HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes March 2016 - Airport Day SubcommitteeASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION                             April 5, 2016   MINUTES         Members Present: David Wolske, Bill Skillman, Lincoln Zeve, Susan Moen, William Butler, Sherm Lucas, George Schoen, Bob Skinner, Alex Censor and Mike Morris Staff: Scott Fleury Members Absent: Alan DeBoer Guests:     CALL TO ORDER: 9:31 AM   2.AGENDA ITEM ADDITIONS:  None.   3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes approved by consent of the Commission.   4.OLD BUSINESS:   A.Airport Zoning: Staff informs Commission the zoning ordinance will go before the Council for first reading at the April 19th meeting. The ordinance change requires a first and second reading before it becomes codified. Group is appreciative the code is finally being updated and looks forward to future development onsite.     B.FBO Lease: Staff informs Commission that Skinner made a few recommendations for final updates to the document. Staff explains the issue around the pollution insurance requirement and that the underwriter from the fuel delivery operations only covers damage done from an accident due to the transfer of fuel from the truck to the tanks or Skinners truck. There is no coverage for an accidental spill from Skinners fuel truck. Skinner states this insurance requirement makes it cost prohibitive to run the fuel truck onsite. Everyone agrees having the fuel truck onsite is a benefit to the airport. Staff to do a bit more research and see what is done at other local airports. Staff will also update lease document per Skinner’s request and have legal review.   C.Webcams: The electrical outlets have been installed and are ready for webcam installation. The robotics club is busy working on a project but will get to the webcams shortly, install webcams and link them to the City’s site.   D.Entry Signage: Staff informs Commission the sign has been picked up and is at the City’s yard in the sign shop. Staff to work with the sign installer to have the sign installed with telspar posts that will allow other small placard signs of the business to be installed beneath. Staff also wants to see the last panel of chain link fence removed near the roadway. Staff is also in process of researching sign code requirements for installation of business signs on City property.   E.Taxi-lane clear space: Butler informs Commission the data change request regarding the taxilane has been submitted and should be printed and final by May 26. Staff to develop Autcad drawings showing the no-parking zone and also the double yellow strip along the ramp edge for the group to review.   F.Shade Hangar Enclosure Project: Staff informs Commission Kaylea has developed a draft RFP for design build services. Staff still needs to review draft version before it is distributed for response. The RFP breaks the project into two distinct phases, engineering/design work and then construction of approved hangar enclosures.     5.NEW BUSINESS:   A.Airport Good Neighbor Items: Skinner informs Commission there have been no new complaints generated during the past month. Timberline has been operating out of the facility for the AFR project and they have a Kmax and Blackhawk helicopter onsite right now. Group would like to see the either helicopter available for airport day if they are still working at that time. Staff to check with Chris Chambers and see if it is a possibility to display either helicopter.   B.Rental Rate Discussion: Staff goes over rental sheet along with CPI-U adjustments to ground leases. The CPI-U developed a 1.4% increase from last year’s January number. The group discusses using the CPI-U to adjust the rentals and tie downs up to the nearest dollar. Skinner reiterates the CPI-U is a tool to use with respect to hangar rental adjustments.   Motion by Wolske, Follow CPI-U adjustment for hangar rentals and long term tie downs by increasing them by round to the nearest dollar amount, 2nd by Butler, all approved.   6.FBO REPORT(S):     Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports: Skinner informs Commission activity is picking up as the weather improves, especially on the weekends. Fuel prices that previously crept up are starting to trend down. The noise abatement sign on the south end is down again and needs the breakaways to be replaced. Skinner thanks Skillman for installation/repair of the tie down chains. They were found in the City’s storage hangar. Eight chains are still needed to complete the repair. Staff to work on ordering additional chains to finish the work and spares to keep onsite.   Maintenance Updates:  Skinner plans on having the fire extinguishers installed this month. Commission would like to see the curb removed on the north end of the runway. Striping also needs to be refreshed. Wolske mentions a wooden box on the south side near new conventional hangars. Box needs to be removed. Skinner to contact owner for removal. Wolske also mentions a tree possibly encroaching into the approach slope. Staff is trying to have the surveyors out to the site in order to shoot the approach slope and identify any encroaching trees. Wolske to take picture of specific tree.     7.INFORMATIONAL ITEMS:   A.Brown Bag:  Butler missed attending the meeting.   B.Transportation Commission:  No update.     C.Medford Airport: No Update.      D.Action Item List: Airport Zoning/Riparian Restoration: No change.     Paving of dirt areas around the hangers: No change.   Entrance Sign Replacement/Animal Signs/ Highway 66 Sign: Reference D: under old business for update. Security and access signs (Skinner/Brim to review).   Hangar Enclosure Project: Staff to draft design build RFP for public advertisement.   Transportation to & from airport: No change.     Fire Extinguisher Installation/ Hangar Numbering: Skinner has fire extinguishers and will install them shortly.   ODA inspection improvements and Tie Down Chain Repairs: Skinner to search for spares in the City’s hangar. Staff to search the maintenance yard for them as well.   Security System Improvements: No Updates.   Web Cam Improvements: Electrical outlets installed, waiting for robotics team to install and link webcams.   Update Airport Narrative page and links: Staff/Commission to perform quarterly review of website and update as necessary.     Taxiway stripping between ramp and taxiway: Staff to layout striping in autocad and bring back to Commission.   Sign permit requirements: Staff to review requirements for business signs permits associated with the new airport sign.   E.Airport Users Group:  No Updates   OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.    NEXT MEETING DATE:  May 3, 2016 beginning at 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 10:49 AM