HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes November 2017CALL TO ORDER Wolske called meeting to order at 9:30 AM   Members Present: David Wolske (Chair), Lincoln Zeve, George Schoen, Susan Moen, Daniel Palomino, Bernard Spera, Bob Skinner, and William Butler Members Absent: Bill Skillman and Mike Morris (Council Liaison), Staff: Scott Fleury, Kaylea Kathol, and Tara Kiewel Guests: Matt Rogers, Samantha Peterson and David Miller from Century West Engineering, Preston McGill True South Solar, Dana Greaves, Andrew Vandenberg, Burl Brim, and Alex Censor   Wolske departed from the order of the agenda to have Century West Engineering present at the beginning of the meeting.   Master Plan Update- Century West Engineering gave a presentation to Commission for 2017/18 Airport Master Plan update. See attached. Schoen asked how the $336,000 cost for the Airport Master Plan was calculated. Miller explained the scope of the Airport Master Plan is defined by the Federal Aviation Association (FAA) and there is a defined process and work elements that must be included in the plan. Requirements have increased over the last 5 years. Based on requirements a cost estimated is created and then another firm does an independent cost estimate to make sure the fee is within a reasonable range.   Skinner wanted to know if this was a completely new Master Plan or an update to the previous plan. Miller explained this is a complete new plan with new drawing sets and analysis. Rogers added that the previous plan recommendations will be referenced. The City is an FAA Airport and has an approved Airport Layout Plan (ALP) that is on file with the FAA at the end of this process it will be replaced with the new ALP. Miller mentioned that with Airport Geographic Information Systems (AGIS) data and improvements in Computer Aided Design (CAD) software data can be analyzed quickly in a cost-effective manner. AGIS data is a standard in the Master Plan. Graves asked what the cost was for the AGIS and Miller said it is $100,000 of the budget for the master plan.   Wolske asked what would be needed between now and March. Rogers explained that the next draft chapter is the forecast chapter and will be sent to City staff to review then an electronic draft will be sent to the Commission one week before the meeting. Miller added that the Forecast chapter have an FAA approval requirement, so this will be sent to them for review before it is sent out. Greaves asked for clarification regarding the feedback process. Peterson asked that Commissioners send any comments for the draft of chapters 1 and 2 be sent Fleury which will be compiled and then forwarded to Century West Engineering. Fleury reminded the Commission to send the email to him, but BCC (not CC) other Commissioners in order to be in compliance with public meeting rules.   APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of November 7, 2017 minutes Commissioners Wolske/Spera m/s to approve minutes as corrected. All ayes. Minutes approved.    Public Forum Tom Jenson, a new hangar tenant, would like to talk with the Commission about adding electrical service to a hangar. Skinner explained that a few years ago the City had taken all of the individual meters on the back of the hangers and put a meter base at the end of each hangar with no other infrastructure. The policy has been to have the tenants of the old City T-hangars be responsible for connecting electrical service to the meter. The farther away the hanger is from the meter base the more expensive the electrical install is and requires running conduit through each hangar. Skinner is proposing a master conduit is run through the center of the hangars with a J-box at each hangar location. If a tenant wants to add electricity, it would be their responsibility to run the wires and make any modifications. When Jenson had an electrician out for a cost estimate Skinner asked for an estimate to run a master conduit. Skinner hasn’t gotten the estimate back yet, but wanted to know if it was something the City would consider investing in.   Palomino asked about running the conduit on the outside and Skinner said would be more efficient to run through the center of the hangars.  Palomino questioned that if we build a new row of hangars it would include conduit and this would just be an upgrade. Wolske mentioned there is difference in the rent rate.  McGill (guest) recommends looking at a cost share.   The Commission had discussion about the City paying upfront and looking into a cost share. Skinner mentioned that some hangars were improved by the tenants and the City benefited from that infrastructure for no cost when they moved out. He thought this upgrade would be a couple thousand at the most. Moen suggest tabling the discussion until the next meeting when there is a cost estimate.  