HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes September 2011ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION October 4th, 2011   MINUTES         MEMBERS PRESENT: LINCOLN ZEVE, BOB SKINNER, DAVID WOLSKE, RICHARD HENDRICKSON, JEFF NIELSEN, WILLIAM SKILLMAN, SUSAN MOEN, ELIZABETH TRIPP STAFF: SCOTT FLEURY, MIKE FAUGHT MEMBERS ABSENT: ALAN BENDER, ALAN DEBOER, DENNIS SLATTERY Visitors:  Nicole Doran (Sky Research), Joseph Rice (Brim Aviation)   1.                  CALL TO ORDER: 9:35 AM   2.                  APPROVAL OF MINUTES: September 13th, 2011, motion by Moen for approval, second by Skillman, unanimous vote, minutes approved.   Additional Items:     3.                  Public Forum: None   4.      OLD BUSINESS: A.                AIP Project Engineering Design/Connect III: Fleury informs Commission that the City has made their first request for reimbursement to the FAA for $1,452,077.85. This request covers the construction work and part of the construction administration fees. Reid Middleton still has approximately $40,000 left on their contract to complete the closeout documentation. After Reid has completed their contract work associated with the AIP Fleury will make the final request for reimbursement and start work on requesting the 5% associated with the Connect Oregon III grants. B.                 CAP Hangar Lease: Fleury informs Commission that the letter he sent to the Air Force contact given to him by the Civil Air Patrol has netted a response directly from the Air Force CAP liason who is working to disposition the hangar via the correct military rules. It appears that the Air Force only had the 1988 lease as documentation backup for the hangar and that they were under the impression that the City owned the hangar and leased it directly to the CAP. Fleury emailed the Air Force all the documentation on file that showed the Air Force donated the hangar to the CAP and the City approved a building permit in 1971 for the CAP to construct the hangar onsite. The Air Force CAP liaison was grateful for the extra information and stated that the process should be faster now with this extra information. Fleury also generated a billing request for ground lease fees of the hangar since the expiration of the old CAP lease through September for the amount of $760.67. This will be sent to the Air Force in the hopes that it also helps speed up the process. Wolske states that the military has a procedure in place for the disposition of surplus military equipment and most likely the hangar will be offered to the local municipality as has happened in many previous occasions when military bases are closed. C.                 Pavement Maintenance Program: Fleury contacted the ODA and requested a construction activity schedule. Sandra Larsen from the ODA responded and stated that the City should receive the information soon. Fleury to email Commission and users once a schedule has been received.   D.                Ward Property: Skinner states that the Ward property is currently for sale at an asking price of $350,000. The house itself will require a full teardown or at minimum a complete remodel.   5.      NEW BUSINESS:           A.                Good Neighbor Policy: Commission asks Rice status of Brims current training schedule. Rice states they had representatives in from Beijing but they had to leave due to a helicopter accident in China that killed 1/3 of their local officers. They had completed three of seven weeks at the time. They are currently trying to schedule the final four weeks with the group that left and setup six weeks with a new group. Rice also expects representatives from Shanghai in February of 2012 for a sixty day training. Rice also states that Brim is not training on public land as was represented in a recent article, but is training on private property. Skinner states that he has received sporadic complaints of low flying helicopters and planes, but that there has been no pattern to the complaints that can be associated with one operator. Fleury states that Mrs. Lewis called the Legal Department regarding an operator flying a power parachute at low altitudes over her field disturbing her livestock. Fleury informed the Legal Department that the best thing to do would be to call Skinner as he can directly talk with the operator about flying away from the field and residences.   B.                 FBO Lease Addendum: Fleury reviews draft lease with the Commission and states that currently Lohman the City Attorney is editing the lease and reviewing all previous documentation provided by Fleury and Skinner. Lohman will create a final draft that will be reviewed by Commission before going to the City Council for approval. It is the expectation that the lease addendum will allow Skinner to perform more maintenance related items at the airport, clarify management duties and clarify ownership of improvements. Lohman is verifying the amount of maintenance responsibility that can be given through contract to Skinner. The next FBO subcommittee meeting has yet to be scheduled as Lohman will need some time to perform the necessary review. The City will also be drafting an RFP for the FBO position in spring of 2012 as Skinners current agreement will either end at the beginning of 2013 or be extended at his option until 2018. The City does not want to be in a position of not having an FBO if Skinner chooses not to renew until 2018. The RFP will have a dual timeframe for a new FBO, either starting in 2013 or 2018. The Commission will be given a draft of the FBO RFP for review prior to advertising in spring of 2012. C.                 