HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes October 2015ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION November 3, 2015   MINUTES         Members Present: Bob Skinner, David Wolske, Alan DeBoer, Bill Skillman, Lincoln Zeve, Sherm Lucas, Susan Moen, William Butler and Stefani Seffinger Staff: Scott Fleury, Derek Severson Members Absent: Alex Censor   Guests: Doug Burman and Jeff Sharpe     CALL TO ORDER: 9:34AM   2.AGENDA ITEM ADDITIONS:  JLC Parking Cell Tower Light Irvine Development Sky Research Hangar   3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES: October 13, 2015, motion by DeBoer for approval of minutes as written, 2nd by Wolske, minutes approved.     4.OLD BUSINESS:   A.Airport Zoning: Staff updates Commission on expected timeline for finishing code updates. Planning staff is also updating the definition of hangar as previously discussed. Planning staff should be presenting draft code before the Planning Commission one more time before coming back to Advisory Commissions for a formal recommendation. Once the Advisory Commissions provide a formal recommendation the code will then go back to the Planning Commission and finally on to the City Council for adoption. Staff to provide another timeline update at next meeting   B.FBO Lease: Staff informs Commission that Legal should have time to finish the lease after the Downtown Ordinances are approved by the City Council.   C.Council Update: Butler states he thinks the presentation went very well and the video is available online for anyone interested. Commission discusses Councilor Corner article Seffinger is working on. Seffinger did not have time to finish her airport article prior to the due date, but will have one ready for the next go around. She writes an article every seven weeks for the Tidings. The airport article is meant to act as a question and answer piece and she would like Commission input. Commission would like to incorporate the positive benefits of the airport including, the economic and emergency response benefits. Staff to forward what Seffinger has compiled to date to the Commission for input and then forward input to Seffinger.    D.Fly Friendly Pamphlet: Staff has not had time to provide markups for the Commission to review.   E.JLC Parking: JLC employees are parking in the parking lot after a discussion with Skinner and the Commission wants to continue a good working relationship with JLC regarding parking and business access.   F.Cell Tower Light: Zeve informs Commission the light should be changed out within a week. The change will eliminate the daytime strobe and reduce intensity from 2000 candelas to 32.   5.NEW BUSINESS:   A.Airport Good Neighbor Items: No new items to report.   B.Irvine Development: Irvine was looking into the possibility of placing a 10,000 sq-ft grape processing facility onsite. Staff had previously spoken with Irvine and informed him on the potential location and the lack of utilities to the spot. Irvine was going to research additional costs to install utilities before discussing further.   C.Sky Research Hangar: Zeve discusses with Commission hangar situation at the airport. The Sky Research hangar is currently being rented for additional space by Brim. Brim Aviation and JLC need more room and Zeve is wondering if there is a way to help of facilitate a switch. Brim could move operations into the Sky hangar and JLC could move into Brims hangar as this would represent the highest and best use onsite. Commission does not want to interfere and will let the process run its natural course.   6.FBO REPORT(S):     Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports: None.   Maintenance Updates: Staff informs Commission that Dale Peters has obtained quotes for the FBO roof repair project. Peters recommends accepting a bid from Blesser Built Roofing for $24k  to install a Duro-Last roof. Peters obtained bids to replace existing metal roof as well, but believes the Duro-Last represents the best long term solution.   Peters also obtained quotes to replace the furnace in the JLC hangar. The low bid was $1,700 and Peters will start the contractual process in order to get the furnace replaced before winter.   DeBoer motions: Move forward with the JLC furnace replacement and Duro-Last roof replacement for the maintenance hangar, 2nd by Zeve, all approved.   Skinner forwarded staff the tie down chain map that shows the chains that need to be replaced or fixed. Peters has some chains in stock and can order more directly from the supplier. Burhman states he cannot volunteer to replace the broken chains as he insurance agent recommends against it. Staff to research parameters on being a volunteer for the City and determine if volunteers are covered by the City's insurance.   Zeve to work with the high school robotics team to get the webcam working again.     7.INFORMATIONAL ITEMS:   A.Brown Bag: No update.   B.Transportation Commission:  Staff informs Commission there will be some research done regarding an Ashland specific shuttle and it could lead to additional connections to the airport. The current Transportation System Plan has a future RVTD route within the City to expand transit.   C.Medford Airport: No update.   D.Action Item List: Airport Zoning/Riparian Restoration: No change.     Paving of dirt areas around the hangers: No change.   Entrance Sign Replacement/Animal Signs/ Highway 66 Sign: No Change. security and access signs (Skinner/Brim to review).   Hangar Enclosure Project (Staff to work with Skinner): No change.     Transportation to & from airport: No change.   Self Fueling Permit: Final edits sent for review.   Fire Extinguisher Installation/ Hangar Numbering: No change.   Roof Action Plan: No change.   Tie Down Chain Repairs: No Updates.   Security System Improvements: No Updates.   Web Cam Improvements: Staff informs Commission that a site visit by our GIS manager will be required in order to determine work needed to relink webcams to the City's website.   Update Airport Narrative page and links: Staff/Commission to perform quarterly review of website and update as necessary.     E.Airport Users Group:  No Updates   OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.    NEXT MEETING DATE:  December 1, 2015 beginning at 9:30 AM