Wolske wanted to know if there were City funds to pay for this project. Fleury mentioned discussing this with the City’s Electrical Department to see if they would like to partner with the Airport on this project because they would benefit from the usage. He also mentioned that we need to establish a maximum meter size.   Alex Censor Censor requested the Commission examine the current hangar waiting list policy.   Skinner explained that the policy went to fee based because it was taking up to a month to get through the hangar waiting list and the City was losing revenue. The current policy is that a deposit is paid, and your name is put on a waiting list with the newest on the bottom. Anyone who refuses an open hangar twice loses their deposit and are removed from the waiting list. This policy was approved by the Commission. Skinner said that if there is a decision to make a change to the policy, but we need to address waiting time.   Palomino questioned if there could just be an email list. Moen suggest set the time frame of one week and email everyone on the list and do not drop anyone off the list. The Commission discussed emending the current policy. Censor asked if the policy change would be retroactive and Skinner said it would. Greaves asked if people are told about the waiting list process when they place a deposit and Skinner replied he had a card with the process that is handed out. Zeve requested the Commission see the updated verbiage when completed. The Commission agreed that it is the responsibility of people on the waiting list to keep contact information current.   Moen motioned to change the hangar waiting list process. When a hangar becomes vacant there will be an email to the entire waiting list with 10 days to reply. Seconded Spera.   Commission clarified the motion. Hanger vacancies will be emailed to the entire waiting list with 10 days to respond. Responders will be selected per seniority. No one will be removed from the waiting list (unless they request removal themselves) and refusing a vacancy will not change seniority on the list or loss of a deposit. There will be a $100.00 deposit to be placed on the hangar waiting list with $75.00 going to the first month’s rent once a hangar lease is signed. If someone is currently renting a hangar and would like a different hangar they must pay another deposit and will be placed on the waiting list.   Vote: All approved.   OLD BUSINESS Solar Panel Feasibility Presentation- True South Solar Wolske asked McGill if he would be willing to come back and present at the next meeting. McGill told the Commission he was willing to come back and provide general information, but was concerned about getting into the specifics if this project was going to RFP. Upfront cost would be approximately $43,000 which would offset all of the Airport’s needs. There may be grants available. Wolske thanked McGill for his time and the information he presented to the Commission. McGill agreed to come back and present at the next meeting.   Action Item List 1. Riparian Restoration – None 2. Paving dirt areas around the hangars – No action until Spring 3. Hangar enclosure project - Next biennium 4. Tree topping project – Bids due back 12/7/17                           5. Entry Road Landscaping 6. Trim excess materials from storm drain filters   Staff update Fleury updated the Commission on staffing. Paula Brown is the new Director of Public Works. Brown and Fleury have divided responsibilities between them. Brown will be managing Waste Water Systems, Storm Drain Systems, and Facilities and Fleury will be managing Transportation Systems (including Airport), and the Water System. Brown is having a lead and backup for all projects so that there is more than one person on staff that is knowledgeable about a project. Kathol will be the main contact for the Airport Commission with Fleury as back up. For the Airport Master Plan and the CORE Grant, Fleury will be lead and Kathol will be backup.   Budget Update Kathol updated the Commission on the Capital Outlay Budget which is the account charged to for repairs and maintenance. The budget is $70,000 for the biennium, with $57,000 remaining. The tree trimming project will be paid from this account with an estimated cost of $20,000 to $30,000. Barber and Kathol will be managing this project. Moen asked if there were any other projects that are earmarked for this account and Kathol said the restroom improvement with an estimated cost of $20,000.   Restroom Improvement Update/CORE Grant Kathol would like to develop a scope for this project before getting bids. Fleury mentioned that this project will need to update the restroom to current ADA standards. Fleury explained to the Commission that he would like to delay discussion on this project. Fleury applied for a CORE Grant to remodel both bathrooms, carpet, paint the facility, and do some general upgrades for the terminal building. He applied for $50,000 of improvements of which 3% would need to be paid by the Airport.  