HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes September 2018 Ashland Airport Commission MINUTES October 2, 2018 CALL TO ORDER Wolske called meeting to order at 9:30 AM Members Present: David Wolske (Chair), Bernard Spera, Andrew Vandenberg, Lincoln Zeve, George Schoen, Daniel Palomino FBO Present: Bob Skinner Members Absent: William Skillman, Susan Moen, Dana Greaves, Dennis Slattery (Council Liaison) Staff Present: Scott Fleury, Chance Metcalf Guests: Harold Lee   Public Forum – None   APPROVAL OF MINUTES September 6, 2018 Minutes   Spera Motioned Vandenberg Second Vote all ayes. Minutes approved as written   Request for Additional Items from Commission Members November meeting date adjustment   Old Business Council Presentation-Wolske updated commission on September report to Council. Wolske covered the master plan update, general projects, airport day and emergency operations support during the Council update.   Budget Discussion for FY2019-Staff asks commission if there are any follow up questions regarding the budget presentation from last month. No follow up questions. Staff will bring back additional revenue and expenditure information at a meeting in 2019 for further questions/discussion.   Fuel terminal-Skinner reiterates the current QTPOD self-service fuel terminal will reach end of life service/support in June of 2019. Skinner requested and received an updated quote from QTPOD of $12,245 for the system with the additional $480/year cost associated with cell service. Skinner also researched and obtained an additional quote from Fuel Master of $15,000. The Fuel Master system would require alterations to the site and is not setup for cell service or smart card usage. After discussion regarding both systems and costs the group agrees proceeding forward with the QTPOD system makes operational and financial sense.   Motion-Zeve, Approve and authorize Bob to negotiate final terms with QTPOD for a new self-service fuel terminal. Second-Vandenberg All approved.   Reversionary Hangar Rate Discussion-Commission discusses hangar reversion rate potential adjustment. Staff provided rate breakdowns of Bend, Benton Park, Grants Pass and Medford for discussion purposes. Commission has heard previous public testimony that $350 would be a rate that would keep some of the existing tenants from relocating to another airport hangar facility. The reversionary hangars measure at 1638 square foot and at the current rate the monthly revenue would be $489.   Skinner and staff also verified the existing t-hangars constructed in 2003 rent for .29 cents/square foot which is similar to the existing box hangar rate, with box hangars having a higher demand and value in general. The reversionary hangars do have a rack style door system that can be difficult to use and create a maintenance issue if left unchecked.   The group discusses the potential rates and what would be considered a good price point for the reversionary hangars that would also minimize any loss to rental incomes. Zeve mentions that having existing tenants will to stay at a rate of .21 cents/square foot is better than losing them and having Bob spend time trying to find new occupants. Commission has concerns of renting the reversionary box hangars at a square footage rate less than the rest of the hangars onsite. Intermediate rates of .23 cents/square-foot ($376/month) and .25 cents/square-foot ($409.00/month) are discussed by group as potential options to still generate significant revenue but bring the price point down and allow for future adjustments. Staff reminds commission that in April the group will have another discussion regarding all rates as a recommendation for adjustment of the City’s miscellaneous fees for the next budget biennium.     Motion-Zeve, Recommend a new rate tier for the reversionary box hangars with rack doors of .23 cents/square foot. Motion fails for lack of a second   Motion-Spera, Recommend a new rate tier for the reversionary box hangars with rack doors of .25 cents/square foot. Second-Vandenberg All approved Abstain-Zeve   Staff to work on Council report for adjustment of miscellaneous fees to include new rate tier. Commission would also like to move forward with an aggressive marketing campaign if current hangar occupants vacate the hangars in order to minimize any loss of rental income.   Action Item List Hangar enclosure project-Commission requests the item be removed from action list and have staff prepare a future agenda topic to discuss the removal and re-development of shade hangars to new T-hangars after approval of master plan that includes information on taxilane object free area (TOFA) requirements. Per current FAA regulations the shade hangars encroach into the TOFA and will need to be mitigated through future redevelopment.   Landscaping/Irrigation (driveway)-Staff informs commission that a new intent to bid form will be generated and released in winter with the expectation to stir more activity from local landscapers.   Restroom improvements-Staff informs commission the project is currently out for bid and bid outcomes will be discussed at the November meeting.   Tree trimming-Staff informs commission of intent to restart project now that we are in fall and migratory bird nesting season is over. Staff will contact Frisson Tree Service to start the project back up and notify adjacent property owners of continued work.   Spring at hydrant-Commission would like item removed from list as there is no further action to be taken.   New Business Airport good neighbor items-Skinner informs commission overall activity has been fairly quiet. The EPA will also be onsite Thursday October 4th to inspect the fuel island and associated appurtenances. Skinner had Pump Pipe and Tank perform a service inspection and review of the system and everything is in compliance and working well. Skinner to report back at the next meeting regarding outcomes of EPA inspection. It is expected the EPA will require an update to the current Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan (SPCCP) as the plan was last updated in 2005.   Climate Energy Action Plan-Solar Installation-Staff informs commission Stu Green will not be able to attend and discuss, but staff has pertinent information for the group based on a previous discussion with Green. The City is moving forward with a request for proposals for the development and management of a 10 mega-watt solar farm on what is commonly known at the Imperatrice Property. The RFP is expected to be released in winter of this year. Based on the outcomes of the solicitation process staff is also looking at smaller scale solar developments from 1Mw to 200Kw as this size will not violate the current agreement with Bonneville Power Administration. Staff discussed solar array installation with the master plan consultant recently and numerous FAA approved solar facilities exist on airports in the west. The array system could be developed on the defined non-aviation related use area for the airport and used for site resiliency and provide power to the Ashland grid. Staff states the commission would be required to recommend what level of resiliency and power operation requirements would be part of any installation onsite. Also if the non-aviation defined area were to be used for solar a ground lease would still be required with revenues utilized within the airport fund. Typical ground lease revenues of this nature would match farmland lease pricing and be less than typical hangar ground lease rates. Next steps include waiting for the outcome of the 10 mega-watt solicitation project and engage Green on next steps of smaller scale solar projects. Staff expects the discussion to continue at the commission level in spring of 2019.   November meeting date change-Skinner will not be available for the regularly planned meeting on November 6th. Commission discusses postponement of 1 week to November 13th. All in agreement. Staff will update City calendar and update Century West on change of date for third presentation regarding master plan update.      Informational Items Brown Bag Lunch-Wolske states no brown bag lunch occurred prior to the September meeting.   NEXT MEETING DATE:  November 13, 2018 9:30 AM      ADJOURNMENT:  11:14 AM            Respectfully submitted, Scott A. Fleury P.E. Deputy Public Works Director