HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes March 2018Ashland Airport Commission MINUTES  April 3, 2018  CALL TO ORDER Wolske called meeting to order at 9:31 AM Members Present: David Wolske (Chair), Lincoln Zeve, George Schoen, Daniel Palomino, Bernard Spera, Dana Greaves, Mike Morris (Council Liaison) Members Absent: Susan Moen, Bill Skillman FBO Present: Bob Skinner Staff: Kaylea Kathol, and Tara Kiewel Guests: Andrew Vandenberg, Dawn Lamb APPROVAL OF MINUTES March 6, 2018 Minutes Motioned Spera Second Greaves Vote all ayes. Minutes approved as presented Public Forum None Old Business Action Item List a.       Hangar enclosure project - none b.      Tree topping project –Kathol updated the Commission that this project is ongoing. Due to migratory bird nests some trees are not being trimmed. Wolske asked who makes that call and Kathol said it is a federal issue with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Zeve and Wolske believe that the safety of aircraft takes precedence in this situation. Skinner asked that someone speak to the FAA regarding this project because it is an issue with visibility. Zeve asked for clarification on the project. Kathol explained that tree were marked for trimming and then the tree trimmer contacted the City regarding bird nests. Trees with active nests are skipped, but tress without nests will be trimmed. Kathol mentioned that not all of the trees are going to be trimmed in this project due to budget. Zeve said this is an issue for pilot safety.  Skinner is going to pursue the issue with Fleury. c.       Landscaping - Kathol explained Fleury met with Parks and they mowed about a week ago and will notified Skinner. Parks Department will do a prep of area before Airport Day, a large fire suppressant mowing, and irrigation of flowering plumb trees. The Commission discussed the irrigation issue.  Palomino mentioned that the Commission had previously discussed landscaping and irrigation was the second priority. Skinner mentioned creating a log of when Parks Department is coming and see if it is adequate enough. d.      Restroom Improvements- Kathol is working on a draft of a Request for Proposal (RFP) that would then go to the City Legal department. The RFP process takes about six weeks.  The Commission discussed creating a RFP for the irrigation system. Skinner mentioned having the budget review discussion before making decision on irrigation. Skinner asked what is project amount the can be direct awarded for a project. Kathol said projects under $5000 dollars can be direct awarded. Greaves mentioned the irrigation doesn’t seem like a current priority. e.      Web Cam adjustment - Skinner updated the Commission that he has spoken with SOS a few times but they haven’t been responsive. Skinner will meet with SOS and update the Commission at the next meeting.   Electric Department Ground Lease – Kathol notified legal, Electric Department and Scott Fleury.  There was general agreement, and Kathol will update the Commission when she has more information.  Wolske thinks this should be retroactive and asked Skinner to be in contact with the City. Leaking Hydrant – The Water Department came and vacuumed out the area and around the hydrant and found no leak. It is a spring. Wolske asked if there could be a drainage solution because it is causing damage to the pavement. Wolske mentioned that this is not a high priority. Skinner asked if we could get a cost estimate for draining the water.  Palomino told the Commission that he wasn’t sure if the Airport was notified when the Water Department came out to investigate the hydrant. They were working in the active taxiway with no NOTAM and left barriers. Kathol asked Palomino to email with the details that can be sent to the Water supervisor.  Zeve mentioned that if over time this spring is causing damage to the pavement it could become a higher priority project. Paving around hangars – Kathol updated the Commission that Public Works Director Brown did not approve this project due to the estimated costs being $40,000 dollars. Greaves asked if we could get a grant for this project. NEW BUSINESS: A.                 Airport: Good Neighbor Items - none B.                Budget Review – The Commission reviewed the Airport capital outlay budget and the details of expenses. Skinner would like information to regarding the unappropriated fund and wants to know what the City requires to keep in that fund. Does the Commission have the authority to make decisions regarding that fund? The Commission discussed moving Budget discussion to be put on the agenda before action Items. C.                Hangar Door repair – Kathol gave Skinner copies of the invoices from American Door Repair which was around $10000 dollars. Skinner does not think we should be bird proofing hangars and that we have not done that in the past.  There was also $2500 of invoices for installing pull handles. Skinner requested to be communicated with regarding hangar maintenance. Kathol and Skinner agreed to meet with facilities regarding hangar maintenance. FBO REPORT(S): A.                 Attached – Skinner mentioned that one empty hangar is now leased. All enclosed hangars are leased and a couple open hangars are currently vacant. The hangar waiting list has about 8 or 9 people. B.                Maintenance Updates – A noise abatement sign is down at the Airport. Staff will contact Street Department to fix.   INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: A.            Brown Bag Lunch B.           TC Meeting Update – Morris updated the Commission that the Transportation Commission will be discussing Uber and Lift. C.            Medford Update - none   Open Discussion Morris updated the Commission that the Mayor would like the Commission to have ethics training. Schoen asked is other Commissions have ethics training and Morris said yes the Planning Commission is required to because of state law. Morris is going to request the commission vacancy be filled. Morris asked Parks Director Michael Black or someone from Parks come and speak with the Airport Commission about maintenance. AIRPORT DAY PLANNING The Commission discussed Airport day planning and the budget for toys. Lamb discussed space planning, food trucks, parking, and signage. The Commission discussed Science Works Aviation Summer Camp is no longer happening due to retirements. Zeve asked to have this put on the agenda. The Commission felt this was an important program for the future of the Airport.    NEXT MEETING DATE:  May 1, 2018 9:30 AM     ADJOURNMENT:  12:00 PM          Respectfully submitted, Tara Kiewel Public Works Administrative Assistant