HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes September 2016ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION ​ October 4, 2016   MINUTES     Members Present: Bill Skillman, Lincoln Zeve, Sherm Lucas, George Schoen, Bob Skinner, Alan DeBoer, William Butler, David Wolske, and Mike Morris Staff: Scott Fleury, Kaylea Kathol and Kyndra Irigoyen Members Absent: Susan Moen and Alex Censor Guests: Joyce Woods and Mike Bull, and Daniel (JLC).   1.CALL TO ORDER: 9:30 AM   2.AGENDA ITEM ADDITIONS: None.   3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion to approve the minutes, first by Zeve and Seconded by Skillman. All approved.     4.OLD BUSINESS:   A.FBO Lease: Fleury added section into the lease referencing the pollution insuance subsidy. Language included how the subsidy would get paid on a yearly bases to support the fuel trucks. If Bob decided to discontinue fuel truck service, the subsidy paid that year would be paid back at an amortized rate. Next he will clean up the language, finalize document, and get copy to legal for approval. Commission would like to be signed by the end of the year.   B.Webcams: Kathol said they are not connected on website. Burkhalter has not had time to look at these. System yet due to other work priorities.   C.Action Item List:   1.Riparian Restoration: Fleury is having discussions with the Fresh Water Trust regarding potential restoration projects. Pushing them to look at Emigrant Creek and Neil Creek for a restoration project as one of Bureau of Reclamation requirements for biological improvements. 2.Paving dirt areas around the hangars: No changes. 3.Hangar enclosure project: No changes. 4.ODA inspection improvement and tie down chain repairs: There a couple of chains left that need replacements. Additional chains still need to be purchased. 5.Pain on surface – There are four pieces to this project: the curve around JLC; discontinuity between the taxi edge and Sky Research hangar; the main ramp striping; and painting of segmented circle. We also have the Ashland logo and the compass rose that needs to be repainted. 6.Security Camera System Improvements: No changes. 7.Fly Friendly Pamphlet: Pamphlet complete. 8.Storage Box: No changes. 9.Crack seal and weed spraying project: Will start on the 10-10-16, weather permitting. 10.Tree topping project: All the work is done, need to formulate bid tab and send out document. It would be good to know how far they encroach into the zone, so we know how many feet they grow on an annual basis. 11.Webcams: Discussed earlier in meeting. 12.Entry road: KenCarin is working on entry design and will hopefully be here next meeting. Discussed removing and relocating old airport sign.   Motion to remove old sign. All in favor and one opposed. Motion to preserve old sign and relocate. All in favor.   Butler asked if anyone was opposed to keeping the sign and relocating it. Zeve and DeBoer opposed this. Zeve said there will be installation and maintenance expenses.   Chair moves that the sign be retained and that Skinner and Skillman be appointed as a committee of two to decide its fate. All in favor and one opposed.   13.Runway safety area: Grading work has not happened yet. Butler did a cursory survey, the RSA is in good shape, and the only low places are places that were intentionally graded low for drainage. There are a couple of places where gofers seem to congregate, that need to be graded in. All of the FAA installed facilities have concrete pads to hold the weeds at bay. Can we investigate the possibility of putting a skirt around our facilities or something that will keep the weeds from growing?   D.Airport Website Development: Kathol made fonts darker. Working on search terms. Webcams are not linked yet, but will happen when Burkhalter has time. Zeve asked if Burkhalter is the right person to do this, for lack of time. Kathol said someone in the IT Department may be able to help. Butler asked for this to be an action item for next month and for Kathol to find the person who could help. Zeve asked the Commission to look at website to find errors. Butler asked to add links to Medford approaches. Kathol asked that someone else have access to the website for updating purposes. Skinner said that his front desk employee could offer assistance.   E.City Council Presentation (9/20):   5.NEW BUSINESS:   A.Airport Good Neighbor Items: Joyce Woods came to the Commission to discuss an email she sent about the low flying airplane. She lives in the airport path. She was walking to the gym and the airplane was flying very low she could have taken a picture of who was in the airplane. She has stopped walking to the gym because she was so freaked out by it. The airplane did this four or five times. Butler said whoever is doing this multiple times is most likely doing flight training. This could have been an inexperienced pilot. Skinner will provide his phone number to Woods to contact him in the event that this happens again.   Skinner had Eva stop by the other day about a helicopter flying low by her house. It was a contract helicopter for the Oregon Department of Forestry. He was able to inform know.   B.ODA Grant Application: This program is taking the fuel tax increase and creating a grant program for GA and commercial. Copy of grant application in packet and due by October 14th. Fleury’s recommendation is the Commission apply for the match for the master plan. For the next cycle, we should apply for the taxi lane rehabilitation. The match would be 10%, we currently have $300,000. Budgeting for master plan project.   Motion to approve the use of the grant for that purpose. All in favor.    Fleury said the master plan needs one final edit and can be released within the next month or two to align with the FAA’s spring grant cycle. We have to advertise to make the selection, scope master plan, once scoped, we have to have an independent fee review of the scope and fee. This information is then submitted to FAA to review and approval, then a grant will be issued. This will probably wrap up in April. In the past we have had a grading team with a member from the Commission involved. Commission will make nomination for member of the grading team at the next Commission meeting.   C.Hangar Rental Policy Discussion: Burl moving out of Matzger hangar. We purchased the remaining lease rights a few years ago and are renting out for $450 a month. When we purchased the hangar we discussed who gets first right to rent the hangar. Initially, we went to the commercial waiting list based on the cost and size of the hangar. Fleury is asked the Commission if this policy should remain. Skinner said we have a commercial hangar waiting list that has a few people on it. In his records, JLC Avionics is in the top position with Brim Aviation, then Vortex, then Kirby Mills Pilot Rock Aviation, and so on. Skinner will investigate the dates of the list and when JLC and Brim went into their hangars. Fleury suggests following along with the existing policy while working on a new policy. This item will be brought back to the next Commission meeting and to create the definition of a commercial hangar.   6.FBO REPORT(S):     Attached   Maintenance Updates: Fire inspections are scheduled for October 25, 27, and 28. We will put a notice on the door of the FBO to let tenants know. Fleury will send out email to notice people. The fire marshal will be able to do the inspection from a tablet on site which will update the information in real time.   There is still a noise abatement sign that is at the south end of the airport. There is still a weed issue.   During the fire inspection they will be evaluating the utilization of the hangars as well. Butler asked Skinner to bring back anyone who is not in compliance back to the Commission and to add this as an agenda item for next month to figure out how to enforce this.   7.INFORMATIONAL ITEMS:   A.Brown Bag: Butler gave an over of last month’s meeting.   B.Transportation Commission: No update.   C.Medford Airport: No update.   NEXT MEETING DATE:  November 1, 2016 beginning at 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 10:59 AM   Respectfully submitted,   Kyndra Irigoyen Administrative Assistant Public Works Department