HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes October 2018Ashland Airport Commission MINUTES November 13, 2018   FINAL APPROVED MINUTES    CALL TO ORDER Wolske called meeting to order at 9:30 AM   Members Present: David Wolske (Chair), Bernard Spera, Lincoln Zeve, George Schoen, Daniel Palomino FBO Present: Bob Skinner Members Absent: William Skillman, Susan Moen, Dana Greaves, Andrew Vandenberg, Dennis Slattery (Council Liaison) Staff Present: Scott Fleury, Chance Metcalf, Kaylea Kathol Guests: Harold Lee, Alex Censor, Mike Dane (Century West Engineering)   Public Forum – Harold Lee speaks again regarding the reversionary hangar rates as recommended by the Commission to the City Council for adoption. Mr. Lee believes the rates to be too high as compared with other municipal airports and reiterates the rate should be $350/month. Mr. Lee also states that he interprets the lease requires the tenant to pay property tax for the structure.   Alex Censor speaks about the rate structure as well. He believes the airport should not be a profit center but provide a fair rate that does not put pressure on general aviation community to drop out of aviation, while also producing income required to manage and maintain the facility.   APPROVAL OF MINUTES October 2, 2018 Minutes   Spera Motioned Vandenberg Second Vote all ayes. Minutes approved as written   Request for Additional Items from Commission Members Firefighting Helicopter Operations   Century West-Airport Master Plan Update-Alternatives Discussion-Mike Dane from Century West is in attendance and presents landside and airside alternatives to the Commission as part of the master plan update. Dane states the goal of today’s discussion is to get to the preferred alternative moving forward. The preferred alternative can be a mix/match of the options that will be discussed and will be provided to the FAA for approval. If the FAA does not approve the preferred alternative, then adjustments will need to be made based on their comments.   Dane goes through power point presentation that details the options for both landside and airside facility requirements to meet current FAA standards. These include taxilanes, tie down parking, vehicle parking, fuel tank location, runway length, displaced threshold removal, fencing, and hangar locations.   Commission discusses options and prefers the 3700’ runway length with removal of the displaced threshold, large hangars on the ramp area with parking behind and keeping the layout of the airport focused on B1 small facilities. They discuss the fuel tanks locations and cannot come to a consensus on if they should be moved on or not. Dane to sketch up actual distance requirements and send to staff. Staff can then forward to Commission for a review and develop a recommendation on whether to move the fuel tanks or not. Dane informs Commission the FAA might require certain taxilane widths along the apron frontage that would reduce tie-down parking, but that will be determined in discussion with the FAA.   Dane understands the Commissions viewpoint moving forward with the overall preferred alternative for both the landside and airside facilities and will represent that viewpoint during future discussions with the FAA on the preferred alternative.   Once the FAA accepts the preferred alternative then Century West can move forward with development of the Capital Improvement Plan, Airport Layout Plan (drawing), and financial plan.   Old Business Self Service Fuel Terminal-Staff informs Commission a purchase order has been established for the fuel terminal upgrade. Legal is reviewing the service user agreement. Commission confirms the use of Ethernet if possible over the use of cell for data management of the fuel terminal. Staff to work with electric to determine if Ethernet can be pulled through existing conduit to terminal.   Reversionary Hangars-Staff informs Commission the rate recommendation will go before the City Council at the November 20th business meeting. If approved the new tiered rate will be .25cents-square foot/month. Skinner states that Lisa has been working on renting the hangars that are known to be vacated and believes they will all be rented at the proposed rate.   Action Item List Landscaping/Irrigation (Driveway)-No change, staff to update bid documents and bid after the first of the year.   Restroom improvements-Staff informs commission the project bids came in extremely high for the work required and staff will speaking internally at the next facilities meeting about how to act as our own general and maybe perform some work internally. Staff to update Commission of progress at the December meeting.   Tree trimming-Staff informs commission of intent to restart project now that we are in fall. Frisson Tree Service has been contacted and is establishing a new start date to complete work.   New Business Airport good neighbor items-Skinner states he has been speaking with an individual who is interested in building a large 100x120 hangar onsite. They will most likely reach out to the City to discuss further.  No other discussion.     Helicopter Service-Zeve mentions newspaper article that discusses the establishment of a helicopter tanker base to support firefighting operations locally. Other members have not heard of this proposal. Staff to include article for next month’s meeting.   Informational Items Brown Bag Lunch-Wolske states no brown bag lunch to report on.   NEXT MEETING DATE:  December 4, 2018 9:30 AM      ADJOURNMENT:  12:08 PM            Respectfully submitted, Scott A. Fleury P.E. Deputy Public Works Director