HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes September 2012ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION October 2, 2012   MINUTES         MEMBERS PRESENT: DAVID WOLSKE, BOB SKINNER, JEFF NIELSEN, WILLIAM SKILLMAN, ALAN DEBOER, NICOLE DORAN, SUSAN MOEN, LINCOLN ZEVE STAFF: SCOTT FLEURY, MIKE FAUGHT MEMBERS ABSENT: ELIZABETH TRIPP, DENNIS SLATTERY Visitors: Alan Bender   CALL TO ORDER: 9:33 AM   APPROVAL OF MINUTES: September 4, 2012, motion by DeBoer for approval, second by Moen, minutes approved as written.   Additional Items:  None   Public Forum: No public discussion.   OLD BUSINESS: Power Pole Storage: Staff informs Commission that the power pole storage onsite was noticed for comments by the Planning Department. Currently they have not received any public comment regarding the facility. Planning Staff to draft conditions of approval after the public comment phase has closed. Once the conditions of approval are finalized the Electric Department will receive approval for construction of the storage area. Staff will then work to draft the required lease documents and take them to the City Council for final approval. The lease will start with the construction start date.   Tree Trimming: Staff informs Commission that the City is still waiting for the final topping plan from Terrasurvey. Staff has asked them to expedite the plan in order to bid the project. Staff sees work starting after fire season ends, approximately early November. Commission believes that the City needs to move the process along as fast as possible as the trees do present a safety hazard to pilots especially when landing at night. Commission would like to see Skinner release a NOTAM regarding the encroaching trees and also add a message to the SuperAwos regarding the tree heights so all pilots are aware of the issue. Skinner to call the FAA for guidance on the proper NOTAM messaging. Hendrickson would like staff to notify Commission by email on progress of project. Zeve asks if there is a process to follow where the trees could be completely removed and the area replanted with lower growing trees that would still provide the stream shading but not encroach into the approach slope?  Staff states that all property owners in the corridor would have to be agreeable to a plan and that the plan would also need to be approved by the County as a riparian restoration project. Staff states there are many groups in the area that perform restoration projects of this nature. Staff to contact Bill Meyers of the DEQ and discuss restoration options that benefit the airport, but also stream habitat.   NEW BUSINESS:           Good Neighbor Policy: Skinner informs Commission that everything has been fairly quiet with regards to complaints and issues. Brim has been flying the runway approach and departure with the occasional trip east from the hangar. Doran from Sky Research stated that the helicopter taxiing to the runway has not been an issue for Sky’s building as Brim has kept his distance. Skinner did discuss operations with the ultralight pilot in order to reduce his impact to the surrounding area. FBO-RFP/Lease: Staff informs Commission that a meeting with the Legal Department has been scheduled for Friday in order to finalize the FBO lease. The main issue was with the living wage requirement and legal was going to review. Once legal has finalized the document staff can bundle with the RFP and put out for Public Response. Commission Policies: Staff asks if the Commission has any changes they believe should be made to the existing code in order to make the Commission run better as a group. Commission believes that they do not have the issues with quorums like other groups do and that they function just fine as is. Commission would like to continue to operate in the same manner they have for years. The Commission believes that if a member is absent to often that staff and the chair should ask them personally if they wish to continue to be member or if they would like to resign. Commission would also like to continue on with electing a chair and vice-chair in December to start in January.   Noise Sensitive Brochure: Staff informs Commission that the FBO office is out of the noise sensitive brochures and they need more printed. Staff wanted to incorporate any changes to the brochure before sending out to the printer. Commission recommends a few changes and spelling corrections. Staff asks Commission to look over the brochure further and email if they believe anything else should be added. Once all changes are incorporated staff to send the brochure out for printing.   AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION:   Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports: Skinner reports that activity is good. The FBO business has been busy with fires this season and maintenance activities. The Commission would like to see a monthly calendar developed that contains action items and maintenance items that need to be addressed on a yearly basis. Staff to search around and develop a calendar template that can be attached to the packet each month and items added as needed.     Maintenance Updates: Staff informs Commission that the County has been trying to cite the winery owner in order to have them comply with removing fill material placed within the runway safety overrun area and within the flood plain. Skinner to verify if any material has been removed. Commission to discuss six year AIP plan at the November meeting that will include improvements and maintenance to existing infrastructure.   Brown Bag: No brown bag meeting.      Transportation Commission: Faught informs Commission that the TSP open house will be held October 24th at the Ashland Armory. Staff to send out email invite to Commissioners. Faught states that the TSP did not look at improvements to the airport, but does look at connections to the airport from downtown in the 30 year plan.   Medford Airport Update: Bender informs Commission that July was Medford’s biggest commercial month on record. The Allegiant service to Oakland has been canceled. Bender also states that the Medford Airport received a 150k grant in order to market and search for additional air services. In addition, the Medford Master Plan is wrapping up.     Action Item List: Action item list updated and staff to incorporate items into calendar format.     OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.   NEXT MEETING DATE:  November 6, 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 11:04