HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes March 2016ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION             Airport Day Planning Subcommittee                             March 1, 2015   MINUTES         Members Present: David Wolske, Alan DeBoer, Bill Skillman, Lincoln Zeve, Susan Moen, William Butler, Sherm Lucas, George Schoen, Bob Skinner and Mike Morris Staff: Scott Fleury & Kaylea Kathol Members Absent: Alex Censor Guests: Doug Burman   CALL TO ORDER: 11:00 AM   2.AGENDA ITEM ADDITIONS:  None   3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES: None   4.OLD BUSINESS: None   5.NEW BUSINESS:   A.Airport Day Planning: Group discusses activities and next steps. Butler has made contact with Rogue Valley Flying Club and they will be in attendance. Burman asks about Rogue Eagles attending with drones and model aircraft for both display and flying. Group agrees this would be a good addition. Need to discuss safety for both the operators and the attending public. The Sky hangar might be large enough to fly drones and model aircraft in if we can obtain approval. Butler to contact Sky and see if they would be willing to open hangar for airport day.   Butler also states that Burl is willing to participate to the same level as last year and offer helicopter rides.   Skillman to contact the Civil Air Patrol (CAP) regarding attendance as marshals to assist with parking vehicles and keeping attendees safe.   Moen previously stated she would contact the sheriffs department regarding search and rescue participation.   Staff to contact City Fire regarding attendance, arrange for porta potties, a range for the area to be mowed by Parks, arrange for the banner to be hung on Main St. Staff has already placed event on City’s calendar and will create a press release for the event and post on the website once we get a little closer to the event.   Butler to contact sky divers as well as smoke jumpers museum. Butler was also previously contacted by Dawn Lamb about assisting with the development of the event. Butler to discuss with Lamb and see what she can provide.   Wolske will contact Patrick Henry to see if he would be willing to MC the event again.   Shoen mentions participation from a musical group or even Shakespeare. He will do more research on the subject.   Butler to provide staff with a “to do list” from this meeting to forward around to Commission.   Zeve asks about marketing of the event and what we can do as a group. Last year their were a couple news articles regarding the airport that helped publicize the event. Staff mentions a flyer should be constructed again and the chamber contacted so they can pass the information through the membership.          NEXT MEETING DATE:  April 5, 2016 beginning at 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 11:25 AM