HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes June 2015ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION July 7, 2015   MINUTES   Members Present: Bob Skinner, David Wolske, Alan DeBoer, Lincoln Zeve, William Butler, Bill Skillman and Stefani Seffinger Staff: Scott Fleury Members Absent: Susan Moen Visitors: Doug Burman   CALL TO ORDER: 9:30AM   1.  APPROVAL OF MINUTES: June 2, 2015 motion by Skillman for approval, second by Zeve minutes approved as written.     2.  Agenda Item Addition:  A discussion regarding the cell tower light on Mistletoe is added to new business item D.     3  .Public Forum: Doug Burman informs Commission of some items on the website that are out of date and links that no longer function properly. The main narrative still discusses the CAP and Sky Research which are no longer part of the airport. The Commission member names need to be reviewed and updated. As previously discussed the webcam is not operative. Staff to look into website issues. Staff has editing authority on most pages, but some pages will need to be edited by the Recorder. Commission asks the website issues be added to the action item list     4.  OLD BUSINESS:   A.  Airport Zoning: Staff informs Commission of meeting with Molnar and Severson regarding next steps and approximate timeline for draft code release. Molnar expects to bring a draft version of the code to the August meeting for review and discussion before proceeding forward with State notification and final advisory board recommendations that should occur in September. Once the advisory boards make recommendations the code will then be presented before the Planning Commission and finally before City Council for adoption.  B.  FBO Lease: Staff informs Commission that Legal was on vacation for June and will try and finalize the lease documents shortly. Legal has all the information the previously asked for in order to finalize the documents including ODA's insurance requirements and Skinners insurance agents contact information.   C.  AIP Project: Staff informs Commission final payment to Knife River Materials has been made. The final piece of information needed is the as built topo survey for the site. Once this is complete Precision Approach Engineering can complete the closeout report and finalize the project with the FAA. Once complete staff will see FAA grant reimbursement for the project.   D.  Self Fueling Permit: The permit is in the final stages of editing. Staff needs to discuss the onsite CDL requirement with legal and Medford does not require a CDL for drivers fueling onsite and Skinner does not employ a CDL driver for  his fuel trucks. If required Skinner would stop the fuel truck service which everyone believes to be a benefit to the airport. Staff to meet with Legal and discuss issues and provide update to Commission at August meeting. Staff expects to resolve issues shortly.   E.  Electrical Improvements: Staff goes over potential costs associated with electrical improvements to the open and closed hangars. In order to create one service unit similar to the new enclosed hangars the existing infrastructure must be removed with a new 400 amp service and breaker installed to each hangar. The Electric Department estimates the removal and installation of a new service will be around $2,500. In addition, conduit, service panels and wire will still need to be installed. The system in place only requires a tenant to purchase a $65 meter and UB will track and bill appropriately. Currently every so often an electrical audit is done to confirm the $5 surcharge to the new hangars is appropriate. Staff would prefer each owner be responsible for their own electric service. Staff has not had a chance to work with Welburn electric and the electrical inspector to determine an estimated cost for installation of conduit and a sub panel in each hangar unit. Commission would like to see this estimate next month in order to discuss whether to contribute funds towards the project.   F.  Budget Process Update: Staff informs Commission the new biennium budget has begun and funds are available for projects. Staff will bring a budget update back to the Commission in September that will detail the revenue generated in the last biennium along with expenses.   5.  NEW BUSINESS:   A.  Airport Good Neighbor Items: Skinner states the FBO received a complaint regarding a motorized ultra-light recently. Skinner spoke with pilot and informed him of the vertical height requirements and how we try to keep people from flying over the City in order to maintain the good neighbor policy. Skinner called complainant back and updated them on the conversation. The complainant was understanding and appreciative of the response.   B.  ODA Inspection Report: Staff goes over items referenced in the ODA inspection report. Items warranting improvement or changes include, windsock replacement, segmented circle painting, return taxiway curb removal, weed spraying, sign mount replacements and tree trimming. Staff has contacted ODA about the inspection in informed them of progress and future scheduled projects. Some of the work can not occur until fall/winter due to fire season. Staff reports that new frangible signs mounts have both been installed and more ordered. Terra Surveying will perform the approach slope survey to determine if trees are encroaching and create a topping list in order for staff to obtain bids for tree topping. Staff will also ask Terra to shoot the 7:1 transitional surface and determine how much topping should occur along that surface. Any tree trimming project required can be developed for fall/winter of 2015/16.   C.  Signage/Security/Access: Staff informs Commission of previous security discussion at last month's meeting. There was an overall discussion about signage and site security due to random thefts of fuel and property occurring. Skinner was going to discuss signs (Security Cameras and Authorized Access Only) with Brim informing visitors of appropriate parking locations and security camera system, but has not had time as of yet.   D.  Cell Tower Light: Butler asks Commission if they are interested in taking up the issue of the light associated with the cell tower in Mistletoe Rd. Butler describes the airport surfaces and the location of the tower relative to the airports conical and horizontal surfaces. The FAA and ODA required the lights be installed as part of the construction application. Butler states with respect to his research the light installed is overpowered when compared to what is typically required with similar applications. Commission is not directly interested in taking up the issue, but Zeve will work with this new information as he is an affected property owner.     6.  AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION:   A.  Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports: Skinner states that he has been busy but no major fires to speak of. Skinner states the object free area signs have been repaired. Weeds still need to be sprayed or removed by another method and a few tie down chains still need replacement. Some of the fire extinguishers have been installed and the hangars individually numbered. Skinner would also like to see the FBO bathroom remodeled with a new floor/walls since there is money available in the current budget for projects. Staff is working on a trade services request for proposal in order to obtain handyman services to assist on these types of projects.   B.  Maintenance Updates: Discussed with respect to ODA report.   C.  Brown Bag: No update.   D.  Transportation Commission: No update.   E.  Medford Airport: No update   F.  Action Item List: Updated as requested.   G.  Airport Day/Marketing:   H.  Airport Users Group:   OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.    NEXT MEETING DATE:  August 4, 2015 beginning at 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 10:56 AM