwarded to Commissioners via email prior to the September meeting.     B.FBO Lease: Staff informed Commission they are waiting for a status update from Legal and the lease should be finalized soon. Legal has all the information previously requested to finalize the lease including ODA's insurance requirements and Skinner’s insurance agents contact information.   C.Self Fueling Permit: Staff informed the Commission that Legal has reviewed the document after additional edits were compiled.   Brim highlighted the weights / measures certification as a potential issue. Skinner has his equipment certified and the Department of Weights and Measures works with him to accomplish this.  Discussion continued around money, time and logistics for inspections.  Commission questioned the reasoning for requirements when someone is fueling themselves, noting that it is placing an unnecessary burden on that operator. Commission discussed and recommended certifying the meters only if selling to the public. Staff spoke of doing additional research to mirror state requirements.  Brim also recommended automatic renewal of application when there are no significant changes.   D.Electrical Improvements: Staff informs Commission that a quote and scope of work has been requested from Welburn Electric, Inc. for the electrical improvements.   Staff explained code requirements will be vetted City Building Official, Jeremy Payne. Staff has contacted Jeremy to determine if the project sounds reasonable and has the potential to meet all codes. Staff added that work done on the enclosed hangars will cost more than the work done in the shade hangars.  Staff will send a copy of the quote and scope will be sent to Commissioners once received.   E.Cell Tower Light: Butler called attention to Zeve to provide an update regarding the cell tower light on Mistletoe Rd.   Zeve announced the light intensity (lumens) will be reduced dramatically from 2000 to 32 with no daytime strobe. In addition, the FAA and Jackson County have approved the reduction.  A conference call was made with the owner of the tower, the FAA and all parties agreed to the change.   Zeve added  the change should occur in a few months.  Commission supported Zeve’s efforts and Moen suggested submitting an ad to the paper to explain the change.   F.Signage/Security/Access Signs – This item was moved to the Action Item List.   5.NEW BUSINESS:   A.Airport Good Neighbor Items: No complaints reported this month. Commission concluded the low air quality and visibility due to the fires in the area may have affected usage.     B.Airport Development Potential: Staff apprised the Commission on being approached by a developer who was interested in establishing modular buildings for non-aviation use on the currently undeveloped airport land.   Staff outlined that the economic revenue would stay in the airport fund and that FAA would likely approve a non-aviation related use in that area due to existing conditions making it difficult to support an aviation use.  Wolske stressed a potential conflict with airport related land use if the land was needed in the future.   The use of a helicopter area was discussed with the grades in the area not being able to meet 2% requirement.   Commission acknowledged  the development potential should be examined and added in the master plan, adding that the plans should be the best and highest use of the area and should also compliment the airport.  Commission requested that interested developer come and address commission with ideas.   C.Council Report: Staff informs Commission of the annual Airport Commission update to council scheduled for September 1st.   Staff discussed preparing summary for Commission Chair.   Seffinger suggested a few topics to cover: a.Economic benefits of airport b.Airport event update c.Usefulness of airport for emergency situations It was mentioned that there is an ODA report of Economic Impact that can be used.  Staff added that a copy of gas tax increase will be forwarded to Commission Chair.   6.FBO REPORT(S):   No updates.   7.INFORMATIONAL ITEMS:   A.Brown Bag: Staff clarified the date as the 4th Friday of each month.  No additional updates.   B.Transportation Commission:  Staff apprised the Commission of the new consultant, Rick Williams, working with the Downtown Parking Management and Circulation Ad-Hoc Advisory Committee.   Staff added that there has been discussion of the option of a rubber tire trolley for the downtown area.   C.Medford Airport: No update   D.Action Item List: i.Airport Zoning/Riparian Restoration: Staff explained that the riparian restoration will be put into the master plan to address the needs of the area. ii.Paving of dirt areas around the hangers: Staff stated that the paving of the granite areas may be funded from any monies left over from other capital projects.  Additionally, opportunities to use internal staff may be feasible with the purchase of the new paver and the temporary employees dedicated to pavement improvements. iii.Entrance Sign Replacement/Animal Signs/ Highway 66 Sign: iv.Hangar Enclosure Project (Staff to work with Skinner): Staff explained that Legal is developing a contract to allow for lower insurance requirements for sole proprietors that might work for this project. v.Transportation to & from airport: Commission discussed that local improvements in the taxi system  have helped with transportation issue. Butler to  call cab companies and develop a list that can be posted for users.  Staff also recommended updating noise pamphlet and updating the website. vi.Self Fueling Permit: Staff to work on metering requirements and renewal issues previously discussed. vii.Fire Extinguisher Installation/ Hangar Numbering: Staff apprised the Commission on the installation of the extinguishers and numbering with yellow numbers.  Both are in the works.  Butler asked for this item to be removed from action list. viii.Roof Action Plan: Staff mentioned that Dale Peters and Stu Wilkie of the Facilities Maintenance Division, have been working on the roof.  Terra Survey has received a Notice to Proceed to survey the transition and slope.  ix.Tie Down Chain Repairs: No Updates. x.Signs: Staff explained that the security signs will be discussed between Brim and Skinner in order to control site access. Additionally, the main entrance road sign will be replaced and be constructed to allow businesses to install their own sign on the airport sign. xi.Security System Improvements: No Updates. xii.Web Cam Improvements: Staff explained that IT needs to investigate the functionality and a site visit to the                         FBO office will be required. xiii.Update Airport Narrative page and links: This item is to be moved to next month and staff will setup the computer in the Siskiyou Room to provide real time edits.   E.Airport Users Group:  No Updates   OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.    NEXT MEETING DATE:  September 1, 2015 beginning at 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 10:37AM     Respectfully Submitted,   Whitney Dennis Administrative Assistant