HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes November 2015ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION December 1, 2015   MINUTES         Members Present: David Wolske, Alan DeBoer, Bill Skillman, Lincoln Zeve, Susan Moen, William Butler, Alex Censor  and Stefani Seffinger Staff: Scott Fleury, Derek Severson Members Absent: Sherm Lucas and Bob Skinner Guests: Doug Burman, Alan Bender and George Scheon     CALL TO ORDER: 9:34AM   2.AGENDA ITEM ADDITIONS:  JLC Parking Webcams   3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES: November 3 2015, motion by DeBoer for approval of minutes as written, 2nd by Skillman, minutes approved.     4.OLD BUSINESS:   A.Airport Zoning: Staff informs Commission that meeting minutes for the past two meetings were forwarded to planning staff to assist in code updates, specifically changing the definition of “hangars”. Staff is waiting for a schedule update from planning staff with regards to bringing back the final code and moving forward with adoption.   B.FBO Lease: No change, staff still waiting for update from Legal with a time frame for completion. Lohman is working on critical items for the City Council and is has not had time to finish the lease document.   C.Fly Friendly Pamphlet: No update. Staff has not had time to make any changes or updates to document for review and reprinting.   D.JLC Parking: Butler has not spoke with JLC a second time regarding a single vehicle still parking adjacent to the hangar. The employees continue to use the parking lot. There is still a concern that a single vehicle will still draw other vehicles to park near the hangar and create incursion issues with aircraft taxiing to the runway. Commission believes parking behind the hangar presents less of an issue. Commission also discusses painting the 39’ line across the dirt section. Commission will continue to work with users to minimize incursion issues due to parking of vehicles and aircraft on the taxilanes.   E.Web Cams: Zeve informs Commission that it appears the best thing to do at this point is to purchase new webcams for installation as the existing ones are outdated. Staff to work with Zeve and the high school in order to purchase and have new webcams installed and linked to the City’s website.   5.NEW BUSINESS:   A.Airport Good Neighbor Items: Skinner not in attendance to provide update. Zeve informs Commission the new light on the cell tower is less obtrusive and neighbors appreciate the change.   B.Drone Use Near Airport: Zeve wanted to have a conversation with group about drone use near airport and determine how other airports are handling this issue. The FAA is still working out what defines a drone versus an R/C aircraft. The rule for R/C aircraft is notification of an airport if you are within 5 miles and flying above 400 feet. Censor would like some form of public outreach to inform drone flyers of concerns associated with incursions with general aviation traffic. Butler will do some research and discuss with the FAA and bring back update next month. Burhman states the aeronautical modeling association has a handout on drones that the Commission could review. Censor to draft letter to the editor regarding drones and general aviation traffic.   C.Airport Volunteers:  Staff spoke with HR about volunteers working for the City. There is a hold harmless agreement a volunteer must sign before working with the City. Volunteers are subjected to maintain their own insurance as they will not be covered under the City’s policies.   6.FBO REPORT(S):     Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports:   Maintenance Updates: Commission stresses the liability issues associated with deferred or non-timely maintenance improvements, like installation of the fire extinguishers. Commission would like to see Skinner install the fire extinguishers and have the flexibility to take care of items like this. Staff needs to find out status of new furnace installation in the JLC hangar along with the maintenance hangar re-roof project. Staff informs Commission the new facility project manager will be starting near the end of the month and she will attend the next meeting. Staff is still working on a rotation list system to place plumbers, electricians, handyman, roofers, etc. on a retainer or under direct contract to assist in keeping up with maintenance related items. This rotation list will give staff and Skinner increased flexibility in obtaining contractor services in a timely manner for maintenance projects.         7.INFORMATIONAL ITEMS:   A.Brown Bag: Wolske still receiving update emails, staff to have Diana change it to Butler. No one attended meeting in November.   B.Transportation Commission:  No update.     C.Medford Airport: Bender in attendance and provides brief update of operations at Medford Airport. 2015 has provided for record high commercial traffic through Medford. They have benefited from the loss of flight service at Klamath Falls. Fuel prices are lower and airplane size has increased allowing for competitive pricing, especially for the flights to San Francisco.     D.Action Item List: Airport Zoning/Riparian Restoration: No change.     Paving of dirt areas around the hangers: No change.   Entrance Sign Replacement/Animal Signs/ Highway 66 Sign: No Change. Security and access signs (Skinner/Brim to review).   Hangar Enclosure Project (Staff to work with Skinner): Staff working with Mockeridge Engineering and believes the City’s new low risk insurance contract could work in this instance.     Transportation to & from airport: No change.   Self Fueling Permit: Waiting on signed copy from Brim Aviation.   Fire Extinguisher Installation/ Hangar Numbering: Staff to contact Skinner and discuss installation by his staff.   Roof Action Plan: Staff to track down status of project as Dale Peters has retired.     ODA inspection improvements and Tie Down Chain Repairs: No Updates.   Security System Improvements: No Updates.   Web Cam Improvements: Zeve working with high school on improvements. New webcams to be purchased and installed.     Update Airport Narrative page and links: Staff/Commission to perform quarterly review of website and update as necessary.     E.Airport Users Group:  No Updates   OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.    NEXT MEETING DATE:  January 5, 2016 beginning at 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 10:57 AM