HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes October 2013ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION November 5, 2013   MINUTES         Members Present: David Wolske, Lincoln Zeve, Bill Skillman, Elizabeth Tripp, Richard Hendrickson, Susan Moen, Jeff Nielsen and Alan DeBoer Staff: Scott Fleury Members Absent: Bob Skinner, Greg Lemhouse, Nicole Doran Visitors: None   CALL TO ORDER: 9:30 AM   1.APPROVAL OF MINUTES: October 1, 2013 motion by Skillman for approval, second by Tripp, minutes approved as written. Nielsen abstains.   2.Public Forum: No public discussion.   3.OLD BUSINESS: A.FBR RFP/Lease: No update. Staff still needs to schedule meeting with Skinner regarding proposed language additions to lease document. B.AIP/Hangar Door/Hanger Enclosure Projects: Staff informs Commission that additional engineering for the FBO hangar door project was required in order to maximize vertical clearance for access into hangar. The clamshell door if installed under previous engineering would have created a 12’ vertical clearance and there is approximately 16+ feet of clearance currently. Ciota Engineering worked with American Industrial door and prepared new drawings and structural calculations for the proposed work. The new design will require less manipulation of the existing door frame, but more work to the roof and building façade. American Industrial Door will not have an exact cost difference until construction is complete.   Staff informs Commission of recent onsite meeting with local architect to scope the hangar enclosure project. Staff is waiting for final scope and fee associated with project. There was some initial concern over the existing structure and adding the weight of doors and framing. The architect believes that reinforcement bracing could be installed to meet building code requirements. The architect will work with a structural engineer to ensure the enclosure project meets structural code. Staff to review scope and fee and keep Commission informed of project status.   Staff informs Commission that a draft scope of services has been created by Precision Approach Engineering (PAE). Staff will review scope along with the FAA and schedule a meeting with PAE to finalize scope and fee for the project. Staff informs Commission their might be an issue with the perimeter fencing at the safety overrun area near the winery. A 6’ tall fence might encroach into the approach surface and an alternate design might be needed. Commission asks if the posts outside of the overrun area would be frangible as a precautionary measure. Staff to discuss the fence design with PAE at next meeting. Once scope and fee have been finalized, staff will take contract for engineering services before Council for approval. Once a contract is approved staff can issue notice to proceed for the work.   C.Airport Zoning: Staff is still waiting for planning to schedule a sit down meeting to discuss updating the code appropriately.   D.Self Fueling Permit: Staff informs Commission of recent discussion with Brim Aviation regarding self fueling permit and associated fees. After numerous discussion staff, Skinner and Brim agreed that an $800.00 per year fee would be adequate for the time being. The fee will be back billed for the previous two years. Staff drafted a letter to Brim regarding the fee and also forwarded to Skinner Aviation. The letter states Skinner will also collect the fee on a yearly basis. The fee itself would be reviewable on a yearly basis to account for any changes in Brim’s operation. Staff is still finalizing the self fueling permit and waiting for comments from fire. Once the permit is finalized staff can forward to Brim for review and signatures.   4.      NEW BUSINESS: A.Airport Good Neighbor Items: Skinner absent and not able to present any specific good neighbor items. Commission discusses new owner of Ward property as they have moved into house. Staff informs Commission there is now avigation easement recorded for property. Moen informs Commission new owners understand the issue and would be willing to sign and have an avigation easement recorded. Staff to track down blank form from Jackson County and forward to Moen in an attempt to have the document signed and recorded. Commission asks if the fire training apparatus can be moved into electric pole storage yard. Staff it investigate and report back to Commission.   B.Fire Inspection: Staff informs Commission that all parties are agreeable to performing the airport inspection in January. Staff also states the Fire Department charges a certain fee for inspections. Staff references email from Hickman in the Fire Department. The email specifies the charges and they are broken down by square feet of the facility. Typically a commercial operation pays for their own inspection and thus, Brim, Sky, JLC, DeBoer and Skinner would be required to pay the inspection fee and the City would pay the inspection fee for the rental hangars. Hickman also states they are striving for a two year cycle with regards to facility inspections. Commission in concerned with regards to inspection follow ups and who will make sure all items that require a fix are remedied appropriately. Staff states that Fire should follow up if any actions items are presented to the occupants or owners. Skillman motions for a biannual facility inspection, 2nd by Hendrickson, all approved.   C.Airport Day: Hendrickson inquires about previous airport day banner and its location. Staff informs Commission they banner was kept in the Electric warehouse. Staff will check again to verify we still have the banner for use in May. Hendrickson states he has been working with the Chamber as a way to advertise airport day next spring. The Chamber requires a $100.00 membership for their assistance with regards to marketing. Commission agrees joining the Chamber would be beneficial. Moen motions to join as the Ashland Municipal Airport with Skinner Aviation as the main point of contact, 2nd by Skillman, all approved.     5.AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A.Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports: Skinner not at meeting to provide update.   B.Maintenance Updates: No update.   C.Brown Bag: No update.   D.Transportation Commission: Staff informs Commission the Road Diet will be discussed at the November 20th Transportation Commission meeting. Staff expects the Transportation Commission to make a recommendation on whether or not to keep the new configuration or return to the old configuration for the December 3rd Council meeting.   E.Medford Airport: No update.   F.Action Item List: Annual hangar inspection added to action list.   G.Airport Day/Marketing:     OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.   NEXT MEETING DATE:  December 3, beginning at 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 10:38 AM