HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes May 2017ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION June 6, 2017 MINUTES   Members Present: Lincoln Zeve, George Schoen, David Wolske Bob Skinner, Daniel Palomino, Bernard Spera and Bill Skillman Members Absent: Mike Morris (Council Liaison), Susan Moen and William Butler Staff: Scott Fleury Guests: Dawn Lamb 1. CALL TO ORDER: 9:30 AM 2. AGENDA ITEM ADDITIONS: FBO bathroom update and FBO lease update added to old business. Hangar construction added to new business. Commission Chair welcomes two new members to the airport Commission. Daniel and Bernard provide brief backgrounds. A. Public Forum: Pete and Linda Kreisman discuss bridge located on property in vicinity of Neil Creek, reference attached letter and picture. The bridge is a steel truss, eighty foot span bridge built by Emory and Son's in 1915. It was used on the gun club property to span Emigrant Creek. The bridge was moved to the airport property in the late 1980's with the intent to use as a pedestrian crossing across Neil Creek. The intent was never realized as there was a preeminent safety concern with creating the crossing and having pedestrians walking near or on runway. Pet and Linda are interested in the historic value of the bridge and would like to see it used/displayed for others to enjoy. They will be discussing with the Historic Commission as well. In general the Airport Commission members support the bridge being utilized to its highest capacity and maintaining its historic integrity. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion to approve minutes as submitted by Skillman, 2nd by Shoen, all approved. 4. OLD BUSINESS: A. Action Item List: 1. Riparian Restoration: Discussed options for improvement with master plan update and perimeter fencing plan. 2. Paving dirt areas around the hangars: Staff to work with Street Department regarding paving of dirt areas as time and budget allow. 3. Hangar enclosure project: No update. 4. Segmented circle painting: Kathol has contract in place, just waiting for area to dry up completely. Appears the current culvert could be extended past the segmented circle and this would eliminate water ponding issues at this location. 5. Tree topping project: Staff is still trying to finalize the bid documents. Staff to include approach slope drawing in next packet. Monies originally intended to be spent before July will be carried over into the next biennium to be used on the topping project. 6. Airport website/webcams: The webcams are not fully functional yet. Kathol has a contract in place with SOS alarms and they should be made functional shortly. 7. Entry Road Landscaping: Staff to work with Parks and try to perform irrigation system prior to next meeting in order to determine level of effort for improvements prior to performing any additional landscaping improvements. 8. Trip hazard: walking surface around JLC hangar door changes grade abruptly, presents tripping hazard. Staff has scheduled site visit with Street Department Supervisor to discuss and initiate improvement. B. ODA Grant Application/Master Plan Update: Staff informs Commission that negotiations are currently under way regarding the scope ofthe project. Staffhas reviewed the scope and the FAA will be providing comments to the consultant as well. Staff expects to have the selected consultants under contract to start performing the update in August. ODA is waiting for staff to submit the final scope and fee for the master plan update in order to develop the final COAR grant to cover 9 of the 10 percent required FAA match. Staff is working with the FAA on the 90% project grant as well. C. FBO Bathroom Update: Spera asks about process to improve existing FBO bathrooms. Typically the first place a pilot goes once he/she lands onsite is to the restrooms and as Bob has mentioned before they are in dire need of an overhaul. He is also interested in having some form of public art/mural painted in the bathrooms that include images of aviation from the airport and surrounding area. The improvements must be durable and withstand a high level ofpublic use. Staff informs the Commission in general the requirements to construct any public improvement and how ordinances and procurement laws must be followed. Commission likes the idea of art in the bathroom as long as it is near the ceiling area. Spera to discuss more with artists. Staff to work on having contractors look at the bathroom and provide costs on improvements. D. FBO Lease Update: The FBO lease is scheduled for approval at tonight's City Council meeting. Once approved the Mayor will sign and formalize lease agreement with Skinner Aviation to perform FBO related duties onsite. 5. NEW BUSINESS: A. Airport Good Neighbor Items: Skinner states there has been nothing out of the ordinary with respect to complaints or site issues. Brim, Erickson and Timberland have been onsite performing their required annual training. B. Airport Day Wrap Up: The group discusses the recent airport day activities. In general everyone believes this year's event was a complete success. Commission to work on development of thank you letters to everyone who volunteered or were part of making the day a success. Commission discusses establishing a date for next year's event right now in order to put it on people's calendars. The June date for this year's event worked well and the weather was great. Commission thinks a June date for next year would be wise. Commission selects June 2,2018 for next year. JLC Avionics and all vendors had a great day even with other events happening during the same time. Having two bounce houses worked well. Group discusses other things that could be added next year including more drones, pet adoptions, wildlife images booth, Ashland Police Department attendance and maybe involvement from the Air force. Group discusses items needed for improvement at next year's event: • More trash containers • Location of porta potties • Site signage improvements/area map • Obtain drone footage of area during next year's event • Counters for the CAP in order to develop a total attendance number • More kids toys/handouts • Need onsite cleanup crew to pickup after event • Outside outlets on FBO maintenance hangar to support food trucks • Announcer plug vendors-need upgraded PA system • Information booth • Contact Kingsley Field-flyover? Overall the group would like to stay on top of planning for next year's event and everyone gives a sincere thank you to Dawn Lamb who really helped make this year's event a success. C. July Meeting Date: Staff informs Commission the next regular scheduled meeting is set to occur on July 4th Commission agrees to postpone meeting date one week to July 11th. Staff to adjust calendar to reflect new meeting date. D. Hangar Construction: Staff informs Commission of a company that is interested in building a hangar onsite to house an aircraft but also perform some company functions. The company manufactures casters and lifting systems, and does not have a direct aviation component. Staff asks about the possibility of having an non-aviation related business onsite with storage of an aircraft in the hangar. The Commission in general does not like the idea of having a business onsite that does not have a direct aviation impact. The highest and best use of the airport property is for aviation related uses. Staff has also emailed the FAA with the same question and is awaiting guidance from them. Commission mentions that previously Brammo Motors was turned down by the FAA to construct onsite. The Commission also sites to previous issues with having non-aviation related uses onsite and how that has caused issues. The Commission feels that companies and individual users have tried to use hangar/airport space for non-aviation related uses and this option is cheaper than trying to lease commercial building space or storage units. Commission will wait to see the FAA's formal response if any before making a final decision, but now are inclined to keep the policy in place for direct aviation use only. 6. FBO REPORT(S): A. Attached: None. B. Maintenance Updates: Noise abatement sign down at south end of runway. Insulation repairs needed in FBO hangar and the shop furnace needs cleaning. Skinner states there has been some re-growth of weeds onsite. Fleury states the Oregon Department of Aviation will be onsite this year as part of the pavement maintenance program and will generally treat weeds at that point in order to perform the pavement and crack sealing work required. 7. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: A. Brown Bag: None. B. Transportation Commission: None. C. Medford Update: None. NEXT MEETING DATE: July 11,2017 beginning at 9:30 AM ADJOURN: Meeting adjourned at 11:54 AM Respectfully submitted, Scott A. Fleury Engineering Services Manager Public Works Department