HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes November 2016ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION February 7, 2017   MINUTES   Members Present: Lincoln Zeve, George Schoen, Bob Skinner, William Butler, Susan Moen, and Bill Skillman (9:43am) Members Absent: Mike Morris Staff: Scott Fleury, Kaylea Kathol and Kyndra Irigoyen Guests: Mike Bull (Century West Engineering), Daniel Palomino (JLC), Renee Dowan (JaviationJaviation), Matt Rogers (Century West Engineering), Dave Nafie (WHPacific)   1.CALL TO ORDER: 9:31 AM  2.AGENDA ITEM ADDITIONS:   A.Airport Website – Include in action list.   B.Mice – Include in action list.   3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion to approve the minutes as submitted, first by Schoen and Seconded by Zeve. All approved.     4.OLD BUSINESS:   A.Entry Road Landscape: Butler said the Willow Oaks recommended by the landscaper would encroach on the taxiway because of their size. The Oklahoma Redbud and Wireless Zelkova are good candidates. Julie Smitherman and the landscaper will attend next meeting to discuss water conservation. Commission will ask questions and list concerns to the landscaper.   B.FBO Lease: Fleury has given itemized information on liability to city attorney. Skinner has been asked to carry insurance coverage that is more than double the amount of other municipal airports in Oregon. He is asking for it to be fair and reasonable. Skinner Aviation’s lease is up in less than a year. Fleury said his next step is to set up a meeting in person to discuss this the city attorney.   C.Action Item List:   1.Airport Website – Zeve said Google does not pull up the website. Kathol said she will work on getting it more searchable. Zeve asked about the webcams. Kathol said they are not up and running; Jason Wegner from the GIS needs more information about Skinner’s network. Kathol will follow up. 2.Riparian Restoration: No update. 3.Paving dirt areas around the hangars: Fleury will bring back budget information to Commission next month. 4.Hangar enclosure project: Fleury will bring update along with budget information next month. Skinner had Industrial Door revisit their price quotes. 5.ODA inspection improvement and tie down chain repairs: Fleury said the segmented circle and miscellaneous items need repainting. 6.Security Camera System Improvements: No changes. Fleury will include a security assessment in the Master Plan. 7.Storage Box: Has been removed.   8.Tree topping project: Bid documents are 90% complete. 9.Webcams: Discussed earlier in meeting. 10.Mice: Moen has found mice in her airplane and in another occupant’s hangar. Skinner said we have issues from time to time during this year and no reports of anyone else having issues with mice.   D.ODA Grant Application: We are ranked 6th overall, we should be getting our 9% grant match for the master plan update. The master plan is out for public consumption and closes on February 23rd. This will go to Council for approval. Staff will receive proposals, score proposals, and then have interviews if needed. Butler asked for a member of the Commission to be part of the scoring process. Wolske will be part of the scoring process.   E.Hangar Rental Policy Discussion (Commercial Definition): Skinner said the current definition is 40x60. Wolske reiterated the fairness component for people getting on the commercial and personal lists. People should be notified about both lists at the time of signing up. Skinner asked if people signing will need to pay to be on both lists; two separate payments. Moen and Butler agree that people should pay to be on both lists as separate payments. Commission agrees. Skinner will make both lists accessible to public by posting in FBO.   Skinner said there was a situation where an occupant had multiple partners, two of the three partners had sold out, while one remained, his typical rule is that as long as one of the original occupants stays on the contract, the other partners can remain in the hangar. The final original partner signed off a year ago without giving notice to Skinner or the City. Skinner wants to vacate the current occupant of the hangar so it can go to the next person on the list. The current owner of the airplane knew he would not acquire the hangar if he purchased the airplane. Commission agreed to evict occupant.   Wolske asked about hangars that did not have aircrafts in them. Skinner said after inspections, three hangars did not have aircrafts. The hangars will be written a letter, with a 6 month timeframe to get an aircraft in there.   5.NEW BUSINESS:   A.Airport Good Neighbor Items: A few phone calls about helicopter operations.   B.Airport Day 2017 Planning: Butler would like someone else to chair Airport Day. Zeve will be the new chairman for the Airport Day committee and all commissioners will serve on the committee. The proposed date of May 20th may have a conflict with another event in Ashland. Fleury will look for other dates for the event and bring back to Commission.   C.Commission Vacancies: Daniel Palomino will submit application. Fleury does not know of any other applicants. Butler will not renew his position as chair in May.     6.FBO REPORT(S):     Attached: Airport was closed one day due to weather. Runway was swept. Noise abatement sign is still down.   Maintenance Updates: None.   7.INFORMATIONAL ITEMS:   A.Brown Bag: None.   B.Transportation Commission: None.   C.Medford Update: None.   NEXT MEETING DATE:  March 7, 2017 beginning at 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 11:21 AM   Respectfully submitted,   Kyndra Irigoyen Administrative Assistant Public Works Department