HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes November 2018Ashland Airport Commission Minutes December 4th, 2018    CALL TO ORDER Wolske called meeting to order at 9:30 AM   Members Present: David Wolske (Chair), Bernard Spera, Lincoln Zeve, George Schoen, Daniel Palomino, William Skillman, Susan Moen, Dana Greaves, Andrew Vandenberg, Dennis Slattery (Council Liaison) FBO Present: Bob Skinner Members Absent: None Staff Present: Chance Metcalf, Kaylea Kathol, Shannon Burruss Guests: None   Public Forum – None   APPROVAL OF MINUTES November 13th, 2018 Minutes -Skillman Motions, Moen Seconded Vote all ayes. Minutes approved as written   Request for Additional Items from Commission Members Moen requests a date for this coming year’s Airport Day.   Old Business Airport Alternatives-Master Plan Development- Metcalf informs that finishing touches to send to FAA. Wolske asks at what point does counsel re-review? Metcalf states that Fleury will get back to counsel about that.   Revisionary Hangers- Skinner- Most everyone is out; a proration was done for the last couple moving out. People are moving in; all hangers are committed. Worst case a small monetary loss could occur from the transition but going smoothly. One hanger has a door issue. Skinner met with Dave Arnold in Facilities with the city and went through and looked at doors, they figured the best option would be to have American Industrial Door go through and do a maintenance run on all of them. Some owners get in and lube and service their hanger doors. Used to be owner responsibility for maintenance, now that they are city owned with new rate, the city has also taken over maintenance.   Action Item List Landscaping/Irrigation (Driveway)-. Metcalf states that someone will come out and look at design and resolicit in January. Wolske clarifies that solicitation is basically putting out a proposal and see who is willing to do it. Metcalf states that that is correct, his understanding was to hold off until winter time because many people were busy previously.   Restroom improvements- Metcalf states that city will be working together with Skinner and Kathol to see what can be done by staff so that contractors only need to be brought in for some of the work in order to save money.   Tree trimming- Metcalf states that it is mostly done, there are two additional trees have been identified that they are going to come back and trim up. One on each end, one on the northwest end, and one on southwest end near the runway. This will finish them up for the year. Budget was brought up, all budgeted funds were spent; Kathol confirms.   New Business Wolske introduces Dennis Slattery as City Council member who is liaison for the Airport Commission. Slattery mentions his school schedule makes it difficult to attend meetings at this time, but that he’s reachable by email. Wolske mentions that there is nothing currently happening that needs to be address by Slattery.   Airport Day- Commission discusses possible time conflicts occurring at similar times in June. Wolske expresses preference for June 1st over June 8th. Zeve mentions that he’s fairly certain that the 1st is currently the date that’s on the calendar. Wolske asks what things need to be done and in what order to get ready. Zeve agrees to checking in to see what has been done and what needs to be done. Wolske asks Zeve to spearhead the planning. Zeve agrees and will report back next month as to status. Confirmed that airport day will be the 1st of June.   Airport good neighbor items- Skinner informs there is nothing current to speak on.   Helicopter Service- Zeve speaks and mentions about dedicated helicopter bases for firefighting purpose. Articles were included with Agenda packet. ODF budget to have 2 million dollars to be able to dedicate to this purpose. He proposes commission proactively send letter to Jackson County Commissioners to let them know that Airport would like to be a base for that. Wolske asks if additional infrastructure would be needed. Skinner advises that Airport currently has the ability to house them but might consider adding portable toilets near where they would be based for convenience. Zeve mentions that the benefit to having helicopters in Ashland would be a faster response time in the case of a fire close by. Skinner responds that it’s important to take into consideration that if the helicopters are already deployed it would still be first come first serve. 2 million dollars would be to put the helicopters on a contract and put them on a daily rate. Wolske asks commission if anyone is opposed to going forward with contacting ODF about making Ashland Airport a helicopter base. None opposed. Zeve agrees to draft letter. Mentions that it would benefit Ashland Airport to offer space at no charge because of advantages offered. It is suggested that the cost of having the helicopters be investigated as well as level activity and training outside of fire season, as it would be important to talk to citizens. Wolske wonders if the letter should come directly from the City of Ashland rather than the commission. Metcalf states he will talk to Fluey.   Dust Suppressant- Discussed the addition of dust suppressant conversation to the agenda as it could affect the helicopters. Kathol informs commission that the City has plans to apply a lignin dust suppressant on the gravel. Mentions it is inexpensive and an application should last a season. Would be applied after the rain stops, late May. Should address issues with helicopters having problems with dust from gravel but may not help with grass particulates. Moen asks to put debris mitigation on the agenda. Moen suggests confirming operations and requirements with ODF.     FBO Reports: Skinner states he and Fleury met with Mike D’Orazi the new fire chief, discussed emergency management plans and actions out of the airport. They felt that it would be helpful to have the fire department do trainings out at the airport as well as possible annual training for Skinner Aviation staff, fire extinguisher training etc., also, annual hanger inspections, making sure there are no issues. Also discussed emergency response, and what the airport’s role could be in the case of a natural disaster. The airport has potential for power in the event of an emergency disaster response via solar or portable power systems, it was agreed that it would be beneficial for the airport to have the ability to operate with power and full runway in the event of an emergency. Skinner would like to continue to work with the Fire Department to explore options.   Emergency Generators- Wolske states a question came up about power in the event of a grid outage, that hanger operations won’t work, and wonders about a backup generator to provide power in an emergency, or an agreement with Brim to use their generator. Skinner states they will be speaking with American Industrial Doors, about interfacing into additional power supplies in the event of the outage to prevent lockout/in. Moen asks if commission wants to explore that the airport could become a center in case of emergency. Skinner mentions that the FAA doesn’t typically fund back up power but may if a safety concern is brought up.  Wolske states it makes sense to him that the City might want to provide backup power as the airport could potentially be an operations center depending on the emergency, and that a generator that could operate the airport’s functions. Skinner suggests an assessment for power needs. Wolske suggests putting exploration of what the airport would need to be an operation center for emergencies as an action item on the agenda and would like the City to consider the airport as an emergency resource that needs to be supported. Skinner says he’ll keep up with D’Orazi and report back with any new information.   Informational Items Brown Bag Lunch- Moen states she has not received any news but will follow up.   Solar Project- Zeve inquires about Solar Project, Metcalf informs Commission that Fleury is still working on it, he is currently pursuing funds. Wolske mentions to add Solar Project to the Action List, as well as the Riparian Mitigation. Fleury and Slattery suggested by commission to head up Solar Project. Wolske states he will keep Slattery informed via email. Metcalf suggests that Action Items be added and Fleury will review.   Fuel Tank Options- Discussion about various options sent by Fleury regarding the relocation of existing fuel tanks. Zeve Motions- For option three of Fleury’s proposition, agreeing with Skinner for the location of the fuel farm going down towards the revisionary hangers near to Dead Indian Memorial Rd, and have a self-serve service on the apron. Assuming engineering conditions allow. Moen Seconded. Commission approved locating the fuel facility where Bob Skinner recommends if any concerns arise. Vote all ayes.   NEXT MEETING DATE:  January 8th, 2019   ADJOURNMENT:           10:41am Respectfully submitted, Shannon Burruss Public Works Administration