HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes September 2014ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION October 7, 2014   MINUTES         Members Present: Bob Skinner, David Wolske, Lincoln Zeve, Nicole Doran, Alan DeBoer, Elizabeth Tripp, Bill Skillman, Burl Brim and Susan Moen Staff: Scott Fleury Members Absent: Michael Morris and William Butler Visitors: None   CALL TO ORDER: 9:30AM   1.APPROVAL OF MINUTES: September 9, 2014 motion by Skillman for approval, second by Tripp minutes approved as written.     2.Agenda Item Addition: None   3.Public Forum: No public discussion.   4.OLD BUSINESS:   A.FBO Lease: Staff informs Commission there is no change to the current status of the lease. Staff still needs to schedule a meeting with the Legal Department to go over language changes.   B.AIP Project: Staff informs Commission that Knife River Materials has developed the construction schedule and it is in the packet for reference. A preconstruction meeting was held onsite last week with the contractor, engineer, Skinner and city staff. Project details and schedule were discussed. Knife River is currently onsite starting with clearing and grubbing and will begin excavation tomorrow for the new taxilane. A weekly construction meeting will be held every Tuesday at 10am onsite to discuss the previous weeks progress along with planned activities for the current week. Skinner will try to make the weekly construction meetings. If not staff will also try and make the meetings. The engineer will also provide weekly meeting minutes as needed. Knife River Materials was informed during the preconstruction meeting about the importance of user notification for the closure periods and they will provide updates to the engineer, Skinner and staff of pending closures as soon as they can. The taxilane closure and paving portion of the project is currently scheduled to occur at the end of October and early November, but this is subject to change. Staff worked with Skinner to update and create a comprehensive email list. Staff has also added emails from all new rental tenants over the past couple of years. Staff has sent out an email notification along with the construction schedule and posted the schedule to the website. Skinner will post the notification letter and schedule at the FBO office.   C.Airport Zoning: Staff informs Commission of Planning memo in packet developed by Severson on the next steps and process for updating the zoning code. Severson was going to speak with Molnar regarding the memo and the process to obtain concurrence. Also Severson was going to do a bit more research into other municipal airport overlay codes to see if they could provide any assistance with update regarding airport appropriate development. Staff still needs to discuss with the FAA the master plan update and how much of the update can be done to accommodate improvements to the meeting the site plan requirements of the planning department that will allow for appropriate hangar development. Severson believes the actual airport overlay code can be easily updated to remove existing language that burdens site development. One of the items that needs to be thoroughly addressed is how to deal with parking. The current master plan shows a new parking lot to the north of the property. Staff discussed with planning the possibility of developers bonding for a certain amount of parking spaces in the public lot and the City could then build the lot as an AIP project using the bond proceeds at the match requirement. Another element discussed was allowing developers to build general T-hangars with an over the counter permit using the approved master plan as the site review document. Commercial type hangars would be expected to follow the specific site review process as commercial operations can vary with respect to impact onsite, e.g. how to manage employee parking, customers traffic, number of employees etc.     D.Council Update: Staff states that Wolske provided the Council with an update of current operations along with future projects associated with the Airport. Wolske also mentioned the untimely passing of Hendrickson and how he will be sorely missed by the Commission and community. The Council asked a few questions about the good neighbor policy and airport budget and in the end it appeared they seemed satisfied with the answers about airport operations in general.     5.NEW BUSINESS:   A.Airport Good Neighbor Items: Skinner states there have been no new issues or complaints developed recently. B.Hangar Improvements Reimbursement/Credit: Staff informs Commission of a recent conversation with a current tenant regarding electrical improvements he paid for in his current rental hangar. The City a few years back installed electrical services boxes on the back of the shade and old T-hangars that would allow those interested to obtain and electrical service at their own cost. Numerous other hangar tenants have made improvements to their rented units at their own risk. Commission agrees that all hangars rented onsite are not equal and this most likely should be vetted with how hangar rents are charged. They would like to discuss this as an agenda item at the following months meeting. The Commission agrees that improvement to hangars by rental tenants is a benefit to the airport if charged accordingly because those funds can be reinvested onsite to keep operations functioning smoothly.   6.AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION:   A.Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports: Skinner states the construction phase of the new AIP has begun and there will be some inconveniences onsite but they should be limited. Also, Knife River Materials is to notify staff as far in advance of closures and duration so users can be notified. If users need to fly out during closure period they will be given ramp space for fee during that time period. Skinner also plans to physically call all business and inform them of closures dates and times.   B.Maintenance Updates: Wolske mentions the fire department training trailer is still onsite and now collecting "debris" around it. He would like to see it moved as soon as possible to its new location. Staff to contact appropriate individuals for removal.   C.Brown Bag: Moen stated they discussed the zoning ordinance update and brown bag attendees have heard it is moving forward.   D.Transportation Commission: No update.     E.Medford Airport: No update.   F.Action Item List:   G.Airport Day/Marketing: No update.   H.Airport Users Group: No update.   OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.    NEXT MEETING DATE:  November 4 , beginning at 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 11:07 AM