Fleury will be presenting next week at the Area Commission on Transportation (ACT) and he will have a better understanding of where we will rank in the process in the beginning of next year.   Tenant Notification Procedures for Airport Closures and Upcoming Work Palomino discussed the last runway closure. He said there was an email sent to tenants, but the closure dates changed and tenants weren't notified or asked if the date change would work for them. Skinner explained that the only reason the closure was changed was due to a Steerman flight scheduled for that day that was canceled due to smoke. Skinner said he sometimes gets very limited notices on closures and he tries to avoid Mondays and Fridays. He explained in this particular closure there was a lot of scheduling back and forth with Contracting Agencies and Contractors and all of the business were supposed to be copied on the emails. Palomino stressed that this was late notice which affected customers that he had tried to schedule around the original date of the closure. Skinner said   that there is sometimes limited notice with closures. Palomino wanted it noted that an Airplane took off from the taxiway during this closure. Skinner clarified that it was a runway closure, not an Airport closure.  Palomino stressed that tenants were not notified in a timely manner and communications were not clear. Skinner explained they tried to make sure everyone was included in the email thread with dates changing. He also mentioned that the weather due to the wild fire smoke was also an issue. Wolske asked what needs to be done going forward. Palomino said tenants need to be notified in a timely manner. Skinner said he tries but sometimes there are a lot of factors and things change and he will make sure all tenants are on included in the emails.   NEW BUSINESS: Airport: Good Neighbor Items- none   Feasibility of Bike Rental Service – postpone until next meeting.   Hangers being used for non-Airport use. Wolske asked Skinner if there is there any hangars being used for non-Airport use in compliance with the FAA and what can be done to rectify this. Skinner said there are a couple of privately owned hangers that are being used for non-Airport use and we need to send them a letter. Fleury said he had a template of a letter and will contact the hangar tenants.   Weed Spraying – postpone discussion until next meeting   Commissioner Bill Butler Seat Butler told the Commission he received an email asking if he would like to resign and he said he is willing to do whatever the Commission wishes. In April he resigned as chair and notified the Commission he would be gone for 3 meetings, but he ended up be gone until Oct. He said in hindsight due to vacancies this made it difficult to have a quorum. He mentioned he has 40 years of experience he is willing to share. Wolske explained that it wasn’t his intention to ask him to resign but to ask his intentions going forward. Wolske added he thinks Butler adds tremendous value to the Commission. Butler’s term expires in April of 2018 and the Commission decided to have Butler finish his term.   Airport Cameras Palomino discussed getting the Airport Cameras adjusted so that they are useful for pilots to see the weather. Skinner agreed they are not focused and washed out. Kathol said that we would have to call SOS to adjust the cameras and it would be a service call charge because the cameras were set up in order to view the runway and this would be a change of scope. Palomino said he wants to see the end of the runway and the north end of the sky.   Airport Signage Palomino mentioned that an aircraft taxied between the parking lot and a hanger. He said this had been discussed at the Commission before and wanted to know if there was going to be signage or painting. Skinner wasn’t sure this was necessary for the few times that it has happened and that said there is signage, but if people aren’t paying attention it will not work. There was discussion about signage for a business. Fleury said when business request a sign on state highways or roadways they go through an approval process and they would do the installation, but the business would pay for materials and labor.  Butler suggested this maybe a safety and flight issue. Fleury told the Commission he would recommend a physical barrier rather than signage and if they did a destination sign he would want it for all business. Palomino said this is not about advertising but about pilots taxing in the wrong area. Skinner doesn’t think that signage will solve the issue. Palomino and Skinner will get together and bring suggestions for the next meeting.   INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: A.            Brown Bag Lunch B.            TC Meeting Update   C.            Medford Update   NEXT MEETING DATE:  January 9, 2018 9:30 AM      ADJOURNMENT:  12:17 PM            Respectfully submitted, Tara Kiewel Public Works Administrative Assistant