HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes March 2015ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION Airport Day Subcommittee April 7, 2015   MINUTES         Members Present: David Wolske, William Butler, Bob Skinner, Burl Brim and Bill Skillman Staff: Scott Fleury Members Absent: Susan Moen, Lincoln Zeve Visitors: None   CALL TO ORDER: 10:25 AM   1.APPROVAL OF MINUTES: March 3, 2015 minutes approved as written.   2.Agenda Item Addition: None   3.Public Forum: No public discussion.   4.OLD BUSINESS:     5.NEW BUSINESS:   A.Airport Day Planning: Skillman informs group he has obtained the services of the Medford Civil Air Patrol (CAP) cadets, approximately 12, to marshal and assist with parking. In return he offered them breakfast at the event. Group agrees this is well worth it. Group agrees that it would be a good idea to have an initial team briefing onsite before the event starts to get all volunteers and people on the same page for the day.   Wolske informs group he has obtained Patrick Henry again to perform PA duties. The antique bi-plane will also be back this year giving rides to attendees. Brim will be giving helicopter rides and planes to have three helicopters going at once. Brim is also discussing the possibility of having an air crane from Erickson onsite, but it will come down to an availability issue.   Doran asks about the possibility of having the Phelps DC-3 onsite for event and asks if people have contact information. Group states DeBoer would be a good person to try and contact Phelps about having the DC-3 for Airport Day. Doran will discuss with DeBoer.   Skinner would like to brief all operators prior to start of event on "scenic patterns" for public flights during the day.   Wolske in contact with Bill Boyle who compiles a list of aviation related activities for publishing.   Butler is pursing the food truck option for lunch on site and has received a couple options from Chip Lindsey of Science Works to look into. Butler states that Science works has offered to loan a couple of static displays for the day including a vertical wind tunnel, but no docents to go with it as they are having an event at the same time. There is a possibility of someone who attended last year's aviation week could volunteer to manage the displays.   Staff states the new banner is being created by Rock Island Graphics and should be ready to hang the week of April 27th. Staff will also procure the porta-pottys and there was a blurb sent out in the April City Source attached to the local utility billing paperwork.   Butler states the Sky Divers from Sams Valley will be onsite and perform some jumps. He has still yet to speak with someone from the smoke jumpers museum in the Illinois Valley about attending and bringing a static display.   Skillman asks about orange vests for the CAP cadets. Staff will check to see how many vests they can come up with for the day.   Group discusses parking options and believes that overflow can be accommodated in the field adjacent to Brims hangar. Staff can provide cones/candles to place and cordon off an area for parking. Brim can locate his helicopter operations down to the ramp for the day so he is away from parked vehicles.   Wolske to send out another email to everyone asking if they can bring their airplanes out for the day and place them in front of the hangars so people can view them. Wolske will also send out another mid month email as a check in on everything that still needs to be accomplished.   NEXT MEETING DATE:  May 5, 2015 beginning at 11:00 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 10:56 AM