Office Elections: The nominations for chair begin with Skillman nominating Moen, who declines. Wolske nominates Skillman who also declines due to time constraints. Zeve nominates Nielsen who declines. Tripp nominates Wolske who will accept if no one else is interested in the position. Nomination receives a 2nd from Nielsen, a yes vote from all Commissioners except Zeve approves Wolske as new chair. Commission asks Skillman if we would continue to be vice chair and he states he would if the Commission so approves. Nielsen self nominates for position of vice chair with a 2nd from Zeve. In addition, motion by Nielsen for Skillman as vice chair with a 2nd from Hendrickson. Nielsen receives 5 votes with only Hendrickson voting for Skillman. Nielsen elected vice chair. Fleury to inform administration and the recorder of the Airport Commissions current officers.   6.      AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A.                Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports: Skinner states that some of the PAPI lights have burnt out and are being replaced by Cook of the Electric Department. Commission would like to know the life span of the bulbs as they were installed in June. The bulbs run continuously just as the VASI lights run 24/7. Skinner states that the lights can be pilot controlled, but preferred at this time to have them run continuously like the VASI’s did. Skinner also states that the weeds are still an issue and understands that no spraying is allowed on City property, unless organic herbicides are used. Commission thinks that at least mowing or weed whacking would be a basic short term solution to the issues. Fleury states that he can probably have the county crews come back out to the site at some point to weed whack airport asphalt. Zeve asks about hangars that appear to be without planes for extended time frames and how this does not correspond to the lease documents that require a plane in the hangar. In addition it appears that another renter is staying in a camper in his hangar currently. Skinner to investigate both empty hangars and partial residence in hangars and report back to Commission. Wolske believes people are taking advantage of the policy, but that it is nice to have people onsite after hours due to transient activity using the bathroom and camping onsite. Skinner also asks Rice to block spot adjacent to Brim hangar and within 39’ of centerline of taxiway to the east because if cars park there and there is an accident Brim would be liable. Rice to stop people from parking in that location. Skillman states that the chain blocking access to the taxiway from the back of Sky’s hangar is broken and has been for some time. Skinner states that the chain was placed there to keep people from driving up on the taxiway from Sky’s hangar, but that does not occur anymore.   B.                 Maintenance Updates: Fleury states that the asphalt grindings leftover from the AIP project are being removed from site currently by the Street Department. They have a couple employees that are training for their CDL’s and this is being used for driving experience. Fleury again discusses the filling in of granite areas around the hangars and airport in general and how a thin layer of paving might be better in the long run then use of the grindings. Grindings that are used on dirt roads through the City are compacted and held in place by vehicle traffic, while grindings placed at the airport will see very little traffic and most likely need an emulsion placed over it to hold it in place. Grindings will also allow weeds to grow more readily when compared with asphalt. Commission is concerned of timeline associated with paying for and accomplishing the actual paving of areas, but are willing to wait for the time being to allow for asphalt construction over grinding placement.       C.                 Brown Bag: No attendance at brown bag meeting.     D.                Transportation Commission: Faught gives update to Commission on status of TSP. Faught states that the preferred alternative plans were recently shown before the TSP and Planning Commissions for review in order to determine if the policies meet the goals set forth by the City. Once everyone reviews the plans the goal is to move forward with the preferred plan. There are approximately 25 million dollars in projects shown over the next 20 years and there will be some tough choices to make with regards to projects as the City is constrained financially.   E.                 Medford Airport Update: No update   7.      OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.   8.      NEXT MEETING DATE:  November 1st, 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 11:27