HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes May 2016 - 2ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION                             June 7, 2016   MINUTES         Members Present: David Wolske, Lincoln Zeve, Susan Moen, William Butler, Sherm Lucas, George Schoen, Bob Skinner, Alan DeBoer and Mike Morris Staff: Scott Fleury and Kaylea Kathol Members Absent: Alex Censor and Bill Skillman Guests:  Doug Burhman and David Ridsdale   CALL TO ORDER: 9:30 AM   2.AGENDA ITEM ADDITIONS: Pets at Airport (new business D)   3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion by Wolske, 2nd by Moen, minutes approved as written.   4.OLD BUSINESS   A.FBO Lease: Staff informs Commission the last sticking point is the pollution insurance requirement for Skinner’s fuel trucks. Staff researched the requirements of Benton Park and Bend Airports, one requires pollution insurance and one has a strict environmental clause in there lease documents, similar to Ashland’s. Staffs asks for direction from the Commission regarding the issue. Commission believes it is a huge benefit to users for Skinner to operate the fuel trucks onsite. Skinner states 50-70% of all fuel is delivered via the trucks. Skinner also states there is no requirement to have the trucks onsite and that it is not cost effective to pay for a pollution insurance policy with respect to the trucks. Commission asks Skinner to verify what level of spill his general liability will cover. Commission also asks staff to research the ability for the City to cover the fuel trucks and under its current policy and have Skinner reimburse the cost as this might be a more cost effective measure. Staff to report back at next meeting.   B.Webcams: Skinner informs Commission the webcams have not been relocated outside yet. Staff also states the IP connection from the webcams to the City’s site is broken and needs to be repaired. Skinner to forward staff the address of the webcams and staff to work on resolving the issue.   C.Fuel Spill: Skinner informs Commission the fuel spill cleanup is complete. Staff states as a part of the self fueling permit the City will receive a final report documenting the process and final approvals by DEQ for the cleanup effort. Commission would Brim to attend next meeting and discuss the spill cleanup effort and if there are any lessons learned or specific takeaways to discuss. Staff to contact Brim and request his attendance at July meeting.   5.NEW BUSINESS:   A.Airport Good Neighbor Items: Skinner informs Commission there were no new significant complaints developed since the last meeting. There were no complaints regarding the activity during airport day. In addition, various outside entity helicopters have been performing required training at the airport recently. Operations are increasing as the days are getting longer with better overall weather.   B.Airport Day Wrap up: Butler states that he believes Airport Day was a huge success and thanks everyone for their effort in creating the event this year. He will also develop direct thank you correspondence for people who volunteered their time. He counted approximately 450 cars on the site around 11:00 am.  Butler gives a big thanks to Dawn Lamb for her volunteer efforts. Staff asks what worked and what didn’t?   Airport Day Breakdown: Food trucks ran out of food again and had a great day-will return Consider two bounce houses next year-1 big and 1 small 4 portta potties and 2 washing stations appeared to be enough Add outside flying ability for drones next year-create specific times and control aviation activity Change banner/sign layouts for next year-look at sandwich board at Dead Indian and Highway 66 for the day of the event, banner on Main the week before event and hang on the Walker Ave fence the month leading up to event. Also look at purchasing smaller banners for the airport fence and another location. Science Works displays and docents were great Robotics team display was great Sky Divers were great Helicopter and plane rides were a success as usual Focus on marshaling  with more volunteer help on ramp area next year Site walk around was beneficial and should occur next year as well The 20 tables and 40 chairs were enough for the event Continue to work with Erickson to see if a skycrane can make the event next year Advertise in the Medford Parks and Recreation spring guide, same for Ashland News coverage the day of the event went well   Staff recommends picking a date for next year’s event as soon as possible in order to reserve the Main St. banner right after near years. Commission discusses and establishes May 20, 2017 as the next Airport Day. Commission would also like an agenda item next month to discuss a general timeline of events for the day.   C.July meeting date: Staff informs Commission the next meeting is scheduled for July 5th the day after the Fourth of July Holiday and asks if the meeting should be postponed for a week? Commission discusses and would like to keep the meeting on July 5th.   D.Pets on Airport Grounds: Skinner informs Commission of encounter with a dog inside the JLC Avionics hangar. Skinner entered the hangar and the dog jumped up on Skinner, startling him. The dog is a puppy that was adopted by Dave and Liz. They are continuously working with him on obedience training. Skinner made an executive decision and asked Dave to make sure the dog is restrained in the hangar. Skinner reiterates the incident took place within the JLC hangar. Skinner wanted to bring this item before the Commission to discuss the overall policy with respect to pet’s onsite. The existing policy requires pets to be leashed when onsite, specifically outside of hangars. Commission asks Dave to comment on incident. Dave states the dog has continuously improved with respect to jumping on people and that he is a puppy. He wishes this item was dealt with internally before coming to the Commission. He also states any policy decisions need to be enforced on the airport as a whole, as there are other dog’s onsite.   Skinner is looking for what if any action or policy change should occur. Commission discussed installation of a “dog on duty” sign at the front door to the JLC hangar to alert costumers. The group does not see a need to update the exiting policy.   6.FBO REPORT(S):     Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports: Skinner informs group that activity is increasing. Skinner is busy with an apparent early start to fire season and has already been dispatched by ODF on spotting missions. Skinner states he was also extremely happy with the overall outcome of airport day and the goal to expose people to aviation and the usefulness of the Ashland Airport. There were no complaints on airport day regarding the activity and he fully supports continuing the event in the future.   There will be a week long aviation camp at the airport at the end of June, sponsored by Science Works.   Maintenance Updates: Staff to work on various improvements per the task list.   7.INFORMATIONAL ITEMS:   A.Brown Bag: Butler did not attend meeting and will continue to work with Moen if he is unable to make sure the Commission is represented.   B.Transportation Commission:  No update.     C.Medford Airport: No Update.      D.Action Item List: Riparian Restoration: No change.     Paving of dirt areas around the hangers: No change.     Hangar Enclosure Project: Staff in final edit stages of design build RFP.   ODA inspection improvements and Tie Down Chain Repairs: Tie down chains have been repaired/installed thanks to Skillman. Staff to order more for a final few repairs and to have extra stock on hand as well. Striping on ramp and JLC hangar. Curb removal and paint segmented circle.   Security System Improvements: No Updates.   Fly Friendly Pamphlet: Staff has made edits to pamphlet and document will be sent to printer for processing.     Storage box: Wooden storage box at end of conventional hangars needs to be dealt with. Skinner and Wolske to work on the issue.     Crack seal and weed spraying project: Staff working with Jackson County Public Works to obtain quote and generate intergovernmental agreement to perform the work.   Tree topping project: Staff working with surveyor to create grid system for identifying encroaching trees. Once grid system is in place, staff to bid project in fall.   Webcams: Install outside (Skinner) and relink to city’s site.   Entry Road: Develop entry road landscape plan.   OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.    NEXT MEETING DATE:  July 5, 2016 beginning at 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 11:09 AM