HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes September 2020Ashland Airport Commission MINUTES September 1st, 2020 Ashland Airport Commission Sept 1st, 2020 Page 1 of 2 CALL TO ORDER @ 9:35am Roll Call: Members Present: Andrew Vandenberg, Patricia Herdklotz, Bernard Spera, George Schoen, Jeff Dahle, David Wolske, Daniel Palomino FBO Present: Bob Skinner Members Absent: None Staff Present: Chance Metcalf, Kaylea Kathol, Shannon Burruss Guests: None 1. Information Items- A. Commissioners: Palomino speaks regarding helicopter landing at the airport and the dust cloud that was created. He states the dust cloud went to the end of the run way. Palomino asks about dust suppression spray and if that’s going to continue. Kathol explains that spray from last year was a mitigation of dust from the City’s use of herbicide and that replanting was to occur which would, in theory, mitigate the dust in the future. There were no plans, as of now, for yearly spray. Commission and City staff discuss the situation further. Kathol states she will put together a cost quote for spraying dust suppression and bring it to Commission. Commission discusses efficacy and need for yearly spray. Skinner states that this issue is more of a one off than a reoccurring problem. Commission decides to have Kathol bring the quote and discuss at next meeting. Commission discusses situation further regarding current Airport regulations and day to day practices. B. Public Forum: Wolske speaks about public comment which was in agreement with the noise complaint by Julia Sommer publish in the Daily Tidings. Wolske explains that Ms. Sommer seemed satisfied with the response letter penned by Wolske, she explained in a follow-up letter that she’d contacted the paper before hearing back from the Commission. Commission compliments Wolske on the letter, Dahl suggests that the letter be published in the newspaper. Palomino defines Airport obligations relating to this matter. Commission discusses. Wolske states he will put something together to publish in the newspaper. Commission authorizes Wolske to do so. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES- 08.04.20 Herdklotz moves to approve minutes as written, Vandenberg seconds. All ayes, motion carries. 3. Old Business A. Resident Response Letter to Noise Complaint Actions- Discussion occurred previously in Public Forum. Nothing further discussed. B. Council Airport Commission Report- Report copied in Meeting packet. Wolske discusses process and what he will be occurring in front of City Council. He asks Commission for any comments or suggestions on the report. Dahl asks about specifics of the process for his clarification and states that he’d like to see more information added to the report regarding the environmentally conscious landscaping. Skinner asks about the Fresh Water Trust, Kathol reports that as of yet they have not presented any plans for Riparian improvements, she will follow through and update Commission. Palomino brings up the height of trees at the Airport, he’s had complaints from pilots and asks Skinner where his landing gear are in relation to the tree tops when he lands. Commission discusses taking the trees down lower when cut. Commission to gather information Ashland Airport Commission MINUTES September 1st, 2020 Ashland Airport Commission Sept 1st, 2020 Page 2 of 2 and readdress issue, added to Action Item List for next meeting. C. Hangar Electrical Rates- Metcalf updates, Electrical to be left as is, and in the Spring evaluate each hanger’s use and set rates for the year. Commission agrees to review in the Spring as stated. D. Action Item List: a. Airport Entrance Landscaping- Metcalf reports that the desire of the Commission was to have the maintenance work group review the current plans, but that there has been no meeting as of yet to discuss. Metcalf recommends moving forward with solicitation to get bids on the current design and reevaluate the plan from there. Herdklotz motions to move forward with entrance landscaping, that it goes out for bids so that Commission can review ASAP. Spera Seconds. All ayes, motion carries. b. Commission Member Vacancies- Commission still has two vacancies, Wolske asks Commission to keep their eye out for recruits. c. Airport Maintenance Plan- Palomino states they have not moved forward recently. Metcalf mentions the state of our Parks department in relation to COVID-19, which has delayed additional meetings and the ability to move forward. Skinner would like to see the Airport get more attention for maintenance. d. Airport Mural-. Spera relays that he and Skinner met with the artist to relay what they would like to see painted on the mural, but that it is currently on hold, he will report back next meeting once he’s been in touch with the artist. 4. New Business A. Airport Good Neighbor Items- Skinner states that other than the noise complaints that have already been addressed, there has been very few complaints. He states that the traffic volume has gone up a bit in the nice weather, but that overall operations are slower than normal, most likely related to COVID-19. 5. FBO Reports- Attached. 6. Announcements- Kathol speaks about SOCON report, she mentions that it is only for review, and informs that they are a lobbyist group so it’s just for Commission to review for informational purposes only. NEXT MEETING DATE: 10-06-2020 ADJOURNMENT: @10:36am Respectfully submitted, Shannon Burruss Public Works Administration (Full Meeting Audio Available by Request)