HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes November 2020Ashland Airport Commission MINUTES November 3rd, 2020 Ashland Airport Commission Nov. 3rd 2020 Page 1 of 2 CALL TO ORDER @10:00am Roll Call: Meeting Recorded Members Present: Patricia Herdklotz, Bernard Spera, George Schoen, Jeff Dahle, David Wolske, Daniel Palomino FBO Present: Bob Skinner Members Absent: Andrew Vandenberg Council Member Present: Rich Rosenthal Staff Present: Chance Metcalf, Kaylea Kathol, Shannon Burruss Guests: Jerry Campbell 1. Information Items- A. Commissioners: None B. Public Forum: Commission discusses Julia Sommers; letter regarding low flying aircraft and what has been done in the past regarding correspondence addressing the issue. Skinner has spoken with Ms. Sommer’s on a few occasions and has expressed that it would be helpful for her to engage with him in more direct communication as issues arise rather than sending letters. This is so he can be able to address the issue with the aircraft at fault and handle the matter directly. He’s gotten no such communication as of yet. Skinner will compose an email to Ms. Sommers and reiterate as such. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES- 10.06.20 Spera moves to approve minutes, Dahle Agreed All ayes, motion carries. 3. Old Business A. Ashland Fiber- Metcalf relays that fiber work is being done at Airport, for future residential projects, the line will run through Airport property and will allow for Wifi to be available at the FBO. Dahle will work with AFN to gain more information about the project and the requirements for the Airport within it, he will reach out and report back to Commission. B. Action Item List- a. Airport Entrance Landscaping- Kathol reports that they are still working with the architect’s insurance company to get the appropriate documentation, so things are in a similar place as last month. b. Commission Member Vacancies- Commission discusses Mr. Campbell’s interest in joining Commission. He has submitted his application, should he be appointed there will still be one more spot open. Commission discusses possible options. c. Airport Maintenance Plan- Palomino and Vandenberg were unable to attend the work group meeting, but Kathol, Metcalf, Skinner and staff met to discuss. Group broke down specifics and put together a rough draft for the work group to look over regarding a future plan. Once a clear scope of work has been decided upon, it can then be taken to Parks Dept. and possibly go out for outside bids. Skinner states his preference to have the Parks Dept. doing the work. Work group will meet to discuss this further. d. Flight Path Trees- Mecalf states that there are current plans for a survey of the entire Airport area in order to get started on a comprehensive project that can be maintained regularly. Skinner discusses long term solutions he’d like to see. Ashland Airport Commission MINUTES November 3rd, 2020 Ashland Airport Commission Nov. 3rd 2020 Page 2 of 2 e. Airport Mural: Plans are underway to get the media to cover the publicity on the mural. Spera recommends removing from Action Item list. 4. New Business A. Airport Storm Project- Metcalf reports a high level of Zinc was running off of a few hangar roofs and entering the creek. An in-house project was conducted that rerouted the water run off to the nearby bio swale. B. Private Hangar Construction Project- Metcalf references information contained in agenda packet which is a proposal to build a new private hangar. Commission and Skinner discuss location options, and concerns related the Airport Master Plan’s intention for hangars in designated areas related to Commercial vs. Private. Commission has some concerns, Metcalf will address concerns and relay answers at next meeting. Commission recommends that Public Works director to seek other locations on the airport for this project, that are designated private, in keeping with the Airport Master Plan, before moving forward. Skinner suggests that Commissioners familiarize themselves with the Airport Master Plan prior to next month’s meeting. C. Airport Good Neighbor Items- Skinner states there has been less traffic than usual, aside from Ms. Sommer’s letters, there have been no complaints. 5. FBO Reports- Attached. 6. Announcements- None. NEXT MEETING DATE: 12.01.20 ADJOURNMENT: @10:20am Respectfully submitted, Shannon Burruss Public Works Administration (Full Meeting Video Available by Request)